《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 7 : The Ordinary Departure to Kain City


--- Morning at Village Elder's House ---


"Oh, it's morning already"

Now I have time to relax, I take a look at the room I'm staying.

The room is almost empty, there is only a bed where I slept, a set of table-chair, the window is an empty space at the wall with a piece of wood to close it, as for the door there is only a kind of curtain to separate the room. But, this room is clean, they might always clean some rooms for unexpected guest. Anyway, I've got to prepare for my journey to the city, but, I don't know what to prepare.

*step *step

"Oh, you already awake, Taka. Good morning."

The one who greet and come to my room with a casual but elegant clothes is sir. Daren

"ah, good morning"

"Come to the dining room, we are having our breakfast right now"

"yes, sir. Daren"

"Gahaha, drop the sir. Oh, and just call me Theo on daily basis, call me Daren when we are on official business."

Eh? His name consist of two words? Ah, since this is Daren Village, that means, Daren is added to the name for village's elder.

"A -- Alright then, Theo-san"

"yup, that's better. Let's eat our breakfast."

--- Dining Room at Village Elder's House ---

"Oh, so that's Taka!"

The one who called out my name with a cheerful voice wearing a simple clothes and short pants is a small girl about 140 cm.

"Hey, Minna, you should have greeted him first."

Oh, so that girl is called Minna.

"a--ah, good morning uncle Taka."

"Sorry about that Taka, we rarely got any guest here after all. Ah, this is Minna, my daughter. "

"It's fine, I usually live alone, so this is also kind of new for me."

Well, after my grandpa died, I was living alone in my former world, not like I lied about it.

"Then, let's eat"

The tableware used to serve the food, the plate, glass, and spoon are all created by wood, it's not really smooth, but it's good enough to use. As for the food served here are a soup and potato starch(?). Thankfully, it looks good and seems edible.

So, I try to taste the soup first.


I can't really tell what was used to create this soup, and I don't know whether this soup really delicious or it become delicious because I'm hungry. It tastes good. The soup has a savory smells, it's warm and a bit light making it easy to swallow. Once swallowed I can feel my stomach become warmer and my head become clearer.


After that, I try the potato starch(?). Well, I don't really know it's a potato or not, but it looks just like what I had in my previous world.

*munch *munch

The taste is quite different from what I expected, the texture is more crunchy but it's feels drier than what I thought. But, this sweet taste is still delicious. When combining it with the soup, the potato starch(?) becomes soft but there is still some crunchy texture left, making it tastes even better.

"hmm.. it's delicious."

"Hoo, is that so? Gahaha, I'm glad someone appreciate my simple cooking."

"Heeeh, it's not that delicious you know"

"isn't it Minna who can't differentiate any taste?"

After some small talk, we finished our food.

"Thanks for the food"

That's right, I need to know about the escort that I need to do.

"ah, Da - -, Theo-san. When will I depart to the city?"

"Oh, about that, you guys will be departing at noon, so you should relax for now."

"That's right! Uncle Taka will be the one who escort me to Kain city"

"You should prepare for the departure Minna"


"Taka, you should go out and explore the village for a bit."

"I will do just that"

"Oh, I almost forgot. Taka, can you place your hand on this board for a bit?"

Huh? Theo-san shows me a board.. rather, it might actually a plank of wood, about three times of my hand.

"Ah, right."

I don't know what it's for, but it doesn't look like a weapon or something scary. So I just placed my hand. After a while, a faint light blue-ish light appear on the board for an instant.

"Yup, that's about it."

After that, Theo-san retrieve the board and walk away. Then he suddenly turns arround.

"Ah, There will be a coach prepared at the gate for the departure, don't be late"

"ah, Yes"

--- Daren Village ---

Well, I don't really know what happened and what to do, but first, I should register this Village to be in my affiliation field. Yeah, it should be possible, it's Checking Building if I'm not wrong.

Hmm.. This should be the place. Well, there is a sign that says 'Checking Building' right in front of it.

--- Checking Building ---

It only consist of 2 room, an empty room which might be used as waiting room with 5 wooden chairs here, and a room similar with the one at Detection Post.

