《Enchanter》Chapter 03


"Big Bro!"


"Why are you still loafing around, shouldn't you get your certification?"

"Nino, the certification requires money, and I'm still looking for a place to sell the items I enchanted. Also, I can't really go out and leave you two here alone."

It's been three days since I told Nino and Nina about my ability.

I also asked them if they have any unused accessories that they want to get enchanted, the result was:

[Nino's Enchanted Accessories]

- Bangle of Wind Resistance - Passively creates a barrier that increases wind resistance by 70%

- Earring of Flight - Activates ability "Fly" when the keyword "Fly" is used. Can be used for 3 hours per day.

- Earring of Reflex - Increases Agility by 25%

- Ring of Regeneration - Increase Life Regen by 5% of Max Life.

- Dash Shoes - Increases movement speed by 30%.

[Nina's Enchanted Accessories]

- Ring of Light - Activates ability "Luminous" once the key word "Torch" used, can be used for 6 hours/day.

- Earring of Reflex - Increases Agility by 25%.

- Earring of Strength - Increases Strength by 40%.

- Terror Bangle - If the user shouts, the ability "Dragon's Roar" activates. Can be used 3 times/day.

- Dash Shoes - Increases movement speed by 30%.

I think I went a bit overboard with the enchantments but, it's still far from the enchantments I put in my clothes.

There is no chance of failure and my mana continues to grow because of repeated uses.

I'll wait for mom and dad to come home, for now I shouldn't let Nino fly outside the house.

[The Monster Parade is still occuring at District...]

"It's still not done? Is the parade this time difficult?"

"I hope Dad's okay..."


"Don't worry Nina, I'm sure dad's fine, he's not actually fighting the monsters."


"Yeah, dad loves you so much you know so he won't put himself in danger."


"Let's change the channel!"


She don't need to worry about things needlessly, she's a kid she only needs to have fun and play.

"I'm home!"

"Mom!!! Yey!"

With hurried steps Nina immediately ran to the front door.

I followed Nina and saw mom was still taking her shoes off, Nina's been going around in circle in an energetic manner.

"Just wait a minute, okay? Mom has to take her shoes off."

"I'll wait!"

"Welcome home!"

Nino suddenly appears from behind me and joined Nina with her ritual.

"Did your dad come home?"

"Not yet, it seems the disturbance this time is quite troublesome."

"I see."

She had a worried look on her face but only shook her head lightly as if to dispel that worry.

"Anything happen while I was away?"



Answered Nino and Nina as they giggled.

"Mom, I have to go out for today."

"Hm, just don't stay out too late!"

"Got it."

I took my bag and headed out.

"It should be here somewhere... ah!"

I was currently downtown, a few blocks away from the district where the monster parade was happening.

You can see from all the way here a glasslike barrier has been erected, that is how the monster parade is being contained.

Even though it is only a few blocks away from that district people here are very lax and went on with their lives, I guess that's how much they trust the awakened fighting in the said district or maybe they just don't care.


Anyway, the reason I'm here was because I decided to sell a few of equipments I enchanted. I seriously looked hard on what could be regarded as "Rare" and "Uncommon", I enchanted the items accordingly and maxed out their enhancements.

I'll just say that I'm an errand boy for a master imbuer and blacksmith to avoid being asked too much question.

By the way the ones I've brought are merely accessories.

I was a collector of rings I found during my youth.

I was... quite attached to them, putting rings in every finger and acting as if I had powers. Aah... my dark past...

Anyway, those rings now had power, each and every one of them.

It is as follows:

[Rarity: Uncommon|Ether Ring| Enhancement: +2 (Max: 2)| Enchantment: Replenishes 50 Mana for Each Use (20 Uses, breaks upon exhaustion) (Keyword: Ether) (Max: 1)| Durability 40/40]

[Rarity: Uncommon|Speed Ring | Enhancement: +2 (Max: 2)| Enchantment: Increase Agility by 15% (Max: 1)| Durability 40/40]

[Rarity: Uncommon|Ring of Transformation| Enhancement: +3 (Max: 3)| Enchantment: Transform into a certain monster for an hour (Maximum of (1) uses per day) (Max: 1)| Durability 40/40]

[Rarity: Uncommon|Priestly Ring | Enhancement: +2 (Max: 2)| Enchantment: Replenishes 100 Life for Each Use (20 Uses, breaks upon exhaustion) (Keyword: Heal) (Max: 1)| Durability 40/40]

[Rarity: Uncommon|Blaze Ring | Enhancement: +4 (Max: 4)| Enchantment: Fire Resistance Up 40%, Use Ability Firebolt Lv. 2 by using the keyword: (Blaze) (Maximum Usage of 40 times, item breaks once the ability is used up.) (Max: 2)| Durability 40/40]

[Rarity: Uncommon|Gravity Ring | Enhancement: +2 (Max: 2)| Enchantment: Weight Manipulation Lv.2 (Max: 1)| Durability 40/40]

[Rarity: Uncommon|Tame Ring | Enhancement: +2 (Max: 2)| Enchantment: Taming Lv. 1 (Max: 1)| Durability 40/40]

[Rarity: Uncommon|Orb of Summoning| Enhancement: +2 (Max: 2)| Enchantment: Summon Lv. 5 (Breaks upon use) (Max: 1)| Durability 40/40]

The orb was something like a crystal ball I bought during middle school, I found it by chance and thought that maybe I could enchant it.

True enough as long as my eye can see that it can be enchanted and enhanced, it can be done.

I can't really understand my power. It is different from an Imbuer, nor is it similar to a blacksmith.

Imbuers are people who enchants equipments, they can only enchant things classified as weapons, armors, and accessories. Unlike me they experience failure in imbuing enchantments and they experience it often.

Where as blacksmiths can repair and enhance equipments classified as weapons and armors.

Enhancement of accessories are impossible from what I know, though dungeons have accesories that already have been enhanced and is rare enough on its own.


All my accessories are enhanced, isn't this bad?

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