《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 8-2 : The (Silver Sky) Ordinary Day #2


--- Morning in Meridian Forest near Goblin Settlement ---

We finally arrive near the entrance of Goblin settlement

"[Concealment] . . . [Hide Presence] . ."

Dia start using her skill to make herself hard to detect, and move according to the plan. Goblin shaman almost has the same build as goblin, it's height is about 140 cm, it small stature is a problem for captain and Graim which is why captain ask Dia to deal with it. As for goblin warrior and goblin leader, both are about 170 cm, an easier target for captain and Graim, but they have a built body which make them stronger but slower than the normal goblin.

"Dan, keep your eyes on Dia, cover her if something goes wrong. Graim, let's go!"

After asking me to cover Dia, Captain and Graim move boldly to the entrance. As for me, I'm climbing a nearby high tree and preparing to shoot my arrow if needed.

"Graim, take care the goblin on the left, I'll take care the right one."

*Slash *Slash

Graim and captain are both able to kill the goblin with only one strike, well Graim is stronger than me, and captain is the strongest one in our group. But, to be able to take down 2 goblins right away, the surprise attack is working. But, then, all the goblins notice our presence and start preparing to battle.

"Graim, can you hold them all?"

"Of course I can! [Provoke Zone]!!"

All the nearby goblin start focusing to attack Graim, he is able to gather the attention of 6 goblins and 4 goblin warriors.

"Good, then I will take care of the rest."

While Graim and captain creating a chaos in goblin settlement, Dia finally get near the goblin shaman. She reaches for her knife on her right side.


Unfortunately, it seems that the goblin shaman is able to detect her presence at the last second, and dodge the slash. And 1 of the goblin leader has a quick respond, it ignores the captain and move to protect the goblin shaman.


That's not good, I've got to delay that goblin leader

"[Homing Arrow]"


It should hit, but, the goblin leader stop the arrow with it's sword.

"[Strong Strike]"

"Dan! Go and help Graim!"

Captain understood the situation, he used [strong strike] to push the goblin leader in front of him and move to stop the one closing into Dia, then instruct me to help Graim rather than trying to help Dia. As for Graim, he already beat 3 goblin and 1 goblin warrior all by himself, but he looks exhausted.

*Shoot *Shoot *Shoot

I don't have that much firepower, but I do believe I can hit any target within 100 meter. From the 3 arrow fired, I'm able to took down 2 goblins, while the other one dodged it.

*Drum *Drum *Drum *Drum

Hmm? There are some goblins left, but they are quite far and I can't reach them with my current strength, I don't know why, but they are drumming and not fighting at all, or are they doing that to increase their moral? Well, for now I should focus and help Graim.

As for Dia, she is able to fight goblin shaman toe-to-toe, well Dia has the most agility in our group and goblin shaman is not a close-combat fighter, it uses magic to fight. The goblin shaman might be stronger than Dia, but without time to cast it's magic, it basically not really a threat.

"[Flowing River Slash]"

Oh, captain is winning, even when fighting against two goblin leader. He even already injured 1 one of the goblin leader, alright, we can do this!

. . . . Wait, but, why did Taka run away at that time? If he is strong, he should not need to run away from these goblins, they even don't really pose much threat against us. Or is it because of goblin shaman? . . . . I've got a bad feeling about this, we should finish this as soon as we can.

"[Provoke Zone]!"

The first provoke already wore off? It's taking longer than we thought, but, we should be able to win this. Graim even already beat another goblin.


*Shoot *Shoot

I aimed at 1 of the goblin warrior, and both of the arrows hit it, one on it's left arm and another one on it's right shoulder, then, Graim move and strike down the injured goblin warrior. Now, we only need to beat the 2 goblin warriors left.

Let's see, our current situation, 2 goblin warriors against me and the exhausted Graim, 1 goblin leader against captain, and 1 goblin shaman against Dia. Oh, that's right, another 4 goblins which are still drumming right now.

*Tremble *Tremble

Huh? What is it? Why is the tree shaking? Eh? What is that in the sky?


A big sound come from around the center of the goblin settlement, and there is a goblin standing after a high-jump. It has a muscular body, bigger than goblin leader, and it's height is around 3 meter.

"Huh? Isn't that . . . goblin champion!?"

Damn, how is this possible!? That means, the one controlling this settlement is not that goblin shaman? We are in trouble!! It's impossible for us to beat that goblin champion, I only heard it from some rumours, but they said, they need at least 3 group of adventurer at our level to beat one goblin champion.

"Dia! Move back and join Dan, we need to retreat!"

Understanding the situation, captain shout and instruct Dia to retreat. Not only captain, even Graim also ready to run away. But . . . .


*Jump *WHAM

Suddenly the goblin champion cry out a big noise then it leaped and hit Graim with it bare fist, it only took a split second for it to reach Graim. Fortunately, Graim is able to respond to the attack, he moved his shield to stop the strike, but, he still got flown away for about 5 meter, even his shield got crushed.

"Dia! Go help Graim and run! I'll buy some time."

It really is out of our league, we need to get away right now. Even captain won't last against it! I should prepare for [Charge Arrow]. While Dia reaches the unconcious Graim, captain moved and slash the goblin champion right away, the goblin did not dodge the slash but defended it using it's left arm, but, even the strong slash from captain did not leave a scratch on it's skin. The goblin champion then moves his left arm, it's not to strike us but it's for giving a signal to the other goblins, right after that signal, all the other goblins remaining move and gather inside the largest hut in the settlement. I don't know why, but it improves our chance to survive.

Dia is carrying Graim and already started to run away, as for captain, he still trying to fight the goblin champion. Well, it seems captain already considered the best solution, which is to sacrifice himself. But, it's true that if all of us run away, no one will be able to survive. Still, I should be able to help, even if only a little.

"[Charge Arrow]!"

The arrow moves right into the right chest of goblin champion, and it doesn't even bother to defend or fend-off the arrow, while the arrow stay on it's path and hit the goblin champion's right chest, there's not even a scratch from the arrow.

" . . . is it . . that hard!?"

It didn't leave any scratch, but the goblin champion responded to my attack, it took a stone and change it's stance to throw it to my direction. Seeing that, the captain leap to the throwing direction and strike the stone just after the goblin champion throws it.

"Dan! Leave this goblin to me. Go join Dia and Graim!"

I thought I will be able to help captain, but, it seems I'm only giving him more trouble by being here.


Without any other choice I join Dia and Graim, and we run as fast as we can.

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