"Excuse me"

Since no one in the waiting room, I go to the next room directly. There, I found an old woman sitting relaxed while reading a book.


"hmm? A new face? Oh, it's Taka isn't it?"

The news goes fast inside the village.

"Yes, I'm Taka"

"Since you come here, you want to check your wrist-card, right?"

"Yes, and I want to register Daren Village into my affiliation field"

"Well, put your wrist-card on this table."

Just like in the Detection Post, the procedure is basically the same. but this time, the one show up is all of my status, and nothing has changed. . . Wait, it's a little different from before.












1 (0%) [5%]

Max Stamina


Max HP


Max MP













22 (+2)









Main Class




Main Profession




Class Job






0% [20%]

wisdom +2

Wait, now they know my level, will I be fine?

"Hmm, interesting, to be this old and still staying at level 1"

"ah, about that--"

"don't worry, we the detector already made a vow not to leak out any information about anyone we check."

"so, let's go back into business, you want to add 'Daren Village' into your affiliation field right?"


"Well, since you don't have any criminal record, and your affiliation field still empty, it should be fine."

"but first, about the cost to fill in the affiliation field, in Daren VIllage, it's cost for about 20 Silver."

Huh? I've got to pay!? .....Ah, that's right, it's a service after all.

"So - Sorry, but I don't have any money."

"Hmm, then I can't do it. You need money to consume the experience you gained, and of course to fill any empty field you have. The cost will vary according your level and experience gained, and also the place you use our service."

"Thank you, I will remember that."

"Then, excuse me"

Uwaa, how embarassing, I even go out of the room frantically because the embarassment I felt. Yeah, I should have known about this. There is nothing free in this world, even the room and food I got are kind of the reward I got for the escort quest I'm about to do.

Oh, that's right, they have guards don't they? Then why Theo-san asked me to do the escort? I should ask the guards, If any of them come with me, the escort will be an easy ride.

--- Daren Village's Gate ---

Oh, they are the same guy as yesterday. If I'm not wrong, his name is . . . That's right, it's Nera.

"Excuse me Nera-san"

"Hmm.. Oh, do you need something Taka?"

"Well, it's about my escort quest"

"Hoo, about escorting Minna to Kain City. What about it?"

"I'm a little confused, why don't The- - sir. Daren asked you to do the escort?"

"Oh, about that. It's because the appearance of Serpent yesterday, there isn't any clear reason why, but it possess some threat to the village safety which is more important."

Ah, that actually makes sense. So the guards are all needed to keep the safety of the village.

"Hey, Taka, isn't that the coach you will ride?"

Eh? The coach already here?

I peek to the direction Nera-san pointed at, and there I see two horses harnessed to a cart which might be big enough to have 6 passengers and 2 coachman. not only the coach, but there is also a coachman on standby.

I sighed with relief, knowing there is someone to act as the coachman. Well, I have never ride a horse even once before. Well, if that's the coach, I should wait there too.

"Ah, then, excuse me Nera-san"

"Be careful on your way, the Serpent might come out again."

--- In front of Daren Village's Gate ---

"Excuse me sir"

The supposed coachman is a man which looks old enough (maybe in his 30's), and his straw hat really make him quite unique.


"I'm Taka, the one who will escort Minna to Kain City."

"Hoo, so it's you. Ah, I'm Cress, I will act as the coachman for your short travel. Nice to meet you."

"Ah, nice to meet you too."

Hmm, but, it's not the time yet right?

"Hey Cress, isn't it still too early? we need to wait 'till noon before departing right?"

"As a pro coachman, I need to come early and stand by before the customer come. They won't want my service if I'm late right?"

a--ah, so that's the reason. Then we wait until noon.

--- Noon ---

"Hmm? Uncle Taka already here?"

Minna finally come wearing a leather clothes and long pants with some luggage in her hands.

"Hoo, so, are we ready to go?"

"Since uncle Taka already here, we should go right away!"

Minna answering Cress's question with a cheerful tone.

"Then, Let's go to Kain City!"

with a cheerful voice from Minna we set-off to Kain City.

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