《World of swords: a new beginning.》Future plans and the outside world


Chapter 15

-about half a month later-

“What kind of class is that?!” Yells Splitting Wind , the guard captain.

Yes, the guard captain. I asked and it seemed that his job is to primarily ensure that all guard and combat teams are properly informed of anything they need to know about, as well as to ensure that all of the teams are functioning properly. Apparently the only reason he is on good terms with kina is because she usually doesn't talk or communicate very much with her team causing her to be a bit of an outcast in her team. I found her pleasing to talk to, though apparently others find it hard. Not sure why. Could be because I am a similar race to her. I decided it didn't matter enough.

Back to the problem at hand, wind splitter was planning on training my body so when I stafter to fight I would have attaquit strength for taking out my opponents. But when he found out my class was sniper he was simply dumbfounded and could not find any resemblance to any class aside from the marksman, but even then it was a bit of a stretch.

“What do you even need to train your body in” splitting wind complained.

“I think it's agility? I don't remember let me check.”

For the first time in a long while I checked my stats

[Name: Sam Baker]-

[Race: Therianthropy (Wolf type)]-

{Racial characteristic: enhanced senses, +5 str +5 agi}

[domain: earth]-

[Aleignment: ao dag gar]-

[Level: 7M(12/49)]-


{Class characteristics:+5 dex +5 agi, all precision damage is multiplied by x(1.5+(0.5*level)) current bonus = 2}


{Subclass characteristics: sniper damage doubled. cannot be marked while aiming. after training, it becomes possible to make bullets on the field.}

[Trades: survivalism +5 wis +5 end, botany +5 wis +5 int , forward preparation +5 int +5 dex, revolutionist +5 con +5 luck.]


{Stat Points unallocated:10}

{HP:160/130} {MP:0/0} {SP:160/160}


{STR:15} {INT:20} {WIS:20}

{CON:15} {END:15} {AGI:30}

{DEX:20} {LUCK:15}



{body:clean white tunic}

{legs:leather pants}

{feet:enchanted wooden shoes of comfort}



[inventory: lion kingdom badge]


[skills: collection, steady shot, blessing:eyes, Tracking:Ears-High, Tracking:Nose-High, Tracking:Eyes-Medium]

Huh? I have unallocated points? When did i get them? What's enchanted shoes do?

Simply staring at the thing wasn't going to give me an answer so i decided to just close the menu altogether.

“It seems that the sniper class has a prioritization on dexterity and agility, how would i train dexterity?” i said to splitting wind.

“If it's those two I think we have something to work with!” Splitting wind says confidently

Confused, I tilt my head looking at him with a puzzled expression.

“We can teach you the bow!” Splitting wind says.

Thinking about what he had said earlier about my talents, once more tilt my head confused.

Splitting wind however doesn't seem to enjoy my reaction and releases a haah he then explains why it would be a helpful to learn.

“If you were taught skills with the bow, you could increase your strength and dexterity, as well as improve agility.”

Pondering on what he said I came to the conclusion it would be a good idea to take his advice and learn the bow. I lack any proper weapon, and this would fix the problem. Getting up from the bed for the first time today I did several stretches. It's not exactly the most entertaining thing, but it helps keep my body from getting atrophy. Additionally because it's not rigorous exercises I don't have a lot of blood flowing to my head which could cause problems.

Today though I finally get to see what kind of city I am in! The only thing I could identify was that it was near a large body of salt water. I am pretty sure it is the sea though. Getting prepared to open the door it was instead opened by someone, before I could grab the handle. Unfortunately because I was near the door when this happened it ended up hitting me in the face. Not exactly a good idea when trying to recover from a concussion.

Reeling back and falling on the floor while holding my nose, my eyes tear up. I decided to see who opened the door to find kina staring at me wide-eyed. I frown slightly, as kina is the only other person I know here, and she is the only one I know that is similar to me, but she is does not talk to me. Kina panicking slightly rushes to me and casts what I think is a [heal] I honestly have no idea… slightly surprised at her sudden worry for me, I tilt my head slightly.


Smiling, holding my nose nasally, I say “hello kina, not usually the time when you come by is it?”

Despite her not normally talking to me I try to start up a conversation. I could see a slight blush at that. I couldn't figure out why though. By her next response it seemed like she didn't either.

Shakily while growing quieter she said “I uh… um… splitting wind said… I should…” the last thing she said was an inaudible mumble even my good hearing couldn't pick up. I suppose that's normal as she has the same hearing.

“Should what?” Normally I would try and keep a smile, but now she had me truly curious, so I tilted my head asking that.

“Si… since I am the only other ookami around… he said that I, I should be the one to show you around…” she said with a bit more of a blush. It seemed like she really didn't hang out with people.

Standing up from being knocked on the floor finally, I take a good look at her. It was odd because she actually didn't wear her combat attire.

I guess she was off today? Did splitting wind seriously try to set her up. Man I can hear him laughing now sigh~ I thought while shaking my head.

He probably told her something like “take him out on a date! He needs to go around town anyway! Bwahahaha!” Then she thought it was literal sigh~

Shaking my head once more I say to her with a smile, “alright you look nice in casual wear. Much less serious. We ookami should stick around right? I'm sure if I were the only one of my species around, I would get lonely.”

Indeed I had, I knew the experience from when i was in lion kingdom. There were no therianthropy around, the most non human race a saw were the elves and even then I hardly saw them. She seemed affected by this, as she put on a bit of a somber attitude then. But quickly after gave me a smile, the first I had ever seen her give. It made her face glow pleasantly when I saw it. I was mesmerized for a moment before I finally realized I was going to be left behind as she was walking out the door then.

I followed her out into the corridor I as never seen. The corridor was as I had expected: wood. I began wondering if this was dragon city. Kina had said Drachenstadt but I didn't think it was dragon city. It may actually translate to that though…

The corridor was not very big. just a simple hallway but darker as they didn't use electric meana to light it, instead used windows and natural lighting. For all I knew though, it may have been powered through magic as well. I didn't dwell on it.

What surprised me however was the hallway ended into a bigger room that appeared as a living room. There was a long chair or bench, with fur in it. or you could just call it a poor imitation of a couch. Near that was a round table with 3 chairs around it. The table had an empty mug, on top of it along with a chess board it seemed. Was that for entertainment when the guards were off duty? But on call? Or on bell? I wasn't sure how they alerted the guards. On the couch was a guy sleeping I hadn't seen before… well I had only met splitting wind and kina after all…

There was looked like a wet bar, but it had an almanac and mortar & pestle. Roughly guessing it was a type of alchemy station. Sitting at it inspecting ingredients was another person i had not seen before.

Kina was a but agitated and quickly walked passed them. Not caring particularly about them, if they were important I would meet them later, I walked following kina. She opened the largest door which was to the left of the couch, with that I had my first view of sunshine on while.

Happy to see a city and civilization after a long journey, I stepped out of the barracks.

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