《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 9 : The Ordinary Will


--- Meridien Forest near Herb Gathering Spot ---

I thought other than serpent in this forest, there are only those like small goblins which is why I'm certain that I can somewhat run and hide if I meet one. But, what should I do if I meet a huge goblin like this one!?

He is physically huge and looks so strong, I will be crushed if he hit me even with his barehands, if I try to run, he might be able to cover my 3 steps with 1 step. Wait, before that, why is he here? Is this his territory? WIll he let me go if I apologize?

"Excuse me, sir. Goblin."

Huh? I wasn't sure, but I thought he was looking at the other direction and he just moved his head and look right into me again. . . What are you doing Taka!? You just called out a scary creature who didn't even care about you!

*Step *Step

The goblin took some steps and getting closer to me, when he is close enough, he stops.

. . . What now? I can't actually move my body... Is it what called fear? Is this the end of my life? Ah, what a short life I have. I can only hope that it's not hurt just like the last time. Then, I close my eyes.

"What is it!? Puny human?"

Huh? He can talk!? It was a deep-hoarse voice. But, wait, I might be able to reason with him.


"! - I apologize, if I get into your territory without any notice. I don't plan to bother you at all."

One of the reason for him to be here must be because this place is his territory. Since he can talk, he should be able to understand me, right!?

"Hoh, is there any other reason to go this deep into the forest other than finding me?"


That's right. Fighting for survival in this world is an ordinary thing, he might have met some other human and fought with them. I don't know what the relation between human and goblin, but, first of all, I'm here to gather those damn herbs!

"While there might be others who come to find you, I'm here not to find you, but to gather some herbs. Yes, those herbs right over there"

I explained my reason, show the empty sack while pointing my finger into the spot with many herbs on it.

Then, the goblin examined the sack and take a look at the direction I'm pointing.

"What do you need them for?"

"I - I heard that those herbs can be used to help heal or cure some illness, and there is a high demand of them in the city. I planned to gather some and sell them in the city."

"Hoh, go and take some. We goblins are rarely sick. so we don't know what those herbs used for."

Huh!? He is not just letting me go, but also let me gather some herbs? Well, as long as I'm still alive, I should not questioning everything.

Then, I go and gather some herbs.

While I gathering the herbs, the goblin just sitting in silence from a distance still looking at me. But, gathering herbs like this reminds me of my grandpa. Long ago, I was helping him to gather mushrooms, grasses, flowers, or any other things in the mountain nearby. I gathered while following the rules set by grandpa, don't take everything in one go, make sure not to damage them as best as you can, and be sure to appreciate the nature around you. Still, there was not any goblin at that time.

The sack I brought is actually full, though there are still some herbs I haven't gathered. Well, I guess it's time to go. When I'm about to go, the goblin called me.


"Hey, you human"

"Ah, you can call me Taka, sir Goblin"

"Hoh, I am Acamar Thocked, you can call me Thocked."

Huh!? two words? So, he is a special goblin.

"So, Taka. I've got something that I want you to do."

"Huh? Me?"

"You know, I can tell that I'm about to lost my life. And I need someone to take care of something important for me. Will you do it?"

Huh? I know he is a goblin and huge. But, now I try to think, I realize there isn't any hostility coming from him. Rather, I feel that I have felt this kind of atmosphere before. But, what was it?

"Hmm? You don't want to? Actually I want you to take care of . . ."

This feeling . . . Ah... This is the same feeling I had before, right when my grandpa was about to die, at that time he also talking some nonsense like this goblin, but it turns out he really was gone a few days after that. Will everyone know that they will die when they get old? Then, this goblin is also . . . But, still, so this is why I felt somewhat nostalgic, he really reminds me of grandpa.

"Taka!? Hey, Taka!"

"Huh!? Ah, yes."

"Did you listen to me?"

"Ah, yes."

Eh? Wait, listen to what?

"That's good. Then, will you do it?"

Do it? Oh, his request right? Well, this might be his last request and he seems don't have anyone to help him, I should help.

"Yes, I will do it."

"Hoh! Good to hear that. Then, you should take these."

The goblin take out a piece of leather from his shorts, and he also took off one of three talon which decorate his bracelet.

"Take a look at this, we are here, and the thing I want you to take care of will be here."

The leather is a map, it has a simple drawing on it describing the location.

"and, you should bring this talon when you visit, this talon is working like a key."

Oh, so there is a reason why he took off one of the talon. Wait, if it's a key, then it might be leading me to a treasure?

"So, do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

"Then, Taka, you be sure to come and take care all of them"

"Of course, I will"

After that, I put the map and talon into my pants pocket, and come back to the rest area.

--- Rest Area in Meridien Forest ---

"Hey Taka, you took your sweet time don't you? What took you so long?"

"Ah . . Actually ."

Wait, should I tell Cress about the goblin?


*rumble *rumble

Cress suddenly come close to me and rumbling the sack I filled with herbs.

"Whoa, how can you gather this much? So this is why you were late. You don't need to fill it full you know."

Huh? Is it hard to find herbs in the forest? That might be the reason why I can't find any other spot with herbs.

"Ah, well, you can say, I got too immersed in gathering. Hehe."

"Hahaha, well, you should go to sleep for now, we will move when the sun rise."

"Then, good night Cress"

Then I sleep right away.

--- Morning in Rest Area in Meridien Forest ---

"Uncle Taka! Wake up!"



"Cress-san, uncle finally wake up!"

"Then, let's set off"

"To Kain City!"

Then with me still half asleep, we restart our journey to Kain City.

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