《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 11-2 : The (Silver Sky) Ordinary Day #4.5


--- Night at Kain City's Adventurer Guild's Guest Room ---


*Look around*

That's right, I was sleeping in guild's guest room. I should ask Graim what to do right now, he seems already planned to fight that goblin.

--- Kain City's Adventurer Guild ---

"Oh, Dan, you have woke up"

"Ah, Maaya-san, thank you for letting me take a rest in the guest room. Sorry for the trouble."

"You don't need to worry about that. Now, why don't you eat something in the guild's diner?"


I take a look outside, and yeah, it's already dark. Now I think about it, I haven't eat anything other than the breakfast.

"Ah, right, I will do just that. By the way, Maaya-san, do you know where Graim is?"

"Graim? If I'm not wrong, he said he is looking for a new shield."

Shield? Oh, his shield was shattered because of the goblin. So he is serious in joining the raid quest, I should prepare myself too then.

"Do you need something from him?"

"Ah, it's alright, it can wait."

"Well, if you say so."

Then I go to the guild's diner, the room on the right-side of the main room.

--- Kain City's Adventurer Guild's Diner Room ---

The diner is as empty as the main room, there are only about 3 people eating.

"Oh, Dan isn't it."

The one who greet me is Tia-san, the waitress in the guild's diner.

"So, what do you want to eat?"

"Ah, Tia-san, is the regular dinner set still available?"

"Alright, one regular dinner set."

After waiting for about 15 minutes, the food finally delivered.

"Here is your order, one regular dinner set. Enjoy your food."

"Thank you."

It's the usual meal set I always order in guild's diner, a simple set consist of a bowl of rice, a fried chicken, a bowl of light carrot soup with potato, and a mineral drink. Yeah, I always wonder how a carrot soup taste like, but once I tried it, I like how the taste combined with fried chicken.


After I finish and pay the meal, I go out from the guild and go back to the inn.

--- Kain City's Dearee Inn ---

When I get into the inn, as usual, Sarah is waiting in the receptionist desk. I heard from Graim and captain that she changes shift with Lisa, morning as waitress, and night as receptionist.

"Oh, Dan, you've come back."

"Good evening, Sarah. Is Graim already back?"

"Graim? He hasn't come back since morning."

Huh? Is he still looking for a shield? Isn't it taking too long?

"Do you want me to tell him a message when he come back?"

"Ah, it's fine. It's not urgent. I will tell him myself. Thank you."

After saying that, I go to my room.

--- Kain City's Dearee Inn's 2F Dan's Room ---

Graim is looking for a new shield, and Dia is training. As for me, what do I need to do?

I'm the only one who have attacked the goblin champion, but, my arrow can't even scratch it's skin. Do I need more power? Is it because my bow? is it because my arrow? or is it because the distance was too far?

. . . . . Damn.. If I look at it as a whole, it's just . . I'm weak.. I'm too weak.

What I need right now is a way to increase my power as fast as possible, I only have a little time before the raid quest being posted. It's not possible to increase my power that fast, if I change my bow, I might need more time to get used to a new bow. Ah, but if it's the arrow, I can gain power up easily, well, I might need to spend much money, but it should be worth it.

"Yeah, I need to buy a new and stronger arrow. But, where can I buy them?"



What should I do? Learning a new technique won't be useful if I can't scratch the goblin's skin.

. . . . Ah, that's right, poison! I should learn how to coat my arrow with poison. However strong a monster is, it should be possible to damage it using poison. There should be some poison which can deal damage even by touching only. That means, I should meet Kato from Scorpion Group, the man who use poison on his weapon.

"That's right, I should ask Kato tomorrow."

If I can learn it, I should be able to fight too. Just you wait, goblin champion.

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