《World of swords: a new beginning.》The lion throne.


Chapter 2

After running out breath from hitting the floor I realized that I was the one screaming, as it had stopped when I hit the floor. During this short enlightened period I had also come to realize I wasn't at the bar. (Whitewolfhg: were not in Kansas anymore Toto)

All around me was cold stone or marble along with beautiful architecture all along the occasional column. Above each column was a lion’s head *1, it appears as if it's mane was the column itself. I was laying down on a red silk carpet with a golden embroidery. Lifting my tired body from the carpet I finally realized my backside near my tailbone was incredibly uncomfortable. Trying to sit up from my position, in order to be comfortable, I had to sit semi forward. Wondering what the hell had happened I look back to a fluffy dog.

No wait that's not a dog.

That's a tail. My tail.


Wait wait wait wait wait…. that's where the throbbing was right? Then do I have horns or something on my head like a demon from the Bible??

Unsteadily I raised my hands on my head and, as if it was natural, touched the back of my ears… a pair of fluffy ears on the top of my head. Thinking that I had lost my normal non-fluffy human ears I immediately checked. Good good I have them.

Finally regaining some right minded thinking, I attempted to listen with my ears, all 4 of them. My hearing had become much much more profound than it had ever been when I was normally human. I could acutely hear all of the whispers going around me along with the heart beats of every single person. Including the people hidden in the shadows…


Finding myself in the midst of a large throne room of officials and high ranking nobles or citizens, I couldn't tell the difference. I look up to the person on the throne, a blond haired brown eyed older man, and said blatantly:

“Where the hell am I?”

(King looking person)”oh so it speaks ancient tongues, glad my language classes weren't for nothing…”

(An official#1, fist on the right)”Sie haben etwas für Euch getan.”*2

(King Person)”shush, you there panicked looking therianthropy, how did you pop into my throne room, screaming loudly at that?”

(Me)”I have no clue how I got here. There was an earthquake and then I got here. What is a therianthropy?”

(King)”magic then? Besides that, how would you not know what a therianthropy was. You ARE one.”

(Me)”MAGIC?! I don't practice any witchcraft! Nor do I know any Merlin spells! ALSO, Last I checked I was human.”

(King)”fellow, if you were a human i’d be a monkey. Clearly with your tail and ears, you're a somewhere between an okkami or a kitsune type of therianthropy.”

(Me)”sir with all respect I just got here. I was just out, starting to play a game of basketball in California on earth, with my friend. And please don't talk about tails or the such…. I feel like I have become trash now…”*3

The king appears to be perplexed at the word ’earth’ then his eyes grow wider as if they had realized something.

(King)“Ah so you are like the previous ‘travelers’ it's odd that you don't speak ‘Deutsch’ though. I also don't know how you became a therianthropy though… since you were like the previous travelers i shall grant you some hospitality. However I shall not support you any further than teaching you our common language ‘Deutsch’ along with history and for housing you for the Duration, However due to the crimes of your barging in on our meeting I shall not treat you with further hospitality.”


(Me)”with the position I am currently in, I think that is very understandable if not even merciful. I would like to begin as soon as possible. I also would like you to return to your meeting, to not further impose on you.”

(King)”wise words indeed. I'm sure that my subordinates would like to incur their wrath upon you. Need not to worry though.”

The king glanced and motioned towards the same official on his right (an official #1) he then proceeds to give some orders to a few nearby servants, hearing the words said a few militaristic characters appear to be grumbling and dissatisfied, I should probably avoid them for now. He then walks up to me.

(An official #1) “my name is Friezer (fray-zer) I will be your teacher… as unpleasant as it is, and I shall also lead you to your room.”

(Me)”I guess I'll be in your care for now.”

(Friezer)”first lesson I will teach you, ‘the lion kingdom doesn't like the therianthropy’, like yourself. So watch your back.”

(Me)” thanks I guess?”

Friezer then proceeds to, in a very dignified manner, lead the way to my room.

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