《Enchanter》Chapter 04


"No, no... it's totally fine, this is merely low class items I'm sure it won't attract that much attention, yes, that's it!"

B-Besides, it isn't like I have a ton to sell...

Yeah, they won't be asking needless questions, surely...

"So? You want to sell rings?"


"Sir, we are not a jewelry shop, we sell artifacts here!"

"I know that, don't you have an appraiser. The conversation would progress if you just look at the rings."

The receptionist scoffed at me and looked at one of the people standing by and called for the appraiser, his eyes opened wide as he looked at the rings I presented to the receptionist.

"T-this is!?"

The appraiser exclaimed in surprise, he immediately pushed the receptionist away and looked at the rings, he reached out his hands to one of them and carefully inspected them, seeing his reaction I think that's enough, I won't be selling the orb.

"W-where did you get this!? Artifacts of this quality can only be found at category level 3 dungeons!"

"A-ah, yeah... yeah... m-my master got them from the dungeon!"

Wing it! Wing it!

"I see, to gather this many, your master must be a veteran awakened!"

"Y-yeah! A-also, how much would it be for one of those rings."

"Unfortunately, we don't have the money right now, but if we auctioned this, you might be able to get a large sum from it, we will be getting 30% of the bidding price once it is sold, will it be fine?"

"That's fine, I'm sure master will understand!"

Alright! We get to sell it!

The appraiser leads me to the auction site.

It was on another building on the same block.

Contrary to my expectations of what the auction site would be, it only have the appearance of a normal cinema.


People sat in the chairs as if they were to watch a movie, with mini-binoculars you'd see in the opera.

"Please follow me."

He led me to the backstage, where there were about a dozen of artifacts, hm? Isn't this too few?

"I thought you'd be selling a lot more."

"Customer, normally artifacts are hard to find, your master must've been lucky as people normally holds on their artifacts and used it one day."

"I see..."

"I'll be taking the rings to be sold."

"Ah, here."

"Alright, please follow me to your seat."

"My seat?"

"The auction is about to start, you'll be recieving your payment for the auctioned items after the auction."

"Oh, ugh... I thought that I'd be getting the money a week later."

"That is if the item is not sold for this week."

"Then are you sure it will sell today?"

"Are you kidding!? Accessory type artifacts are the rage today, it's light and does not occupy to much space in the body, and if the artifacts ability is superb, then the buyer would buy it at the highest bidder!"

The appraiser looked at me like he couldn't believe what I just said.

"And the ability of the rings you are selling is what these people are looking for."

The people around wore something that would hide their identities.

Some wore a hooded jacket, a mask, and for some reason one of them wore underwear over their face.

"Though it isn't really mandatory, I would like you to wear one of this, if you don't want your identity to be known, you are a seller after all, you might get tailed."

"Err... thank you."

I'm only selling things why does it feel like I entered a very dangerous place?


I took the mask, similar to a wrestler's one and put it over my head.

It doesn't seem it was enchanted, so I didn't have to worry too much.

I sat by the far east end of the cinema and reached for the mini-binoculars by the arm rest.

I activated my ability if the mini-binoculars had been enchanted but it didn't seem so.

Anyway, I can see the stage though a bit blurry.

The appraiser seems to be the host of the auction as well.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, now we will be commencing this week's auction house, the first item for today."

One of his assistants pushed the pedestal towards the spotlight revealed a feathered hat.

[Rarity: Rare|Hunter's Hat | Enhancement: +1 (Max: 10)| Enchantment: Hit Correction Lv. 2, Sense Up 15%, Critical Rate Up 15% (Max: 5)| Durability 70/70]

"An item designed to be used by Range Class Attacker awakened! It boosts the Hunter's Hit Rate, Sense and Critical Rate, making it quite the deadly artifact if used by a marksman! The bidding starts with $500."


"We got a 550? Anyone else?"


"Oh! $700! Anymore?"


Upon those words the buyers began to compete with each other.

But I didn't care about it at all.

After all, I can easily enchant items with a much powerful enchantment. Without failing no less.

The auction proceeded without any problems the prices of the auctioned items reached no lower than $2500 each, and no more than $5000.

Hearing those numbers made me think what the rings price range will be.

Then the time for the rings to be sold came.

"Today's special! We just got a rare set of accessory artifacts. First in our selection is the Blaze Ring! You may inspect the item, if you want!"

One by one, the audience began to flock over the Ring.

"It's true... there are two enchantments for this accessory, where'd they find this?"

"There are no inscriptions, this must have been found in the dungeon!"

"Well then everyone, the bidding starts at $800!"

"1000! I bid for $1000"


The bidding war began, I honestly didn't think it would be like this, and over a single accessory artifact.

Was it really that rare?

I let myself out of the auction house to get some fresh air and never went back in, simply waited for the bidding to finish.

"This is your share for the auctioned artifacts, as promised we will be taking 30% of the overall bid."

Each ring had been sold for 10,000 a piece, it seems only a single person was able to buy it all.

Rich people really are crazy...

An envelop with a thick amount of paper was given to me.

But as I was about to take it, my hand was stopped midway.

"Customer, we would like to know your source, if possible."

"I only came here to sell, my master is the one doing the work."

"Is that so?"


As he heard my words, he lets the envelop go and bows his head.

"I hope you consider to sell in this establishment in the future."

"I'll tell my master about it."

"Thank you very much."

I left the auction house.

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