《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 11 : The Ordinary Day in Kain City #1


--- Kain City ---

I haven't try to look at the road since leaving the forest, but, now I take a look back, the road is already paved with stone, the same with the road in the city. The houses are bigger than the one in Daren Village, even some parts already built using stone. As for the people in the city, I can only see several guards patrolling the area and very few activity is being done, I thought the city will be a busy place, but even the stores, all the street stalls already closed and only a few store open.

"Since it's already late, we will go straight to the inn"

"*yawn* agreed!"

Cress letting us know where we will go right now, and Minna replied immediately. Well, it's true that it's already late, and it might be the reason why the city is so quiet. Though, I can see some guards patrolling around with a set of armor.

--- Kain City Leasdas Inn ---

About 15 minutes after our arrival, we finally reach the inn, which is a two-story house. When we open the door, a man, in his 40's, welcomed us.

"Oh, long time no see Cress. So, what brings you here today?"

"Hey, Barou, as lively as ever, huh. And, you already know why I'm here, you got some room for us right?"

"Of course I reserved it for you, a single room and twin room right? I'm glad you really come, I was just about to gave the room to other customers this morning, hahaha"

"Your joke is not funny Barou. Ah, that's right, is there still some space in the shed?"

"Don't worry Cress, there is always an empty space for you."

"Hoh, then, I will move my coach to the shed, can you escort these two to their room? the single room for Minna, this little girl, the twin room is for me and this man, Taka."

"Alright, single room for this beatiful young lady here, and the twin room is for Cress and his friend."

"Oh, before that, do you have some food or snack?"

"It's already past dinner time, and there is not enough time to cook one right now, well, I do have some cookies if you don't mind."

"That will do. I will take care of my horses then."

Barou-san then give us some cookies to eat, the cookie is a little hard to chew and the taste is almost non-existent, but still, it's filling our bellies. We eat the cookies while Barou-san show us our room.


"So, here is the single room, it's your room young lady."

"Yay, finally I can sleep on a bed again!"

"Here is the key. Enjoy your stay, young lady."

And that's Minna's room, room no. 2 on the first floor.

"Alright, now onto the twin room."

Barou-san then take me to the second floor, room no.9.

"and, here is the twin room."

It's not that different from a single room, the noticeable difference is that, it has more space but that space is used to place another bed,

"Here is the key. Well then, enjoy your stay."

"Ah, yes, thank you."

After that, Barou-san go downstair and sitting on the receptionist desk. But, since he is the one on the receptionist desk, and the one escorting us to our room, is he the owner of this inn? And why he doesn't hire someone to lighten his work? Is the minimum wage too high? Wait, it's not the time for me to think about this, I should think what I can do right now.

. . . . . Ah, that's right, what about the rent payment? Is Cress the one who pays? But still, I need to know how much do we need to stay in a room for a night. I still have so many things to learn, and since there is currency, I need to learn how the economy works.

I was planning to wait for Cress to enter the room, but, the exhaustion got the best of me.

--- Morning in Kain City Leasdas Inn ---


I was not aware how the lamps work here, but now I'm looking at the ceiling, I notice that the lamp has the same shape as the flash-light I got from Cress before, but bigger. Is it also using some kind of battery to keep glowing? This kind object is useful as a daily necessity.

"Oh, Taka, you're awake? Good morning."

"Good morning, Cress."

Huh? Now I look at Cress, he has a reddish hair. He has removed his hat before, but because it was dark, I couldn't see it clearly. Everyone I met has a black or brown hair, so I assume it was the only hair color here, but it seems I was wrong.

"Hmm? What is it Taka?"

"Ah, no, it just... I haven't see someone with a red hair like you before"

"Well, a red hair like me is rare, but, a black hair like yours is even rarer you know."

"Huh? Really?"

If I'm not wrong, even in Silver Sky, Dia has a black hair, though the other I have met before has a brownish hair, but, Theo-san has a white hair, well, I don't know how old he actually is.


