《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 13 : The Ordinary Day in Kain City #2


--- Kain City's Leasdas Inn ---


it's morning already, this means, it's the second day we are here in Kain City.

*wipe *wipe

On the corner of the room, I can see Cress wiping his body.

"Oh, so that's place can be used to clean our body."

"Hmm? Did I woke you up, Taka?"

"Ah, don't worry, I usually wake up around this time. It's been a while since the last time I can sleep soundly."

Yeah, sleeping on the bed is much better than sleeping on the coach. But still, Cress was going somewhere last night after dinner, but he still woke up earlier than me.

"Well, come to the diner when you are ready. I'll go first."

"All right."

Then, Cress wear his clothes and go down to the diner.

. . . Come to think of it, I haven't had a bath since I come here. Well, I do have tried the toilet, which made of wood, I wasn't surprised about that, the one suprised me were the toilet paper, they are using some kind of leaves, I was kind of recluctant to use them but after using them, I know that they are actually softer and more elastic than the one in my previous world. But, as for bath, I might as well wipe my body right now.

--- Kain City Leasdas Inn 1F ---

After finished wiping my body, I go down and woke Minna up.

"*yawn.. Good morning, uncle.."

"Good morning."

"Hey uncle, do we really need to wake up this early?"

Eh? Waking up early definitely not a bad habit, but the reason why I always woke up early is . . .

"well, it's not about why we need to wake up early, it's about learning how our body works."

" . . . heeh? Minna doesn't understand."

I don't understand either, that was what my grandpa told me in the past, but in the end I got used to it and it become a habit.

"Well, let's eat for now. Cress already waiting for us at the diner."

--- Kain City Leasdas Inn's Diner ---

When we get in to the diner, the food is already served at our table.

"Hey, what a timing. You two come right after the food just served."

"Good morning, Cress-san."

"Good morning. Now, let's eat."

The food served is the same with what we have yesterday, which make it easier for me. Well, this kind of menu might be the usual meal they have here.

This time, I tried to eat the dried meat as is . . The meat has a tender texture but a bit hard to bite which kind of enjoyable, but the stink and weird after-taste which come later on make it hard to enjoy the meat. It really has a totally different taste compared when I used the sauce. The one creating the sauce must be a great chef, to make a sauce to lessen the after-taste of the meat, but still able to make the bread tasty. They must have a lot of different spice and herbs to use in cooking.

--- After finish eating ---

"Now, let's talk about today's schedule. I'm planning to go visit some of my acquaintances, what about you two?"

That's right, I've got no reason to follow Cress right now, more over, he is about to meet his acquaintances,

"Ah, Minna want to play around the city!"

"Wait, as for Minna... Here, take this."

Cress took out a card from his pocket, and gave it to Minna.

"Minna, you should go to the library and prepare for the test."


"Heeh~ alright, then."

Oh, so that card is kind of a member card?

"And, how about you, Taka?"

Well, I can't follow Cress to meet his acquaintances, and I can't follow Minna and disturb her study, which means..

"I'm gonna stroll around the city."

"Well, seems like you already have some places in mind."

Huh? I was just planning to explore the city though.

"Oh, and here.. This is for Minna, and this one for Taka."

Cress took two small pouch and give them to us.

"This is . .?"

"Those are money, since we are about to go our own way, I prepared some pocket money for you two."

"Yay~ Minna can buy some new ornament to wear."

"Wait, is this really fine, Cress?"

"Don't worry, it's some extra money I have, and the one you hold is your share for the herbs."

Huh? The share for the herbs? Then, what about the knife?

"Then, I'll excuse myself first. Be careful and don't get lost when going out there."

Well, no point asking right now. I'll just take my time and explore the city leisurely.

"Minna, you can go to the library yourself right?"

"*ehem.. don't worry uncle, Minna is already an adult after all."

Well, if she has confidence like that, she should be alright. But, considering I was just recently come to this world, I just hope that I'm not getting lost.

"Then, I will go explore the city."

"Be careful, uncle."

--- Kain City in front of Leasdas Inn ---

When I open the door, I can see Cress just about to go. Since I don't know where I should go, it might be better to ask some place to visit from him. Some quiet place where I can think peacefully and some recomended shop.

"Hey, Cress!"

"Hmm.. Oh, Taka, going out already?"

"Actually . . . I want to know where I can go to relax and shop?"

"If you want to relax, you might go to the center of the city, it might get crowded later, but it usually a relaxing place. And if you want to shop, just go to the market area at the north-eastern part of the city where we went yesterday. But, if you want to grab some cheaper goods, you might want to visit shops at the south-eastern part of the city."

Whoa, I just ask a simple question, but Cress answered with some useful information.

"As for the shops, you should consider what are you planning to buy, and what kind of goods do you want to observe."

Wait, he is still explaining about it.

"Ah, Cress..."


"That's enough, thanks for the information. It's really helpful."

"Well then, I should go too."

Then, Cress went off to see his acquaintances. As for me . . . I'm planning to go the center of the city first.

--- Center part of Kain City ---

The Center part of the city has a big tree in the center and some benches installed, it's not really packed for being center of the city, but still, it might be a good place to rest for a bit.

Now I know it's safe, I can relax for a bit here. I start to notice the difference of the atmosphere of this world, the air is noticeably fresher and a bit cooler than my previous world, if I have to explain it better, it's just like when I was at the top of the mountain but still easier to breathe. This might also the reason why I'm not really bothered even I haven't bathed once since coming here.


