《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 8 : The Ordinary Herbs Gathering Spot


--- Departure to Kain City ---

Going to the city, huh. Just when I got some time to think a bit about how to live my life here.

"Oh, that's right. Uncle Taka! Here, Father said to give it to uncle"

Minna suddenly took out a card from her bag and gave it to me.

"Eh? What is this card for?"

"I don't know.. Father just said to give it to uncle when Minna meet uncle."

Eh? Is this card something common, that Theo-san didn't even bother to give some explanation about it?

"Hmm? Oh, that card. It's a temporary resident card."

Just when I'm still trying to find about it, Cress give some explanation about the card

"In your case, it's the card issued by the village elder, which will give anyone with his/her name on it become temporary resident in their ruled village, which means, you can get in or out of the village without the needs to pay the entry tax."

Oh, that's means right now I am one of Daren Village's resident. But, what entry tax? I don't remember paying before coming into the village. Well, as long as I'm considered as a resident, at least I should have a place to stay. Still, since it's temporary resident, that means there is a limit for this card.

"Cress, how long is this card can be used?"

"It's vary from one card to another. You should take a look at the card, it should be written on it"

Hmm... The card actually blank, so I got a little confused. Then I remember about the wrist-card, which is why I try to check it using my fingerprint. Then it show up...




Resident of Daren Village




30 Days

So, this card should be able to last for about 30 days from now. Well, it should be long enough for me to get somewhat accustomized with this world life style. Of course, I'm feeling grateful to Theo-san for the card.

"Heeh, so that card is a temporary resident card. This is also Minna's first time seeing it."


"Of course Minna, you don't need one after all."


Now I look around the cart carefully, I can see that Minna is bringing a sack full of potatoes(?) and a small leather bag, other than that, there are also 2 wooden crate which already loaded into the cart right from the beginning, which means, those 2 crates are Cress's.

"Hey, Minna, you are going to take a test, right? Does that bag have everything you need?"

"Hmm? Of course it has! See, two set of clothes, registration note, emergency money and a small knife."

. . . Huh? A small knife? Isn't she about to take a test to join a school in the city?

"So, have you learned everything? I have also took the guild test in the past, you know."

A guild test?

"Of course I have! I have prepared to ace the test!"

"Then, here is a small quiz for you. Oh, and Taka, don't help her on this"

"O - of course"

Well, it's not like I know the answer.

"Minna, there are many kind of herbs in this forest, but, what is the 3 common herbs gathered from this forest?"

"Hmm.. It's easy! it's . . . Ashwagandha . . Bilberry . . and . . ."

*mumble *mumble

"Ah! and Chives!"

"Hoo, so you can name all three. Then, next question."

"Heeh, there is more?"

"Can you explain some basic feature of each herb?"

"well, Ashwagandha has red leaves, Bilberry has purple leaves, and Chives has green-purplish leaves! How's that, I have learned all of it!"

"Hoo, then here is the next question"

"Heeh... How many questions are there?"

After some few questions later, we finally reach the rest area.

--- Rest Area in Meridien Forest ---

"Here we are, the rest area. We will camp here today."

Huh? isn't this too early to take a rest? Well, the sun is about to set, but, it's still not that dark. But, well, if the coachman says so.

"*Huee... Finnaly, time to rest"

"You live around here, so you should know all the basic things already"


There really are a lot of question in our way here, like what's the herbs used for, how to differentiate between edible and inedible plant, how a poisonous mushrooms looks like, what a rest area is, and many more. Well, I learned a lot through their quiz time.


"Ah, I've got hungry after answering all that questions! It's time to eat!"

Minna took out the sack full of potatoes(?) and eating them right away.

Huh? is that fine? Don't we need to roast or steam it first?

"Uncle Taka, Cress-san, here for you two"

Minna then offering the potatoes(?) for the two of us.

"Well, a potato is enough to fill my stomach full"

. . . Oh! it's really named potato. Well, it should be fine since they also eat it right away

*munch *munch

Eh? it really is different from the potato I know before, the texture and the taste is the similar with the one I have this morning, which means this is the original taste of the potato.


"Is it really delicious?"

"Uncle Taka is weird, he also said that this morning"

"Ah, no. it just . . taste somewhat different from the potato I know"

Wait, they only have this kind of potato right? isn't that means I'm weird for saying this?

"Hee, what kind of differences between this potato and the potato you know?"

Huh? well, since Cress asking for it.

"It just different. The one I know has similar shape but has a plain taste and soft texture."

"similar shape but a plain taste and soft texture. . . Hmm, you might be talking about Atato"

Eh? there is something like that?

"Atato? What is that Cress-san?"

"It's indeed similar with potato but not as popular as potato because it's plain taste, but atato is easier to plant and faster to grow."

"Heeh, so there is that kind of plant"

"Ah, that's right, since we are here, I'm planning to gather some herbs in this forest and sell them in the city"

While saying that, Cress open one of the wooden crate and take an empty sack, then he open the other wooden crate and take a round-shaped object with a stick as it's handle.

. . . Wait. If Cress go out and gather herbs, that means I will be alone here with Minna, what will happen to us if a monster appear!? Right now I have a job to protect Minna, but, I am literally useless in fight. If it's like this then, I only have one-way to do it.

"Hey, Cress! Let me gather the herbs for you"

"Huh!? are you sure?"

"Well, you also have to take care of the horses right? Then, let me handle gathering herbs."

"Hoo, then, it's all yours."

"I'll be going then"

--- Meridien Forest ---

Well, this should be the best solution for now. Right, I can just run away if I see any beast or monster.

According to the note from Cress, there should be some herbs growing up around here. . Or, it might be a little deeper?

*walk even deeper

Damn. Where are the herbs! I'm getting deeper into the forest and it's getting dark.. Oh, wait, if it's getting dark I should push this button on this round-shaped object.


Suddenly the round-shaped object is glowing..

"Whoa.. it's beautiful."

So, it's some kind of flash-light in this world, but even cooler than the flash-light I know.

Hmm? That place? Oh! There are so many herbs right there!

Just when I'm about to dash into that place, I realize that there is someone on my right, a big guy sitting-still on a stone. From a closer look, I can see that he has a green skin just like the goblin I met before though a bit lighter, but he has a big muscular body and his height might be more than 2 meter, but, if that's really a goblin, that means he is . . . an adult . .


Wait, am I too nervous that I blurted that out!?

Eh? The goblin. . . He is looking right into my direction!!!

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