《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 15-A : The (Goblin Champion) Ordinary Day #3.5


--- Afternoon at Acamar Village - Goblin Settlement ---

In the middle of the village, Karm is overseeing the remaining goblin.

"Karm, how is everyone?"

"oh, Chief... Everyone is . . . doing their best."

"Is it possible to move tonight?"

" . . . Sadly, no.. As you can see, everyone is exhausted."

Yeah, it's not possible to recover from that fight in a short time, and it would be even more troublesome if we got attacked again while we still recovering. . . But, I am here right now, I should be able to drive away any enemies.. as long as they are not too many.

"Hey, Karm . . ."

"yes, Chief?"

"The north gate should be safe right now, as for the south gate, I will guard the south gate."

Yeah, north gate is more dangerous with ogre getting closer, but, it should be safer. Meanwhile, the south gate, it's where those humans come from, I should be guarding there.

"So, I want you to take command here for now, and prepare to move. We will move by tomorrow."

"yes, Chief!"

--- Night at Meridien Forest near Acamar Village ---

Everyone is exhausted, it would be bad if there is another fight occurred near the village. With that in mind, I distance myself a bit far from the village.

Thinking back, even that human is able to hurt me. Living in this forest has made me become a bit relaxed, and I realize that right now I am still weak. But, for those human to find our village and attack us when we are vulnerable, who were they . . .


Huh!? I can see a light come my way. . is that a human? was he one of them? Wait, what about the village!?

. . . Hmm? I can't sense any suspicious aura coming from the village direction. Then, who is this man? Reinforcement?


"Excuse me, sir. Goblin."

This human? Why is he still standing over there?

*Step *Step

I come closer to that human, so I can scare him to leave without any fight. I'm not sure whether he is alone or not, it would be troublesome if he is not alone.

"What is it!? Puny human?"

*bow "! - I apologize, if I get into your territory without any notice. I don't plan to bother you at all."

. . . Huh? What's with this human?

"Hoh, is there any other reason to go this deep into the forest other than finding me?"

"While there might be others who come to find you, I'm here not to find you, but to gather some herbs. Yes, those herbs right over there" *point

I take a look at the direction where that human pointing, but he looks like pointing to an empty space full of grass. Are those grass even useful?

"What do you need them for?"

"I - I heard that those herbs can be used to help heal or cure some illness, and there is a high demand of them in the city. I planned to gather some and sell them in the city."

Is he telling the truth? I should see whether he will gather those grass or not... Herbs is it?

"Hoh, go and take some. We goblins are rarely sick. so, we don't know what those herbs used for."

Then, the human really go to the place he was pointing at, and start gathering the grass. Is he really telling the truth then? I tried to sense his aura and it seems like he is showing a stable aura, it should be a bit disturbed if he hesitated or scared, but, to be stable like this . . . Wait... this aura! it's similar with the one I sensed in that cave.. Should I ask him? Wait, no need to hesitate right now.


"Hey, you human"

"Ah, you can call me Taka, sir Goblin"

Huh? Introducing yourself to a goblin? What a strange human . . . It seems I can really believe him.

"Hoh, I am Acamar Thocked, you can call me Thocked."

His name is . . . Ah, Taka.

"So, Taka. I've got something that I want you to do."

"Huh? Me?"

"You know, I can tell that I'm about to lose my life. And I need someone to take care of something important for me. Will you do it?"

Yeah, I heard human are living in a large group, and by allowing those 3 humans to run, means that they will send others to come and beat me . . . So, before that happen I should ensure my village safety.

. . . . Huh? No answer? Wait, He might be waiting for some explanation.

"Hmm? You don't want to? Actually, I want you to take care of some monsters in the Argent Mountain."

. . . No answer again? But, it seems he is listening to me.

"By tomorrow, Acamar Village, my village over there, will start moving to the Argent Mountain. Actually, I only checked the surrounding briefly, at first sight I know those Argent Bird will be tough enemy, but for monsters and beasts to live there, means that they can somehow survive even against those Argent, and I want you to help me to defend my village."

. . . he is listening, right?

"I already prepared an extra map to show where our new village will be, and I also have these talons, so you can identify those Argent right away, the real one attached to them is tougher and really sharp, you might want to check it out and find out how to counter them."

. . . Hmm? Did he listen to all my explanation?

"Taka!? Hey, Taka!"

"Huh!? Ah, yes."

"Did you listen to me?"

"Ah, yes."

"That's good. Then, will you do it?"

"Yes, I will do it."

. . . He really listened after all.

"Hoh! Good to hear that. Then, you should take these."

Then first, I took out the map. . .

"Take a look at this, we are here, and the thing I want you to take care will be here."

Next, I should give him the talon.

"and, you should bring this talon when you visit, this talon is working like a key."

Yeah, if you find out how to break this talon, we should have an easier fight against those Argent.

"So, do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

Hoh.. He already knows what to do, huh.

"Then, Taka, be sure to come and take care all of them"

"Of course, I will"

Then Taka disappear into the forest.

. . . Kuhahaha. To get beaten by human and now I asked human for a favor. . . I wonder what Karm will do after hearing all of this.

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