Who Endures: Book I-V Fantasy Tragedy Adventure Drama
Set twelve years after the events of 'The Trial: Journey's End' former slave turned priestess and assassin, Nua Calen Aiwenor has never gotten over the death of the one human to never betray her. Presented with 'a chance' at seeing him returned to life, she travels with her Teacher past the Beastman Empires of the Triumvirate, to the chaotic city states beyond. There, the former slave must be what she hates, to restore what she loves. To win a kingdom to trade for a single life, how many will she kill, how far will she go? And even if she should triumph, will 'who' she is... even survive?
(Overlord, set in the 'God Rising: Cult of Ainz' Author Universe, the largest Overlord fanfiction series in the world)
1. Chapter One
2. Chapter Two
3. Chapter Three
4. Chapter Four
5. Chapter Five
6. Chapter Six
7. Chapter Seven
8. Chapter Eight
9. Chapter Nine
10. Chapter Ten
11. Chapter Eleven
12. Chapter Twelve
13. Chapter Thirteen
14. Chapter Fourteen
15. Chapter Fifteen
16. Chapter Sixteen
17. Chapter Seventeen
18. Chapter Eighteen
19. Chapter Nineteen
20. Who Endures: Book I
21. Chapter Twenty
22. Chapter Twenty-One
23. Chapter Twenty-Two
24. Chapter Twenty-Three
25. Chapter Twenty-Four
26. Chapter Twenty-Five
27. Chapter Twenty-Six
28. Chapter Twenty-Seven
The adventures of a not-so suspicious individual
In a chaotic world... a not-so suspicious individual decides to explore, experience new places, meet new people and will have to get himself out of unfortunate situations.. whether for good or bad he will be remembered.. Shall this man become a famed hero? or perhaps something else.. let his journey begin.. *** Author's note: Novel's are meant to be light-hearted and unique. I hope you enjoy reading this novel as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please be Kind. Feedback if appreciated. Thank you!
8 89Subterranean
After The Great Wars, an empire made up of beings called "consumers" rule the world and dominate an inferior race, the"subterraneans". There is a final resistance to consumer hegemony put forth by the Sitmians, a tribe of individuals with a unique culture whose origin is shrouded in secrecy. Read chapter one to meet the protagonist Roask and uncover his life as a consumer.
8 147Just a Lowly Monster
Before I knew it, I woke up in the pits of Tartarus, reincarnated as a monster, with a vague memory of my past life as a human. After breaking free from the birthing sacs I gain a system and go on a journey in search of power. Follow me as I spit on gods and conquer worlds. * First World: Percy Jackson * * First creation / This is just a way for me to pass time* * I do not own any rights or characters from Anime, Novels, or Manga *
8 129The Parvenu
New chapter every Saturday, 10AM GMT-7.With so many people trying to manipulate his future to turn out a specific way, Kayin is stuck in the middle, struggling to create his own destiny. - Kayin's quaint village life is heavily disrupted when a woman who can see the future has a vision of Kayin starting a rebellion against the ruler of the world. Balancing ignorance, lack of skill, and limited resources, Kayin must lean on the opportunities afforded to him to rise up and be a leader that the future requires him to be. But how do you fight an enemy you've never even heard of? At what point do you stop following the directions given to you to make the future happen, and create your own? With less than a general idea of what is going on, Kayin allows himself to become a political pawn for the sake of helping others. But is he truly a leader if he follows orders? Is he a worthy leader if he doesn't?
8 254New World - New Beginning
What happens after death? Many believe that will judge your actions in life. Others believe that you are reincarnated into a different world or time than the one you lived in before and have no memory of your past life. Conversely, some believe that you only see darkness and there is nothing else. In short, it is a definite GAME OVER. I will find out in a few seconds because I am about to die, and I will know the right answer to that question that has no solution in life but death.
8 168Gone Boy
Izuku had taken it badly. He was right back where he started: quirkless. Who knew taking a bullet for someone would be so detrimental.Warning: slight gore and dark themes. Art not mine.The characters belong to Boku No Hero Academia. The plot is mine however.
8 110