《Nephilim: Beyond Good and Evil》Chapter 3: Kira
Author's Note: Warning the scenes of this chapter contains excessive gore. You have been warned.
There's something damp on my cheek... it feels so warm.
Terios' hand reaches for the left side of his cheek, dragging fingers down as it collected the warm sample of blood. His head lowered as he realized that the bullet had went through her head, leaving what once was a healthy woman into a cold discarded corpse.
Was this my fault?
At the mention of this Terios' body began to shake sporadically. How could anyone just take a life so easily? Without a moment of hesitation?
If I was stronger, I could have done something. But, I'm just a coward and there wasn't anything I could do. Is he going to kill me next!? I don't want to die! Not like this! Not by him!
The man stepped over to Terios, keeping the gun firmly in his hand while staring menacingly at his target. Soon the gun was pressed against the target's forehead, still hot from the previous shot.
I can't move... I'm too afraid! He can kill me at any moment! What the hell am I supposed to do!?
The sight of the gun had the Kiyomizu frozen like a deer in the headlights, his crimson eyes widened as if he had seen death itself.
"Let me tell you my name, pansy. You see I call myself Kira. I bet you're wondering why? Well, Kira means light and usually when people are around me they end up seeing a light. The light belonging to the afterlife! So say your prayers!"
There was nothing he could do at this point, he already lost when Kira placed his gun against his forehead. Once he pulled his fingers, everything went quiet. Blood gushed around in every direction. Terios, however, fell in only one direction; backwards. Hitting the ground with a dull sound. His eyes were shut closed and blood continued to pour from the disgustingly pink wound.
With a job well done, Kira kneeled next to the body and pulled out his smartphone, holding it up into the air in the angle of a selfie.
"Say cheese."
He moved his thumb to snap the picture, standing up slowly afterwards and dusting himself off. The thrill of killing was exzhilrating to this sick man. To him it was how he lived and how he provided his wife with food and multiple buildings. You can't really call those places home when you're an assassin you have to keep moving or else you end up dying.
Kira walked away from the corpse, placing the phone to his ear as he had called his wife.
I've been killing people since I was in my 20's. It's been 10 years now and it has gotten a lot easier. At first I felt guilty for involving Hana into this way of life. That's why I try to do most of the killing. I don't see myself as a man anymore, when I look into the mirror all I see is a bloodthirsty monster. Yet, who's complaining? A normal person couldn't handle this job.
"Babe, just letting you know that I- I'll call you back."
Kira sensed something for that slight moment. This feeling was something that he knew very well. A sense of killing intent an urge to completely eradicate someone else. He slowly turned around before being greeted with a tentacle conjured from shadows which lashed out against his chest.
The tentacles were covered with thorns also made from shadows which cut deep into his flesh like a saw tearing through wood. The force was enough to send him sliding along the asphalt.
Kira caught himself and got a good look at his target who was on his feet. How was this possible? The bloody hole on his head was gone. Something else was different aswell... his eyes were shinning a light grey color.
So the bastard was right. His son really isn't human. Now I'm not one for the supernatural, but, this proves it.
Kira lowered his head as he watched as his blood dripping onto the ground, staining it and forming mini puddles. He smiled sadistically before he brushed his finger against his wound.
That Angel granted me with a power of my own. It'll make killing so much easier. It fits right in with my personality!
"You aren't the only special one, kid!"
He looked at his finger and the blood that smudged into it and soon his red liquid would begin to stretch until it formed a sword which he took ahold of.
"I won round 1. Round 2 won't be any different!"
The area was now clear of people, the officials would be arriving soon to deal with whatever was going on. Until then, Kira had some time to let loose on his target.
Terios stood there with his body limp and his head staring at the ground before he slowly raised it up to gaze over at Kira.
Kira quickly pulled the trigger of his gun, firing off a round of bullets towards the purple haired male.
Terios stood there, each and every bullet piercing through his skin. Each bullet felt warm and stung severely, yet, no reaction was seen from him. Crimson waters dripped from the wound until the bullet shells were forced out by his regeneration abilities.
A sheen of twilight blue covered each wound and quickly healed it. Kira was simply pissed and dropped his gun which was out of ammo.
"Fine, let's see you regenerate your limps!"
Kira ran forward, breathing heavily out his nose. Before he could even make it within one feet of Terios, various tendrils of shadows erupted from the ground and flew out.
Kira cursed under his breath as he used his blade to parry against each one. The attack was endless and getting close to him now would be impossible. So, he backed off for now, taking a large leap backwards.
"Hmm. I can't get close if you're going to fight like that."
Kira smiled before he charged in again, stopping when he got about three feet of Terios and ran around him, stopping once he was behind.
Terios' defenses were nearly unbeatable to Kira. Shadows danced around from the ground around him and were already prepared to strike Kira. He just wanted to lure him in closer.
