《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 12-A : The (Goblin Champion) Ordinary Day #1.5


--- Acamar Village's North Gate ---

As the Chief, I've got to show my men that we can win this fight easily. Which is why I sped up and leap at one of the serpent at the front. And, just like what I thought, he can barely respond to my attack, and I can easily kill him with two strike. The first strike to make him lose balance, and the second strike for the killing blow. Then, the next thing I need to do to increase my men confidence . . .


"Follow the Chief!!"

It seems shouting a battle cry really works in this kind of time.

"|O, Aura, spirit of the wind.. The deity that always keep us safe ... Guide us and give us your blessing ...| [Mass Haste]"


A gentle breeze of wind suddenly embraces me and all my men making us lighter and faster. This means, Karm must have casted a spell on us. With this, we might be able to win without any casualties.

I take a look around me when I fight, and it seems my men are able to fight the serpent easier than usual. Well, the serpent movement are easy to read, and they only swinging their tail around like a whip. As long as they're not using their tail to throw us around, we should be able to win this fight quite easily.

--- Acamar Village's North Gate after the fight ---

It's already night, but, thankfully we already win the fight. There are some wounded, but, everyone is still alive. Oh, that's right, I almost forgot . . .

"[GoGobs Kii!!]"

With this cry, we indicate that we already win the fight, so everyone can get relaxed. Just when I was thinking what to do right now, Priogs come to me and ask . . .


"Chief! what about the serpent? Should we thrown them to the south?"

"No, this time, we should throw them to the north."

We have this custom to throw the enemy who attack us to the other side of the gate. This custom is used so that the friends of that enemy won't know that their people were defeated by us goblin, hoping that they will blame others for the lost of their people, or they might think that they were lost in the forest. But this time, these serpent running to us because they are running away from the ogre. It would be bad if the ogre got irritated and attacked us instead.

"Huh? But, isn't it usually to the south?"

"Yes, but.. Not this time."

"Well, I will tell the others then."

"I'm counting on you."

Then, Priogs running around and telling the others what to do.

--- Acamar Village ---

"Hey, Karm. Are you alright?"

"Oh, Chief. Yes, just exhausted."

"Actually, I want you to stand-in as the chief for a while."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You know we have plan to move, right? I'm planning to take a look at our destination. It would be bad if there are ogre over there."

"Working so hard, aren't you? Is it the chief responsibility? Can't you just send a scout over there?"

"I can. But, it would be safer if I am the one who go there, right?"

"Well, it seems you already set to go, aren't you?"

" . . . "

"Then, go. It's not like I can change your mind when you already like that."

"I really am thankful, that you are here."

"What are you talking about. Go! You should not worry about our men, we are able to defend ourselves."

"Then, I'll be going. I'm leaving them to you."

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