《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 14-A : The (Goblin Champion) Ordinary Day #3


--- Morning in a Cave in the middle of Meridien Forest ---

I open my eyes slowly and the cave has become brighter, which means the sun has risen.

"*yawn . . Time to go."

Without much to do, I start walking back to the village.

--- After walking for a short while ---

*drum *drum *drum *drum

"Huh? Isn't that . . ."

I can faintly hear the sound of drumming, which usually only used as a signal that enemies are close to the village.


Is it the ogre? Those Serpent should be quite far from the village, those ogre should not be able to find us this quickly. Or, they got bored of those Serpent and looking for something new to satisfy their boredom?

". . . Wait! It's not the time to think, I should better get back to the village fast!"


Then, I dashed through the forest and reach the village, and since I've got no choice but to go straight to the village, I actually need to go through a wall if I keep going like this. Then, rather than destroying the village's wall . . .


I jumped as high as I can to reach the middle of the village.


Once I landed safely, I observe my surrounding briefly.

There are so many of my brethren, my family, being beaten, and these foreign aura I sense . . there are about 3 different aura, and they are actually not that strong, not some aura that emitted from ogre.. But still, we were just fighting against those Serpent. These damn humans! attacking us when we are exhausted and injured!


*Leap *Wham

I got angry and attacked the largest human between those three with all I've got. And he got flown away from my punch. Yeah! That's one! Now, for the other two . . .



Wait . . This aura... From the forest!? I can sense another foreign aura in the forest. I can't be careless now, as the village chief, I should ensure the safety of my villager, at least for those who are still alive. Then, I use my left-hand to signal them to get into the Hall.

*raise hand

The Hall is the largest hut in the village, which used to shelter all female and children, since they are not counted as fighting force.


Just after all the goblin get inside the Hall, an arrow hit me. Thanks to my skin, I can deflect it as if it's nothing, but still, it will be troublesome for the others. I should strike him down first.

*grab stone

I grabbed the closest stone and throw it to the direction where it might be the location of the shooter.



Just after I throw the stone, the human close to me wield his sword and crush the stone I thrown.

. . . This human, he is quite strong... He even instructed the other to run away. While I do want to kill them all, but, he might beat me if I'm not careful.

--- After the other humans left ---

"Hey! Goblin Champion!"

Huh? He suddenly starts a conversation?

"Be prepared! Today shall be your last day in this world!"

"Kuhahaha~ I don't know where you got your self-confidence, but the one who will lose his life here is you!"

"Keh! As I thought, you are capable to understand human language."

The human said that while wielding the two swords in a standby stance, left-hand on the left side of his waist, and right-hand a bit far in front of his chest.

"Was that your last word? Human!?"

*Leap *punch

I leaped and punch him using my left hand aiming for his right-hand.


*crouch *leap *turn *slash

He crouched evading my punch, leap close to the right-side of my body and turned facing me, then slash me using both of his sword.

*scratch *bonk

I immediately shield the swords using my right-hand, and bounced off his attack, making him got thrown a bit.

*Jump "[Waterfall Slash]"

Just after he got thrown, he takes a firm stance and jump on me, striking his swords diagonally aiming for my neck.

*step back

I immediately step back a bit to evade his strike. However tough my skin is, some places like neck or armpit is a bit soft than the other places, since they are places which rarely used.


I then immediately punch him using my right-arm, right after evading his strike, while he is still in the air.


He used both of his swords to defend my punch. But still, the impact got him thrown away... quite far.

*stand slowly

. . . Seems like, he got quite damaged from my last punch, even though he is still standing.

*Leap *push

When he was about to take another stance, I leap and push his body with my right-hand's palm.


While he is still standing and not getting pushed so far, he lost the sword on his right-hand from the impact.

"I will bet my all on this strike . . ."

After saying that, that man held his sword using his two hands, and took a low stance. He put his left-leg to the front and his right-leg behind, then he crouches down a bit and he holds his sword on his right-side using his left-hand on the hilt and right-hand on the blade, pointing down and to his rear. His sword is supposed to be used using one-hand, which make his right-hand bleeding right now.

*Run *Slide "[Flowing River Slash]"

This time he comes running at me, and he slides once he got close to me. Then, he strikes me aiming for the back of my right-leg.

*Slash *grab

I never expected to get attacked on my leg, which make me late in responding his attack. But, rather than evading his attack, this time I tried to stop him by grabbing him. While it's true I grabbed him, but he still successes in injuring my leg, though not too deep.

"Heh, with this, they will be safe . . ."

*push *BAM

While I still grabbing him, I pushed him to the ground with all my might, making him lost his life.

--- After the battle ---

"Chief! Are you alright!?"

The one running to me with a worried expression is Karm.

"This is nothing. . . Is everyone alright?"

" . . . As you can see . . . I'm sorry for my incompetence."

"Karm, let's prepare to move right now... Ask all the female to pack-up everything we need to move, and all the male to bury our fallen warrior. We don't have any time to rest."

"Yes, Chief!"

The battle was quite long, and its already afternoon. While Karm instructing what everyone should be doing, I take the human body and put it where we put the Serpent bodies. In this short period of time, we have fought a hard battle twice, it really is time to move. . . I just hope, we won't be fighting again for a while.

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