《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 7-2 : The (Silver Sky) Ordinary Day #1.5


--- Daren Village's Gate ---

"Hey Dan, what brings you here today?"

Oh, it’s Nera-san.

"Hey, Nera-san, you sound healthy as usual don't you."

"Nera, we come here to deliver these herbs and medicine, as requested by the village elder."

Gareth explain the situation as usual

"The elder request? Thanks for always delivering them Gareth."

"No problem, it's the right thing for us to do."

"Wait, is that a new face? So, you guys found a new member?"

"You mean Taka? We just met him in the forest, not a new member."

"I know, as an adventurer or traveler, you guys need to help each other in need, but, can we trust him?"

"You don't need to worry about him, Nera-san. He is a good guy, you have my word."

Well, he doesn’t look like some bandit or ruffian

"Let's just do the usual procedure. Any misdeeds will be exposed in the detection stone after all."

ah, that’s right, we need to get pass the detection stone, it should be fine then

"Ronnie, show them the way."

"Yes, sir."

"Please come this way"

Ronnie is bringing us to the small post near the gate, and told us to come in one by one, starting with Gareth. Well, I should go after Gareth and explain my view about Taka.

--- Daren Village's Detection Post after Detection ---

"Vin, how much is the tax?"

"hmm? You don't need to worry about that, as usual, Gareth-san has already paid all the tax for the 5 of you"

Huh? 5 of us? That means, he also count Taka. Then it should be fine.

"I'll be going in then."

--- Daren Village ---

We should all meet up at the village elder's house. Then, I should just go straight there.

--- Village Elder's House ---

"Hey, Dan, we are just talking about the Serpent we met on our way. You have the Serpent Core right?"

"Ah, yes. Here it is"

"How many did you met?"

"it's just one, but it was already injured when we met it."

"Was there a fight over a territory? If that's the reason, then there might be a new monster in the forest."

"Yes, we also think about that, and we are about to investigate the forest."

"what a problem."

"sir. Daren, is there something in your mind?"


"ah, it's about Minna, my daughter. She is supposed to take the Guild Test in the next 5 days. But, with the appearance of a supposedly new monster, I've got to prioritize the guard to protect the village. That's right, what if you guys escort my daughter to Kain city? Of course I will prepare a reward for it."

"I'm sorry sir. Daren, but, we are planning to check on something tomorrow."

"Huh? Is there something we need to check, Dan?"

"I will tell you in a bit. We can't but, how about Taka?

After listening to Gareth and sir. Daren, I give a suggestion to ask Taka to do the escort.

"Taka? a new member?"

"Ah, no. He is not a new member, but a lone adventurer. We met him in the forest, half-way to the village"

"Can we trust him?"

"It's fine, He got a sharp eyes, and capable of detecting any danger situation. Your daughter will have a safe travel"

"That so? Then, I should ask him."

"And, is it possible to create a temporary citizen identity for him?"

"I can create one, of course. But, is it really needed?"

"Well, it seems he has no money and I want to thanks him for the tip he gave me before. Then, can you make it for 30 days"

"If it's for 30 days, then you need to pay 60 silver."

"Here it is"

*door opens

"Dia, where is Graim?"

Gareth cut our discussion about Taka temporary citizens identity because Dia comes in.

"He is distributing the herb and medicine we brought here"

"Then, let's gather after Graim finished the job. Dia, you should go and tell Graim we have something to discuss."


"and, Dan. Can you take Taka here? We will be talking about this escort request."

"Of course."

--- Daren Village near Detection Post ---

Oh, there he is.

"Hey Taka! I know you are not a bad guy. The captain is waiting for you, you should go to the village elder's house. Here, come with me."

Then, I bring him to village elder's house.

"Here we are"

"Dan, you're not coming with me?"

"Ah, me? Nope. I have another job to be done"

"Oh, good luck on your job then"

"I'll be fine, you should think about yourself first"

--- Daren Village Flik Eatery---



"Oh, everyone already here. So, what do we need to check exactly, Dan?"

