《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 14-2 : The (Silver Sky) Ordinary Day #6


--- Kain City's Dearee Inn's 2F Dan's Room ---

*Knock *knock

"*yawn . . ."

"Dan? Are you there?"

From the door, I can hear Graim's voice. He finally come back to the inn, huh. Anyway, what does he wants this early in the morning? But, just the right time, I was planning to ask him about what should I do right now.

*Knock *Knock.

"Wait, I'll be there in a moment."

*door opens

"Hey, good morning."

"Good morning, Graim."

"Dan, where were you yesterday?"


Graim was looking for me?

"Well, we will talk later.. Let's have breakfast first."

"Ah, yes."

--- Kain City's Dearee Inn's Diner ---

At the diner, Dia is already sitting at a table waiting for us, with food already served on the table.

"Well, let's eat."

Then we eat together. . .

--- After we finished eating ---

"So, Dan, about the goblin."

After we finished eating, Graim start talking.

"What about it?"

"We have some development about the raid... The raid is scheduled to depart by tomorrow morning."

"It's already scheduled? Then, Silent Woods has returned?"

"Yes, last night Silent Woods has reported their investigation... They reported that the goblin is still there, and, injured."


"Yeah, but the report said that, it was not injured by sword cut, but it seems more like an injury from blunt object."

Injured? Then, maybe captain was able to flee from it. But, by a blunt object, was captain strong enough to damage the goblin with a blunt object?

"Then, what about captain?"

"About that . . . It seems Silent Woods were unable to locate Gareth."

So, the captain might already . . .

"Hey, don't worry! He is a tough guy, right? He should be able to manage somehow."

" . . . Yeah, he is our captain, after all."

"For now, let's go to the adventurer guild first. Then we will decide our next move there."


--- Kain City's Adventurer Guild ---

The first thing I check when we reach the adventurer guild, is the Quest Board, which used to list all the available quests. But, there isn't any quest about goblin raid.

"Hey, Graim, there isn't any quest about the raid."

"Hmm? Ah, of they won't post anything about that. Kazu-san, the guild leader, has assumed that the goblin is C ranked, and immediate measure need to be taken. And, he hand-picked some high-ranked adventurer group to beat the goblin."


"Yeah, the goblin is not that far from the main road to the next village, it might become a problem if we leave it be. And, we don't want anyone to panic over this matter. You know, with the guild test being held today."

"And . . Do we able to participate in the raid?"

"We don't know about that yet, it's a C ranked monster. But, we might be able to if Kazu-san allow us to."

Then, we go to the receptionist to talk with Maaya-san.

"Maaya-san . . It's about the raid."

"Alright, please follow me."

Then, Maaya-san leads us to the meeting room, and leave us once we reach the meeting room.

*door opens

--- Kain City's Adventurer Guild's Meeting Room ---

Inside the meeting room, Kazu-san has already sitting, and there are also some other people, 2 men and a woman.

"Hey, we have been waiting for you guys."

The one greeted us is a bulky and muscular man with a deep and harsh voice.

"So, are you guys really joining the raid?"

The one asked us is a scrawny yet well-built man with a clear voice but a kind of arrogant tone.

"Wait, wait, let's talk about the plan first, don't pressure them."

Kazu-san stops them and allows us to take a seat. Then he starts talking about the plan about the raid.

"So, as the report from Silent Woods . . It seems the goblin in question is C ranked monster, a goblin champion. And, it already suffered an injury from some kind of blunt object. But, even though it's injured, we can't let our guard down."


Oh, just like what Graim told me earlier.

"The raid is scheduled for tomorrow, we will depart in the morning and reach the designated location in the afternoon, once we reach there, we will observe the situation once again before we attack the goblin. Of course, we will take a rest first before we commence the raid for real."

"As for the role for each of you, Baurm, the Rock Stone group will act as the vanguard."

"Yeah, No one can penetrate our defense!"

Oh, so that muscular man is called Baurm from Rock Stone.

"Dale, the Rabbit Foot group will act as the main damager."

"Heh, leave it to us!"

The scrawny man is Dale from Rabbit Foot.

"And, Rena, the White Silk group will act as the supporter."


The woman called Rena from White silk is quite a beauty, she is known as a great archer through her insanely high precision.

"Alright, that's it. Actually I were planning to call two other groups, but they are busy with the guild test. Oh, and you guys don't need to be worried about the reward, I will give each of your group 1 gold for your participation in this raid."

"Wha - - 1 gold! Mwahahaha~ now I'm really excited about this raid."

"Heh, a decent reward for me."

*small grin

Whoa.. The reward is quite a lot, which is 1 Gold equivalent to 1000 Silver. But still, what about us from Silver Sky?

"Well, with that said, the three of you can go first, I've got something to talk with Silver Sky group. And, don't forget to gather at the west gate tomorrow morning."


"Well, see you then."


*door closes.

"Now, about you guys. . . I know the three of you want to join this raid, but are you guys really sure want to join this raid?"

"Yeah, we want to join."

Graim immediately answer the question from Kazu-san.

"Then . . . I don't intend to stop you guys, but, you guys are not strong enough to fight a C ranked monster, and if you join the raid, you might hinder the others. And, I'm not planning to give a reward for your participation in this raid. I will tell you once more, you guys might only hinder the others."

Well, we are talking about a C ranked monster, and it's true that we have fought it first-hand and can't do anything against it.

"Wait! I want you guys to think this through."

Just before Graim answer, Kazu-san stop him.

"I want you guys to discuss about this first, and come to a conclusion about what will each of you do. I won't be joining the raid, but I will be waiting at the west gate tomorrow morning, come and tell me what each of you will do. I will respect your decision then."

"*sigh, well if that's what you want Kazu-san. Dan, Dia, let's go."

Then the three of us leave the guild building.

--- In front of Kain City's Adventurer Guild ---

"Well, we better find out what should we do today. Oh, and I don't want to force you guys to think like me, so, let's split up for now. Let's meet up tonight at Dearee Inn's diner to discuss about this matter."

" . . . Alright"

"Well, see you guys later then."

Then the three of us split up momentarily to think about our next action . . . To join or not join, I do need to think about this and find my own answer tonight.

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