《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 12-2 : The (Silver Sky) Ordinary Day #5


--- Kain City's Dearee Inn's 2F Dan's Room ---


Morning already, huh.

--- Kain City's Dearee Inn's Diner ---

When I want to get into the diner, there is someone going out at the same time. Wait, isn't that Dia?

"Good morning, Dia."

"Oh, Dan, you finally woke up."

"Huh? Am I late?"

But, isn't this the usual time?

"You should woke up earlier, tomorrow is the test day."

Ah, that's right the test day. That means, the city will be in festive mode from today until the next 3 days.

"I should have woke up earlier."

"Then, I will be going."

"Huh? Where to?"

"The guild."

Oh, for another training? Huh? Wait, what about Graim? I haven't see him since yesterday.

"By the way, Dia. Have you see Graim?"

"Graim? He already went out, he said he has something to do."

"Ah, thanks."

After that Dia goes out from the inn, and I go to the diner to eat some food. But, as I thought, the diner is already packed, and I need to wait a little longer than usual to get my food. After I finished my food, I go to the adventurer guild and ask about Kato.

--- Kain City's Adventurer Guild ---

"Excuse me."

"Hmm? Oh, Dan. What bring you here today? If you're asking about the goblin, Silent Woods haven't come back yet. They might come back early tomorrow."

"Ah, no, it's not about the goblin."


"Actually, I want to know where I can meet Kato from the Scorpion group."

"Scorpion? Wait a minute, let me see the list first... If I'm not wrong they should be here in the city."

The list Maaya-san looking at right now is the list of the adventurer guild in the city right now. It's a special list that can only be unlocked by the guild staff, from what I know, any group going in or out from the city will be reported to the guild.


"Scorpion, Scorpion . . . Here it is, they are in the city. So, why do you want to meet Scorpion?"

"I want to ask Kato to train me."


Huh? Is it weird?

"Well, I can trust you right?"

"Of- Of course."

That's right, this kind of information is private and not supposed to be shared with others.

"Well, you guys are friends after all. The city hall, you might be able to meet Scorpion if you go to the city hall."

"Thank you, Maaya-san."

--- Kain City's City Hall ---

This place is as big as always. But, why is there more guard stationed here than usual? Or is it my imagination? Well, I just need to get in and find Kato.



"State your business."

Just when I want to get in the city hall, one of the guard stops me.

"I want to meet Kato from Scorpion adventurer group."

"And you are?"

"I am Dan from Silver Sky adventurer group."

"Well, first, we need to scan your wrist-card. Follow me."

Then the guard took me into a small room, and leave me with the detector after explaining the situation.

"Alright, you're not lying. But, you're still not allowed to get into the city hall."

"Huh? Why?"

"You see, tomorrow is the test day, and everyone here are preparing and doing the last check before the actual test. And from the result of the detection, you are not one of the staff for tomorrow test."

Huh? Oh, the test day. That's right, the city hall will be used to held the written test.

"Ah... But, can I get in for a little while? If not, is there a way to call Kato to meet me?"


"*sigh, Well, if you really want to meet that guy, I will ask the guard to get him."


"Of course, but, he will come out if only he wants to. Go and wait at the entrance."


Then after waiting for a while, a guard come to me.

"Excuse me, sir. It seems Kato-san didn't want to meet you."

"Huh? Are you sure?"

"Yes, he said he doesn't have any time to talk right now."

"Can't you go back and ask once again?"

This is my only chance to learn it, if I learnt it another time, it won't be as useful as now.

"As I said before, he can't come here."

After that I go away from the city hall, knowing that it really is impossible to meet Kato.

--- Kain City's Random Road ---

Now what, I literally can't hurt the goblin as of now, but, the only chance for me to help in avenging captain is getting closer. I was thinking while wandering aimlessly, until I come up with another idea.

"That's right!"

If I'm not wrong, there should be someone from the slum who knows about the use of poison. That's it! If I can meet that person, I should be able to help. Then, I go to the slum area.

--- Kain City's Slum Area---

Slum area is located in south-east of the city. The houses in this place are broken, the air is a little stink, and the atmosphere is somewhat heavier than the other places. From what I know, this place was the center of the rebels, which is also a reason why the development around this area got delayed.

From the rumour I heard before, there are people still living in this area, and they use poison coated weapon. Not only that, I heard that they place some traps around the slum area, making it hard for the guards to drive them out from the city. Well, it's only a rumour, but if there is someone who can coat a wepon in poison here, that means I still have a chance to avenge captain, even by myself if I can learn it.

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