"Actually, I heard from Taka that he was running from goblin settlement in the forest. Which means, there really is a goblin settlement in Meridien Forest."

"Hoo... Interesting, they might be the one making those Serpent to run."

"What are waiting for!? Let's go and exterminate them! We just beat an injured Serpent, then those goblins should be injured too."

"Wait Graim, though that might be true. But first, we need to make sure there really is a goblin settlement. So, Dan, first we need to go and check the supposed place first."

Well, all we got is actually information from Taka, and might not actually true.

"Yeah, of course! I'm about to ask for your permission to check the location. Then, I'm off."

"Hey, wait. Dia go with Dan. And make sure you guys find out the supposed leader if there really is a goblin settlement."

"Will do!"

--- Meridien Forest ---

This should be the right direction.

. . .

Ah, there is the settlement. Then I with Dia start our investigation of the settlement. After we make sure we have everything noted.

"That's it, let's come back to the village"

--- Daren Village Flik Eatery ---

"Hmm? Oh, back already?"

"Yup, we have investigate the settlement. First, the goblin settlement really do exist."

And then, I let Dia to inform about the goblin settlement condition.

"Here is the count. there are about 8 houses, and the residents are 12 goblin, 4 goblin warrior, 2 goblin leader, and 1 goblin shaman. And, it seems like they just have a fight."

"Hoh, then we should strike when they still rebuilding their strength. What about trap?"

"There is no trap detected"

"Well, if their leader is goblin shaman, then we can beat them, especially when they are still recovering from their previous fight. I and Graim will think about how to raid the settlement. In the mean time, why don't you guys go to the Checking Building."

--- Checking Building ---

"Well, Dan, put your wrist-card on the table"













27 (28%) [15%]

Max Stamina

162 (+3)

Max HP


Max MP



24 (+2)




37 (+2)


43 (+4)








17 (+1)


Kain City (Resident)


Adventurer Guild (Silver Sky Group member)

Main Class




Main Profession




Class Job






30% [72%]

agility +2, dexterity +4







12% [10%]

Strength +1, max stamina +3



20% [36%]

Strength +1, Luck +1

Skill Set



Archer - Active

Charge Arrow (35 MP)

2 (23%) [17%]

hoot an arrow with a strong force (require 5 second preparation), damage = 20 base damage + 2*strength

Archer - Active

Homing Arrow (50 MP)

1 (47%) [7%]

Shoot a homing arrow, homing time = 3 second + (dexterity + agility) / 3

Hunter - Continuous

Hawk Eyes (30 STA + 2 STA/sec)

2 (58%) [23%]

Give the eyes a better sight, distance = 15 meter + 0.5*dexterity

Gatherer - Active

Herb’s Identifier (15 STA)

2 (20%) [10%]

Gain the knowledge of herbs, Dictionary = 8 types

"So, what do you want to do?"

Well, nothing really changes.

"Ah, I will consume exp for the archer class job"

"Archer class job is it. Then, you will need to pay 86 silver and 40 bronze."

"Yes, here is the money"

"very well then."

--- Night at Daren Village ---

"Since we all here, before we tell you our plan, let's go and camp out near the goblin settlement."

--- Camp not so near Goblin Settlement ---

"Dan, you should keep watching their movement."

"Alright, I'm on it"

"Then, about the plan. Since the highest rank they have is goblin shaman, we should kill it as soon as we can, Dia, can you do this?"

"don't worry, I will kill it before it realize anything"

"Next, about 2 goblin leader, I will be the one keeping them at bay. As for the other goblins, Graim, can you hold them all?"

"Of course I can!"

"Don't worry, Dan will assist you"

"Gahaha, even though I'm alone is enough"

"Dan, any movement?"

"Seems like they are prioritizing to recover than increasing their defenses"

"We should be fine then. Prepare yourself for tomorrow morning"

--- Morning in Meridien Forest near Goblin Settlement ---

"Are you guys ready?"

"Any time"

"Then, Let's begin the raid."

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