Kira dashed forward, using his blade to clash against the various tendrils that fired upon entering the range they covered. His knee and shoulder were impaled into, causing him to swear and stagger.
Still, he kept on moving, ignoring the oddities that were inside of him. That blade just needed to get close enough to swing. Terios slowly turned around as he watched Kira's desperate attack.
How reckless of him to just charge through multiple stabbings. The pain was being added with each stabbing, his other knee, shoulder, and even torso were punctured. Finally, he stopped and coughed up a collection of blood.
"D-did I really stop him?" Terios muttered to himself.
He was aware of his actions, but still shocked by what he was able to do. Although, now that Kira was stopped dead in his tracks, maybe it was time to leave.
The atmosphere around the two was rapidly changing. Thick fog clogged around and lowered visibility to zero. Terios couldn't even see Kira anymore and backed away slowly.
What's going on now? Is this someone he knows? Or is it...
Suddenly, something stabbed into him. Extending out from his stomach was Kira's blade and a woman who wielded it for him. The sound of his flesh being spread apart echoed through the wind.
"Ugggh!" Terios cried out in pain.
"Leave it in him, Hana."
Soon the fog cleared, or rather was raised above the air just so Terios could see what was going on.
Hana was dressed casually, wearing a blue tank top which came with a full chest and black jeans. She had orchid colored hair and bright green eyes.
Two against one... the odds aren't in my favor. My options are running or staying to fight.
Terios gripped onto the blade of blood and slowly extracted it out of his body and flung it to the ground. He winced in pain once it was out, but his wound was covered in its healing glow.
Now with the blade out he began to sprint away, running as fast as he could. Along the way he passed by numerous shops and could hear police sirens blaring down the street.
The cops are here, great. Maybe, it'll slow them down somewhat.
A police car pulled off a few feet from the two assassins. One casually stepped out of the vehicle and noticed the corpse that was on the ground.
"I'm going to have both of you to get down on the ground now!" The officer shouted.
"Stupid cops." Kira said.
Kira walked toward them, blood forming into crystalized armor around his body. The officer looked startled and raised his gun at him, firing off a few rounds that simply bounced off of his blood armor.
As Kira approached him, wrapped his hand around the officer's throat before slamming him against the ground. "You shouldn't have got in my way."
Seeing the sight of his partner being tossed to the ground, the other officer got out of the card and pointed his gun at the blood coated man. "D-don't move."
Kira yelled as he lifted the police off the ground and launched it towards his partner, sending them both onto the ground. He would then stick out his hand for Hana to hand him his sword.
"Thanks, after this we can return to killing that kid."
He stalks over the two who were frightened by his appearance. The blade was stabbed into them multiple times, sending blood splashing as they yelled in pain. The sound of their agony finally met its end when all of their blood had ran dry.
I should have placed some distance between me and those guys.
Terios panted and rested his hands onto his knee caps. He probably got far enough from the two. Suddenly, he felt someone's hand around his shoulder, quickly looking up he saw that it was...
"Hey Terios. How's my favorite nephew?"
Uubji was Ryo's brother. His hair was blue and his eyes were a shade of brown. He wore blue jeans and a gray shirt. Across his face was a big goofy smile.
"I smelled you out here. So, I decided to say hi."
"Uncle, there's someone after me. A group of assassins!"
"That's nice, Terios. It's about time you started getting some attention."
"Well, we all need attention."
"I don't want this kind of attention."
"Where are they now?"
"Probably not far behind. We should go somewhere more discreet to try and formulate a plan."
"No need, Terios. I think the supernatural has had enough time to hide underneath humans noses."
Uubji's nose twitches as he senses the two approaching.
"You're crazy, uncle Uubji."
"Don't forget it, Terios."
Descending upon the two was another thick fog that blocked any hope of sight. Uubji wasn't worried since he was a Werewolf and could depend on his nose to survive.
"This is one of their tricks!"
"Ahh. We're dealing with professionals then. Leave it to your big uncle."
Moving through the fog was Kira's sword which was literally forged from his own blood. Uubji using his superb senses caught the blade by slapping both of his hands together at just the right time.
"That was close."
"Shit, this guy's good, Hana."
Uubji released the blade and grabbed Terios' shirt, soaring through the air and out of the fog. While still in the air, Kira followed them, leaping up to meet them.
"Terios, can you do something about that?"
Terios held out his hand as various tendrils danced along the air and forced their way upon Kira who had to guard, knocking the momentum from his jump and sending him back to the ground.
"When did you learn how to do that?"
"I don't really know."
The two Kiyomizus landed on the ground roughly. Uubji whispered something to Terios which caused him to run off and into a nearby shop.
Uubji knew their target was his nephew and so he wanted to separate them. Kira was going to head over to the shop, but, Uubji blocked his path.