"Let's get down, this inn also has a small diner behind the receptionist desk. And, can you call Minna? I will go first to reserve a table for us. It might be full because the test day is close."

"Ah, yes."

Well, a hair color is not really important, and what I should do right now is to make sure Minna can take the test.

--- Kain City Leasdas Inn 1F ---

Minna's room is . . . here it is, room no. 2.

*knock *knock

"Minna, are you awake?"

After waiting for a few minutes, there isn't any sound at all.

*knock *knock


. . . After a few minutes later, finally the door open.


"Ah, good morning."

"Good morning uncle. *yawn* Why should we wake up this early?"

Is this still early?

"Ah, Cress asked us to come to diner for breakfast."

"Breakfast!? What will we eat? potato?"

"Ah, I don't know about that. But, Minna, you really do love potato don't you."

"Heheh, of course. But, uncle, do you know, the best potato can only be found at Daren Village!"

"Hmm, is it the place?"

We've been walking to the receptionist desk, and there is a door behind it. And it's already open, seems like it means that the diner is open. So, we just walk in through the door.

--- Kain City Leasdas Inn's Diner ---

It's a small room, there are only about 4 tables, and each table has about 2 or 3 chairs. There is another door at the side of the room, it might be the kitchen.

"Ah! Cress-san found!"

Minna immediately point at a table where Cress is waiting for us. There is another empty table, while the other 2 tables already has some group seated on.

"Taka, Minna, over here."

It seems Cress noticed us, and he is waving his hand calling us to sit.

"Good morning Cress-san"

"hmm, Good morning Minna"

"Hey, Cress, here is your order."

Just when we just about to sit, Barou-san comes to us and serve us some food. Is he working in the diner too?

"Let me repeat your order, 3 breakfast set, and 3 glass of milk. They are all already here, right?"

"Oh, thank you."

"Please, enjoy the food"

The breakfast set looks simple, there is a soup, 3 slices of dried meat, 2 breads, and a glass of water. The first thing I do is observe how Cress and Minna eat these, they eat it using the spoon, took a piece of the bread, and dip it into the soup before eating it, the same goes for the dried meat. From how they eat, it looks like the soup is some kind of sauce. Then, I try to eat imitate how they eat it. First, the bread . . .

*munch *munch

The bread has become soft because of the soup, and it tastes like a chicken with a sweet but salty aftertaste. Next, I try the dried meat. As for the dried meat, it's a little hard to chew, but it's softer than I thought, while the taste is not that different, which means the taste was coming from the soup. After I finished all the food, I try the milk, I thought it would have a different taste, but it turns out that it has a similar taste like the one I had before.

"Hey, Taka, what's with you, grinning like that?"

Huh? Am I grinning? Well, it was the first decent meal I have since coming here, it might really show on my face.

"Ah, well. it just that, the food is really delicious."

"Heeh? is it?"

"That's right, I'm planning to go to merchant guild to sell the gathered herbs, what will the two of you do?"

"Can I join you Cress?"

Well, it is a chance to see a guild and how they handle this buy/sell process, I should not miss it.

"Hmm? Well, I'm fine with it. Then, how about you Minna?"

"Since uncle Taka is going, then Minna will going too."

"Okay then. If we are all going, we should buy some item for the test requirements after selling the herbs. Minna, you should bring your bag."

"Alright, Minna will bring it."

"And, Taka, wait for us in front of the inn, I need to take the herbs"

"Ah, yes."

"But, first, finish your food"

Then, after we have finished our food, Minna goes back to her room to take her bag, Cress goes to the shed to take the herbs, and as for me, I go outside the inn and wait for them. The moment I leave the inn, I can see there are some people walking and running across the road, it's really different with last night, where the people going around are guards on patrol. There might be a rule about that, or is it a custom in this world? Rule and custom, huh? Well, there are so many things to learn after all.

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