《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 10-2 : The (Silver Sky) Ordinary Day #4


--- Morning in Kain City's Dearee Inn's 2F Dan's Room ---

This Inn is actually out of my reach if I'm a solo adventurer, but when I joined Silver Sky, this place become the bare minimum for us to stay. All the memories I had from when I joined the Silver Sky until this moment where I am in, those times when we finished a quest, when I pulled a prank, when we were laughing together... Even though there are so many chances for me to say 'thank you', 'I'm sorry', I realize that I have never once said those words sincerely.

"*Hmm? It's morning already?"

The light from the window inside my room is indicating that the sun has risen. Even though I have been inside my room all night, but the thought about captain kept me awake 'till morning come.

*knock *knock

"Hey, Dan! You there?"

The one knocking on the door is Graim. since we are in the same adventurer group, captain asked all of us to stay in the same place, in case something urgent happened. Still, why do Graim call me this early? Wait, is there any news about captain!? With that thought, I hastily open the door.

"Graim! Is this about captain?"

Before he can reply me, I know it instantly from his expression, that there is still no news about captain.

"Oh . . ."

"Dan, let's go down to the diner"

". . . Alright"

It's our usual group meeting, which always happen when we just finished a quest, or when we plan to go do a quest.

--- Kain City's Dearee Inn's Diner ---

When we both got there, Dia already waiting for us at our usual table. Then, without nothing to say, we both join Dia and sit there silently. Until Sarah, the diner's waitress, come and place some Apples on our table, but, we haven't ordered anything, it would be bad if she put it on the wrong table, and Graim reacted instantly.


"Sarah, sorry, but we haven't ordered anything"

But, Sarah responds with a smile on her face.

"It's on the house, my father said to asked me."

"From Hiira-san?"

Graim then looked at Hiira-san direction, but Hiira-san seems busy doing his work like usual.

"Ah, thanks for the food."

But then, we once again fall silent. And without nothing to say, we slowly reached out to the apples and eat them bit by bit, until there is none left. Then, Graim started a conversation.

"So, what will both of you do after this?"

It's actually a normal question, but with our condition right now, it's somehow hard to find an answer to this question.The first to answer the question is Dia.

"I'm planning to do some training, especially in close-combat"

"Then, how about you Dan?"

"I- I don't have anything planned yet"

Well, I don't even have thought about it for once. Am I the weird one?

"Then.. Dan, why don't you come with me? Oh, and Dia, you should go to adventurer guild's training ground, with the guild entrance test nearing, it should be empty."

Well, it's not like I have any option, and Graim is an experienced adventurer, he should know better than me about what to do right now.

"But, before we go. Sarah, 3 special set breakfast here!"

"Alright, 3 special set breakfast!"

--- Kain City's Adventurer Guild ---

After I get forced to eat the special set breakfast, Dia went straight to the adventurer guild's training ground, and as for me, I'm tagging behind Graim and went to adventurer guild.

The moment we reach the adventurer guild, Graim goes straight to Maaya-san, the receptionist. then he starts speaking in a serious tone.

"Maaya, any progress?"

"Ah, Graim and Dan, it's about the goblin champion, right?"


"Yeah, it's about that freaking goblin."

"I know how you feel right now, but please wait for now. We just dispatched Silent Woods Group to investigate, the result might be in, in the next 3 or 4 days"

Oh, that Silent Woods!? They are an elite group in spying and espionage, they should be able to give a better description then.

"And, about the raid quest for that goblin. I'm planning to join in!"

"Huh!? With that broken arm? You should prioritize your well-being first, Graim."

That's right, Graim left-arm was injured, but, it doesn't look as bad as I remember, has he visited the medic building?

"It's because of this broken arm, that I need to give it a nice payback, right?"

"*ugh, but, in the end you need leader permission to join, and I don't think he will let you join in that condition."

"Don't worry, it's healed faster than I expected, when the time comes, I will be ready to go."

"Alright, alright, I will tell you when the leader has made his mind"

"Thank you, I will be waiting for that"

"And, why is Dan with you?"

Oh, I've been wanting to ask that since forever.

"Ah, that's right. Maaya, is the guest room empty?"

"Huh? yeah, it's empty right now."

"Then, can you let Dan take a rest there for today?"


"Eh? Graim? What do you mean!?"

Then, Maaya-san stared at me for a moment.

"Alright, it's usually empty anyway. You can get some rest there."

"Huh? Wait, wait. I don't even need to take a rest right now."

"It's fine Dan, you should go take a rest for now."

"But, I - ... Well, fine."

It's not like I need rest, but since I don't have anything planned yet, I hope at least I can collect my thought for now.

"Well, with that settled, I need to go to the medic building for some treatment"

"Huh? you haven't gone there yet, Graim?"

"What are you talking, Dan? Did my recovery speed surprise you? Hahaha"

"Pia, can you escort Dan to the guest room?"

"Ah, will do"

Then, Graim went out from the adventurer guild, and I, followed Pia to go to the guest room.

--- Kain City's Adventurer Guild's Guest Room ---

"Dan, here it is"

"Pia-san, thank you"

"Relax and take some sleep if you can"

"Ah, yes"

Then, Pia-san walk away from the guest room. But still, why did Graim took me here?

"Wait, I should not think about that right now.. That's right, that raid quest. I should think a way to improve myself and join the raid quest"

I've got to see it with my own eyes, that captain is safe, and that goblin is eliminated for good.


I don't know why, but I suddenly feel weak, and I fall onto the bed. I tried to move my body back, but, it seems I can barely move. But, because I was brought here to rest anyway, I let myself to relax, and sleep there.

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