"Sorry, you have to go through me if you want him."
"Hana! Handle the boy."
"I'm on it."
Hana ran off and to make sure Uubji was focused, Kira swung his blade forward. Uubji was quick to counter, stepping back as he felt the rush of air from the energy Kira used to swing it.
Inside of the shop the clerk watched as Terios ran in and told him to stop. He wasn't in the position to listen as bullets shattered the glass door and caused the cashier to panic.
Moving along the aisle, he hid behind one and watched as Hana entered. Her footsteps grew louder as she was closing the distance between them.
She shouldn't be able to use her power in here. So, I can defeat her easily. I just have to surprise her.
When she turned around the corner, Terios lunged at her and tackled her to the ground. He gripped firmly onto her wrists, trying to keep her pinned down and avoid being shot.
"Tell me why you're doing this!? I want answers!"
Hana remained silent, but kept on struggling. Soon she realized that maybe it would be best to finally tell the boy what was going on.
"I wish I could tell you, but, it wouldn't end well for us."
"What does that mean!?"
"All I can say is that your father is after you."
"My father...?"
Hana used this distraction to kick him off of her before aiming her gun at him. Her fingers massaged the trigger while she stared at Terios. Now she was wondering if this was really worth making a deal with the devil.
"I'm not going to shoot you."
"You wouldn't die anyways. I couldn't kill you."
"It's hard to see how we really got here. Sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice."
Outside the fight between Kira and Uubji was coming to a close.
Kira's armor was well structured and he only had one weak spot which was his head. After dodging a flurry of swings from the blood blade he charged in for the kill.
Wrapping his arms tightly around Kira's waist, Uubji used all of his energy to raise Kira into the air, preparing to deliver a German suplex.
"What the?"
The assassin's body soared through the air before he was lowered firmly into the ground, his skull smashing into the unforgiving concrete. Their bodies stayed in that position for a moment until they both fell to the side.
Uubji took note that the assassin was knocked out, but didn't know for how long. Terios and Hana soon came out to meet him with the result of their battle already determined.
"Uncle, we've decided to just go our separate ways. The information Hana gave me has given me a lot to think about."
"Really nephew? Sorry about your partner. It was the only way I could have taken him down."
"It's fine. He's handled worse." Hana said as she went over to Kira and bent down to touch his face.
"The police will probably be all over this area..."
"Yeah, nephew. Let's return home. Nice meeting you lady! I hope you and your friend do ok. It'd be really good if you didn't kill anymore."
Uubji and Terios went on about their business, leaving Hana to clean up behind.
Night quickly set in for the city, Hana had taken her husband to one of their previously owned apartments. She sat comfortably on the couch while Kira's head rested against her lap.
"Ugh. My head is killing me."
"Rise and shine."
"Hana? Did we kill the target?"
"No. I just felt like it would be better to let him go."
"That wasn't smart."
"We wouldn't have won against him. Not against his kind."
"Have you forgotten about the deal?"
"I didn't."
"Then you know we're in trouble?"
"I do. But, we've always been in trouble. I just can't live like this anymore, Kira. I wanted a family. A family with you."
"It's my fault. I couldn't give that to you. We were financially crippled and the only thing I knew how to get money was from doing illegal things. Why did you ever fall in love with me? You could have done so much better."
"You don't get to choose who you fall in love with."
After a heartfelt discussion the couple remained quiet for awhile. Kira held her close to him and closed his eyes.
"I love you, Hana."
"I love you too, Kira."
Appearing from seemingly nowhere, the mysterious man was among them with a not so happy expression.
"How the hell did you get in here!?"
"That doesn't matter. Both of you failed in your own special way as I expected of you. Even with my blessing you didn't have what it in you to kill my son."
"Kill him yourself!" Kira shouted.
"Not now. He hasn't reached his full potential. It would be a waste to kill him now while he's so undeveloped. You two on the other hand have served your purpose. You're no longer needed."
"You have a lot of nerve!"
Kira stood up but before he could even perform any action the mysterious man snapped a finger.
At the sound of the snap, Kira's body was engulfed in black flames that came directly from Hell itself. The screams and agony from the lost souls down there were felt by Kira and his own scream adding to it. His flesh quickly began to peel off from his flesh, leaving a terrible burning stench through the room.
Hana was in absolute fright as she had to watch this. Her eyes were filled with red veins that made it seem like her eyeballs were going to pop. Hearing her lover's in such displeasure was something she couldn't handle. She immediately got on her knees as she begged the monster to stop.
"I'm feeling merciful tonight. I like you, Hana so, I'll end it quickly for you."
A loud snapping sound was heard and Hana's corpse collapsed onto the ground leaving her neck in a grotesque position; the opposite direction a head should be.
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