《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 15 : The Ordinary Day in Kain City #3


--- Kain City's Leasdas Inn's Taka's Room ---


"Already up?"

". . . yeah, good morning."

"Good morning."

Whoa, Cress already woke up even earlier than me, already dressed up, he even put his straw hat he always wears. Is he going somewhere important today?

"Oh, that's right. Change your clothes before going out, we will send Minna to the test venue today."

Test venue? . . . Ah, so the guild test is being held today. That's right, as her escort, we need to look somewhat nice. But, I don't have that kind of clothes...

"Well then, I'll be waiting at the diner."

Then, Cress go downstairs to the diner. But . . . What should I do with my clothes? Even the shirts I bought yesterday is just some simple shirt. Well, it should be better than wearing the same old clothes I've been wearing all this time. So, I wipe my body and change my shirt to the new shirt I got yesterday (the 8 Silver one), it's a long-sleeved collared shirt with a bluish color, though, it's a bit itchy. Compared with my original shirt, it looks a bit better but the material seems like a bit heavier and thicker. Well, this is the only better looking one I have right now.

"I just hope it doesn't look weird."

Then before I go out, I grabbed my two knives and place them on my sides, the first knife on my left-side and the knife I found on my right-side, but still, it's a bit weird to be carrying these knives.

--- Kain City's Leasdas Inn's in front of Minna's Room ---

*knock *knock "Minna?"

*door opens

Quite different from the past 2 days, she already awake and ready to go. She wears a quite good-looking clothes that easy to move in, and she has her bag with her.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, uncle."

"Well, let's eat."

Then we both go to the diner.

--- Kain City's Leasdas Inn's Diner ---

When we reach the diner, all the tables are already taken, but thankfully, Cress already took one for us. So, we join him right away.

"Alright, here is your order, 1 special set, 2 breakfast set, and 3 glass of milk."

"Oh, thanks Barou."

"Please, enjoy your food."

"Whoa~ is this my breakfast?"

"Yup, it's for some extra stamina to beat the test."

"Heheh... Don't worry, with this I might as well ace the test!"

Just like I thought, Cress ordered a special set for Minna to help her get pumped up for the test. Though, I do want to eat that too . . . Yeah, as for me and Cress, we are eating the usual breakfast set.

The special set looks a bit different, there are a bowl of rice topped with cut of light-brown sauced meat and some diced fruit which looks like a peach, and a plate of 2 simple sandwiches.


--- After we finished eating ---

"Now then, let's go"

After Cress said that, the three of us go out to the test venue.

--- in front of Kain City's City Hall ---

This place is packed with people, and most of them consist of the quest taker and their escorts, just like us. From a quick glance around I can see some young man, even some child which might still 11 or 12 years. Is joining the guild in that young age a right decision? But, well, I'm just an outsider here, these kids might even far stronger than me.

"So, are you ready, Minna?"

"Of course, I am!"

"Then, go and do your best!"

"Yeah, do your best, Minna!"

"All right~ I will pass this test!"

Then Minna goes into the City Hall, it seems this large building, which the largest one I saw, is called City Hall, it usually only open for the soldier or staff of the city and close for public, but, since the guild has no place big enough to held the test, they asked to rent the place for the test.

"Then. what should we do?"

"Eh? Ah, how long is the test?"

"Hmm. . . They usually held the written test and short interview in the morning, and a practical test after lunch. So, we need to come back later in the afternoon."

Oh, there are written test, interview, and practical test. It seems quite hard to join the guild.

"Today, I'm planning to stock up some drinks, what about you, Taka?"

Huh? Wait, I have spent almost everything yesterday, what can I do with just 1 silver I have, right now!?

"Can . . Can I join you Cress?"

"hmm? Well, can you help me bringing some of drinks I buy later?"

"Yeah, since I'm coming anyway."

"Hahaha... That's great! I will be able to buy more. Alright then, follow me."

Then Cress lead the way with me following him, the place we are going is in the south-eastern part of the city, near the place where I bought my clothes yesterday.

--- South-eastern part of Kain City ---

"Here we are"

The building Cress led me to is looks quite worn-out house with "Abu's General Store" written on the sign.

--- Kain City's Abu's General Store ---


"Hey, Abu, you have all the goods?"

"Hmm? Oh, Cress-san. Of course, I have prepared them all."

From the first sight, this Abu person is quite an excited young man with a clear and cheerful voice.

"Let me see . . ."

Then, Cress go and examining 4 wooden crates filled with bottled drinks which brought out by Abu.

"So . . . How are they?"

After Cress about to finish examining them, Abu ask about Cress opinion.

