《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 15-2 : The (Silver Sky) Ordinary Day #6.5


--- in front of Kain City's Adventurer Guild ---

Graim and Dia already went off to somewhere . . . I want to join the raid, but, I do realize that I am weak... So weak that I can't even scratch that goblin, I will only become a burden if I join the raid... But . . . I want to make sure the moment that goblin lost and I also want to search for captain.

*chatter *chatter

Huh? I was thinking for a while, and when I take a look around me, there are a lot of people going to the guild. It's not unusual to see a lot of adventurer going into the guild, but it's quite different when there are merchant, scholar, knight, even noble going into the guild at the same time.

"is there something going on today?"

. . . Ah! That's right, the guild test! No wonder there are various people coming into the guild at the same time. But well, it's not something I should deal with right now . . . Or should I? . . . Well, not like I have something better to do, and this might help me to clear my mind, even a little.

--- Kain City's Adventurer Guild's Training Ground ---

"As I thought, it's crowded."

There are a lot of people here, just like usual, all the spectator are allowed to watch the practical test. As for the training ground, it's decorated with some lines on the ground to indicate how far the spectator allowed to stand. It's a straight line wall-to-wall about 5m from the entrance. But, they also have some special seats on the side for the evaluators and behind them are for important people, like the adventurer guild leader, some nobles, representative from other guild, and representative from the kingdom. As for the test taker, they be will called from the back door.


"The Next Test Takers! Hammerson from group C, Dreande from group D, and Frianta from group E."

The man Introducing the test taker with his clear and loud voice is an adventurer, I have seen him several times in the guild.

"A short reminder for the evaluators. Hammerson, a young man from Kain City aiming to be adventurer. Dreande, a young man from Millea Village aiming to be merchant, and Frianta a young woman from Roundia Village aiming to be adventurer."

Oh, there is someone who want to join the merchant guild. This guild test is actually a joint project of adventurer, merchant, and scholar guild. I heard that, they do joint project to minimize the expense. But, it was like this, 3 years ago when I joined the adventurer guild.

The test is quite straightforward, for adventurer, they need to choose their weapon from the stack of various kind of wooden weapons prepared and show off their moves by sparing against an instructor. They will be scored by how well they can handle their choice of weapon and how well they can fight.

For merchant, they need to choose an item from heap of items prepared and choose any 3 items, then they need to explain their reason. They will be scored by how high the quality of the items they choose and how they elaborate their reasoning.

For scholar, they are given problem, they need to create or modify the item prepared to solve the problem. They will be scored by how great their creation is and how much time and items used in the process. Well, I haven't seen someone trying to join Scholar Guild, so I don't really know what kind of problem given to them.

--- After 3 other groups doing the test ---


. . . Well, I should be going. Seeing them trying their best in their test make me think of something about what can I do in the raid. For now, I should go and buy some potions, medicine, and bandage.

--- Night at Kain City's Dearee Inn's diner ---

Huh? Graim and Dia still not here? Well, I should choose a table then.

"So, what's your order, Dan?"

The one asking me with a strong but kind voice is Lisa, a mature woman with a beautiful hair.

"Ah, then, 3 special set dinner."

"You sure you can finish them all?"

"No, No.. I am waiting for Graim and Dia."

"Fufu . . Alright, 3 special set dinner will come in a minute."

Then Lisa go to the kitchen.

After waiting for a while, Graim and Dia finally come.

"Hey, Dan! Never expected you to come first."

" . . . "

"Just sit... I have ordered the dinner."

"So, about the raid . . . What will you guys do?"

Just a moment after sitting, Graim asks us about our participation in the raid.

" . . . I'm in."

And Dia answered immediately.

"I'm also in!"

"*Hmm? Well, Dia might be able to join the fight, but are you sure Dan?"

*ugh.. I know I can't do anything against that goblin, but still, hearing it directly still hurts.

"Come on, it's not like I have no plan at all."

"Hoh.. So you have think of a plan? What is it?"

"*ahem.. Actually, I'm not going to join the fight at all, but, I'm still going to join the raid."

"Huh? What are you talking about Dan?"

Well, I remembered the old me, when I can do nothing even when I have joined Silver Sky. And I reminded of captain, a strong and kind man. He never told me directly, but, creating an escape-path, scouting the enemy, creating an attack plan, creating those formation thing, even giving us a role . . . I thought it was all done so we can finish a job or fight easier, but no . . . All this time, captain always prioritizing our group's survival. Which is why, now is the time for me to prioritize captain's survival.

"in short... I'm not joining to fight the goblin, I'm joining to search for captain."

" . . . . heh"

"Ooh.. So you finally able to thought a suitable plan for you."

"Here is your order. 3 special set dinner."

While we are still discussing about the raid, Lisa comes and place the food I ordered.

"Enjoy your meal."

"So, we are all going.. Tomorrow early morning, I need to go somewhere first. So, we will meet up at the west gate then. Remember, tomorrow morning at the west gate, don't be late."


"... yeah."

Then, after having dinner, I go to sleep, preparing my body for the raid.

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