《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 13-2 : The (Silver Sky) Ordinary Day #5.5


--- Kain City's Slum Area ---

I have walked around for a while, but I only saw about 3 men, and 4 chlidren, and they were peeking from behind the wall. They are not the kind of people who willing to answer my question, well, not like I have tried. Yeah, I know it won't be easy finding someone based on rumour, but I was hoping I can meet him. At first I was walking slowly and carefully, looking out for traps, but, even those traps I've heard were nowhere to be found. . . I should have never trusted a rumour.


It's getting dark, I should go back to the inn.

"it's not here . . *move around . . It's not here either.."

Just when I want to go back, I can see a man moving restlessly around the road. He seems looking for something.

"Hey you!"

He then suddenly called me.

" . . . yes?"

"By any chances, do you saw a knife about this long?"

He asked me with a pale face, as if he feared something.

"Sorry, but I didn't see any knife around here."

"You really didn't see!?"

" . . yes."

"Well then . ."

The man then continue to look around the road once again. That knife must be really important for him.

. . . Wait, I should ask him about that someone who use poison..

"Sir . ."

"What!? You found my knife?"

"Ah, no."

"*Tch. Then don't bother me."

"Actually, I want to ask about something."

"What is it!?"

"I heard that there is someone in this area who is an expert in using poison. By any chance, do you know where I can meet him?"

"An expert in using poison!? . . . Well, I might know that man. Do you want to meet him?"


"Ah, yes!"

"Good, then follow me."

The man face has become a bit brighter than before, I don't know why, but I do need to trust him for now.

--- Kain City's Roxas's Residence ---

The man show me the way to a some-what livable house, hidden from the main road.

"We are here, the Roxas's residence."

"Roxas? Is he the expert in using poison?"

"Well, of course."

Roxas, huh. It's my first time hearing this name.

"Come in."

I then come into the house, it looks bad from the outside, but, the inside is surprisingly looks normal, just like any other normal house, though a bit smaller and empty with only 5 chairs and a table in a room.

"Hey, Sanders, you finally back."

A muscular old man (around 40 years) with a hoarse and loud voice called out to the man who brought me here.

"yes, sir. Roxas."

"And, who is this man you brought here?"

"This man is . . ."

Ah, that's right, I haven't told him my name yet.

"Dan. My name is Dan."

"And... is there something I can help you with?"

"Actually, I want to learn how to use poison to coat my weapon."

"Hmm? Sanders? Have I ever told you that I don't want to deal with poison again?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then, why did you bring this man here?"

" . . . "

Eh? What? So, he does know about how to use poison? Then, this might be my only chance.

"Sir. Roxas, is it possible for you to teach me how to coat my weapon with poison?"

"Hmm? Of course not. I do not want to do anything related with poison ever again."

"But . . ."

"*sigh.. Then, what do you want to do after learning how to coat your weapon with poison?"


"There is a certain enemy I need to defeat!"

"Who? Your parents? The nobles? The soldier of Zulton Kingdom? Why do you even need to learn about poison?"

"No, sir! It's goblin Champion. With my current ability . . I can't do anything against it."

"*sigh.. If you don't have the ability to fight it, then you should not fight it. Why bother trying to learn something that might or might not be useful against it."

"It's . . it's my only choice . . There is not enough time.. Before the raid to take place."

"hmm? A raid? Then, it's another reason for you to stop. Why do you even need to join the raid?"

"*kuh. But that goblin . . . I've got to . ."

"Anyway, I won't teach you anything related with poison. You should go back and cool your head off."

Then Roxas kicked me out from his house.

--- Kain City's Dearee Inn's 2F Dan's Room ---

After that, with nothing I could actually do, I go back to Dearee Inn, have some dinner and go back to my room.

. . . With this, I can't actually learn how to coat my weapon with poison. As for the next step . . I should ask Graim tomorrow, he should know about the next action I should take. Though, I haven't saw him since yesterday, what is he doing exactly.

--- Short side-story - Roxas and Sanders - ---

--- Kain City's Roxas's Residence ---

*door close

He finally gone, huh.

"*sigh.. Where did you even meet that man?"

"I met him at the slum area and he was looking for you, so I thought you might know him."

Asking a random man to teach him, what a young man. Well, I should not get involved with him anyway. hmm... seems like I'm forgetting something . . . Ah, that's right..

"And, where is the knife I ordered?"

"Eh? Ah . . . "

"Hmm? Why are you sweating so much? . . . Don't tell me . ."

"I- I'm sorry, sir. Actually, the knife slipped from my belt, but I immediately come back to search for the knife when I realized that the knife was missing."

"And, when was that?"

"Wh- when I reach the front of the house, sir."

"*sigh, it's already gone, so let it be."

If he has gone but still found nothing, that means someone has took it.

"Ah, thank you, sir."

"Hooh, who said there is no punishment!?"

"B- but, sir."

"the merchant said THAT the knife was supposed to be a RARE found created by DWARF.. And you just LOST it in the middle of the road and expect no punishment!?"

"I - I'm sorry, sir . . I . . . *Hiiie"

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