Hmm.. Talking about bath, this clothes is the only set I have, it might be better to buy some clothes right now. And, the money I got from Cress is about . . .

"40 Silver coin, huh."

Will this be enough to buy a new set of clothes? even my knife here is a bit more than 30 Silver coin.

. . . .

Wait, rather than thinking about it like this, I should check out the price first.

--- Kain City's Market Area ---

With that in mind, I go to the north-eastern part of the city, where market area is.

I take a quick look at the market area, and it seems there are some new stall around. Not only that, it seems this place is a bit busier than yesterday.

Let's see . . . this shirt is . . . Whoa, 73 Silver . . and that one is 92 Silver..

Damn, it seems the average price of a medium quality shirt is about 60 to 100 Silver coin. And even the low quality one is about 30 to 50 Silver coin. I don't even have the courage to get into some of the shops around here right now.

*sigh... If it's like this, I might as well go to the south-eastern part.

--- South-eastern part of Kain City ---

This part of the city has a bit different of building, most of them are already a worn-out building, but still, this might means that the goods will be cheap. . hopefully.

With that in mind, I go to one of the worn-out house with a "Phiria Clothes Shop" sign.

--- Kain City's Phiria Clothes Shop ---

The place is not as small as what I imagined, but it's true that there are only a few clothes design. Still, those clothes looks like a low quality I saw at stalls on market area, I hope it's a bit cheaper than the one in the market.

"Oh, welcome, kind sir. are you looking for something specific?"

The one welcomed me is a young man, might be about 19 years old, with a slender body type and a kind of loud yet polite voice.

"Actually, I want to buy a set of clothes, but my fund is quite limited. It's about 40 Silver coin."

"Heh.. 40 Silver coin. Take a look at those in the box at the corner over there. each piece is about 5 to 15 Silver coin."

Whoa, his personality totally changed. But well, if it's around 5 Silver coin each, I should be able to buy one or two set of clothes.

There are about 5 boxes on the corner, and each box has a label, 5 Silver coin, 8 Silver coin, 10 Silver coin, 10 Silver coin, and 15 Silver coin. And of course, I'm looking straight for the 5 Silver coin box.

After observing the clothes in the boxes, I decided to buy 2 shirt (5 Silver coin each), 1 shirt (8 Silver coin), 1 pants (8 Silver coin), and 1 boxer (8 Silver coin), which totaled to 34 Silver coin.

"Ah, I'm buying these."

"Alright, let me count the price first."

. . . .

"It's 34 Silver coin."

Huh? It took some time for him to count that, even though he is the shop keeper. Come to think about it, there is not a school around, the people in this world might not have the same learning system like what I got in my world. Though, they do need to pass an exam to be an adventurer.

"Here, 34 Silver coin."

"Alright, you may take the goods."

Eh? just like this? there is not a bag or sac or something like that?

"Ah, is there something like a bag to make it easier to bring around?"

"Huh? a bag? Well, if you want a sac, it's 2 Silver coin."

Huh!? They also charge for this?

"Alright, here 2 Silver coin."

*sigh . . . I just spend 36 SIlver coin in one shop.

--- Kain City's South-eastern part of the city ---

*clip-clop *clip-clop

Some horse drawn couches was seen around the street, but not only horses, there are also some couches drawn by bulls. I don't know exactly what kind of bull is that, but it's a bit larger than the bull I know in my previous world and it also has big horns. Right now the street also filled with a lot of people walking around.

Whoa, so this is what happen when we are getting closer with the test day, huh. And seeing so many people walking with weapon in the open, I come to realize once again that this world is totally different from the world where I was before. Not to mention, some people are walking around with full-armor, I guess, they are soldiers of this city.

But, wait, where was the inn located again. . . With these crowd, it's really hard to find out the right path.

--- Several minutes later ---

What is this place anyway, this place is clearly different from the previous location. It's true there are a lot of worn-out buildings, but they still looks a liveable place. While this place I am right now, these house are already ruined, and the street is not fully paved like the other location.

And with this calm observation, I really understand that right now . . . I'm lost.

"*sigh . . I should have remembered the street clearly."

After walking aimlessly for a while, I found a knife on the ground.

"Hmm? why is there a knife lying around here?"

Well, there isn't any place like police station around here for lost-and-found item, might as well take it.

--- Kain City's Southern part of the city ---

Some minutes walking later . . . Finally, the main street. From here, I should be able to go back to the inn.

Huh? Wait, isn't that . . Cress? It seems he also bought some items, with his hands full like that, he might be coming back to the inn, what a nice timing.

"Hey, Cress!"

"Hmm? Oh, Taka! What are you doing around here?"

"Strolling around the city, I guess.. hehe."

"Seems like you have bought something."

Wait, more importantly . .

"Anyway, Cress.. Do you mind showing me where is the inn we are staying at?"

"Hmm . . . Well, going back to the inn first might not be a bad idea."

Huh? does he still have something to do? . . . But, well . . .

--- Kain City's Leasdas Inn ---

Finally back . .

"Well, I'll be off again."

Just after going into our room, Cress put his item and going out again.

"Ah, right, be careful."

And there he goes.

As for me, I'm staying in the room, trying out the clothes . . But well, after looking at the people on the street, everyone has a weapon, it might be a sword, spear, bow, axe, or any other kind of weapon, I come to realize that I need to be able to at least protect myself, which means, I've got to train. But, just how should I train... Should I go to adventurer guild? Well, I should take a short rest first, right now.

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