《The things that carry over. Over and over》Second prologue


The free white academy of istitar is located at highland near the foot of maria mountain, this academy is stood on a rebuilt ruin. Aloof and mighty. Even though almost all study subject is teach here, mainly this academy is renown for its military graduate that proud with their scholar mindset and their graduate peacefull aproach.

Somewhere in a class within istitar academy

"Okay, review this semester lesson." says an old woman while she's start to sit " starting from you" her finger point at the most front student

"The great frozen mountain of maria is located strangely for a snowy mountain. It stood mighty in the middle of continent. And few part of this frozen mountain even contrastly bordering with a great dessert. The research on mana trace within the stone formation and from the oracle sight journal that publicized is this was because the cold energy that emmited from moria beacon, but no actual research is ever known because no gear available that allow person to reach the peak." The first student explain

"The maria mountain range had 4 peak with the highest called maria beacon. Uh, umm... This peak always shot a blue beam of light toward the sky. There is a lot of thesis on this subject. But the most famous is the beacon theory that state the blue beam is a mark left by an ancient civilization that left this homeworld of them so they can find a way to back someday after they start their exodus 7000 years ago" the next student add.

"The maria mountain range split the continent into two uneven part where the north part is being the bigger. Even more bizzare there are three cliff on the continent. Those cliff looks like a scars from a claw mark spread accross the world. even few part of the sea is splitted and resulting in waterfall in the middle of the sea. The people says that this claw is made by great demon that once almost destroy the world. Another theory this mark is result from a great fight 7000 years ago that start the great exodus. Actually there's still much anomaly and wonders that lies within the world, waiting to be found. but for now not much that we can tell about the rest of the world, expecially that lies beyond the seas." Other student add.


"Ya, the next student please" the old lady says while massaging her own arm.

" The majority of this continent population is lives on the southern part of the continent, And the scattered island around. Only few city is stood at few pass that lies scatter accross the mountain and even fewer city lies on the northen part of the continent. The southern part of the continent itself is split into 6 banner. 3 occupy a rather large land, another 2 occupy small land, and another one is occupy the flying island archipelago at the south east part of the continent."

"This six power made a power equilibrum since 300 years ago. Only minor skirmish and low impact conflict ever happen between these kingdom. Excluding the racial conflict that still linger till now. The house of ar...."

"Stop, just skip those houses part" the old lady grumpily command

"The history tell that the ancestor once posses advance civilization that spread far and wide, but oneday all of those perish. Fast enough that the deviation beetween the one relic and other within this continent is almost none. The ruin of this once great civilization is ranging widely, from an archeological site to a great labyrin. and almost all is untouchable because all the ruin had special barrier that protect the ruin."

"Okay2 my old bone is tired listening, just write your review and your whatever then submit it to me next week." The old lady start to walk toward the door "oh, and for the trip next month my husband will replace me, dont forget to prepare your gear. I'll put the list on the notice board." The old lady says while she left the door and close it.

Creak* the doors open again

"Btw, since my husband is your guide, this class trip this time will be mixed with his class. So behave yourself kids."

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