"Well, these are great, just what I need... But . . . Do you have more of them?"

After listening to Cress, Abu then looks relieved and a bit pleased.


"I thought this might happen, so I prepared more!"

Then he brought out another 2 wooden crates which also filled with bottled drinks.

"Hoo~ just what I expected from you."

Then Cress ask me to wait and pay for all these crates he bought.

"So, Taka, can you take this one?"

After finish paying, Cress come back with 2 trolley like-thing, and offer me one of them.

"Then, let's stack these crates on the mini-cart."

"Ah, alright"

Oh, so these are called mini-cart, though it does looks like a trolley, it's a thick board about 30 cm thick, 80 cm wide and 1 m long, with 4-wheel and a simple handle made of iron at the back to push it. The handle is quite long, it even reaches the floor, which will stop the mini-cart if we pull it.

And, about the crates, they are a square-shaped crate about 20 cm wide, 40 cm long, and 30 cm height, with a lid on it.


I tried to lift the crate with both my hand. It's really Heavy... There are 20 bottles in a crate, and each bottle might be 1 L each, that means, this one crate is worth 20 Kg. . . I really should train my body to adapt in this world. But still, I manage to put the crate on the mini-cart. Then, I put another 2 on the mini-cart...

"Alright, let's get back to Leasdas Inn, and put these crates.

We reach the shed in quite a short time, I don't know why, but the street which already packed with people from yesterday is becoming quite empty, which made us able to push the mini-cart easily.

--- Kain City's Leasdas Inn's Shed ---

The shed is quite big, it's enough to keep 6 couches here. Though, there are only 4 couches right now, 3 couches are using 2 horses including Cress's, and 1 couch using a bull. Each cart has some item on them, but there is no one keeping watch here, are they not afraid someone will just come and steal their goods? Well, there are still many things I don't understand here, after all.

"Now, let's put these crates into the cart."

Then, we put all 6 crates on the cart.

"Alright, I will go back to Abu for now, why don't you eat something at the diner first."

Eh? I don't have any money though. . .

"Actually . . . I have spent the money you gave me yesterday . . So . ."

"Don't worry, I'll be back after returning these mini-cart. Go and order 2 lunch set for us."

". . . Ah . . Alright."

Then, Cress go off with two mini-cart, with one mini-cart on the mini-cart.

--- Kain City's Leasdas Inn ---

At the receptionist desk, I can see Barou is working on something. . .

"Barou . . . Is the diner open?"

"Hmm? Oh, of course. What do you want to order?"

"2 Lunch set, please."

"Alright, just wait on one of the tables."

--- Kain City's Leasdas Inn's Diner ---

The diner is empty, I am the only customer right now.

*phew . . .

Those crates are really heavy that my hands still hurt a little, but, Cress, on the other hand, didn't look tired at all. I should really train when I can, not about how to use the knife, but I should first strengthen my basic strength first.. As far as I know, this body should be the same body as the one I have in my previous world, which means this is a really weak body in this world, even though I usually do light exercise in the morning, that's not enough.

. . . After waiting for a while, Cress come and sit on the same table, while Barou come with the food.

"Here it is, two lunch set. Enjoy your meal."

"Oh, I come just on time. Let's eat then."

In the lunch set there are a plate of 2 slice of bread and some pieces of meats cut into small size on the side, and a small bowl of white-brownish sauce. And, I observe Cress first before eating mine. It seems, we need to spread this sauce onto the bread, then put some meat on the bread, then put another spoonful on them. After that we eat them.

So, I try to imitate him . . .

*munch *munch

It's not really different from breakfast set, it has that chicken taste, but once I swallow it, I can feel a bit cool sensation in my throat for a moment and suddenly the after-taste kick in which is a bit spicy taste. This spiciness might be coming from pepper, but still, this cool sensation which getting countered with a spicy taste makes me crave for more.

--- After we finish our lunch ---

"Right now, they should have moved to practical test. We should go to the city hall."

"Huh? the city hall?'

If it just started, then we need to wait for quite some time before it finished, right?

"Well, group A and B in city hall's training ground, group C, D and E in guild's training ground, and group F, G and H in barrack's training ground. Since Minna in group B, that means she should have her practical test in city hall."

So, they are divided into group, huh. But, what should we do once we reach there?

"Let's go, we might reach just on time to watch all of them if we go now."

Oh, we can watch them!? So that the main reason why the street and diner is empty. But, that's great, I too want to find out just how strong those kids are, I might also learn something by watching them all.

"Ah, alright, let's go."

Then the two of us go to the City Hall.

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