《Sky World》Chapter 7


On the way to the mine after killing the 10th wolf Redd felt multiple presence eyeing him when he turned to look he was met with a pack of wolves looking at their levels the wolves ranged from level 4-6, but there was one wolf that was different it was black and had a long scar across its face what made the black wolf special was its size it was twice the size of the regular wolf. Redd then proceeded to look at the black wolves status.

Wolf Alpha LVL 8 (Boss)A leader of a pack of wolves they are twice as strong and twice as fast as ordinary wolvesHP: 2000/2000

Redd POV

‘Well shit. I can take maybe 3 or four of them but I can’t take on more than 20 wolves and they even have a leader, well there is only one logical thing to do’


After sighing I ran as fast as I can in the opposite direction as where the wolves are staying and without missing a beat the wolves immediately chased me.

Looking back I saw the wolves gaining on me it seems they are faster than me good thing the alpha wasn’t in a rush and was just cruising at the back of the pack.

One wolf got close enough and jumped at me I immediately used my dagger to parry the attack and I used my sword to slash the wolfs leg as a counter attack. After slashing the wolf I ran again and this trend of me parrying and slashing the

wolves that got close to me began.

After around 10 minutes passed I noticed that my stamina bar was almost reaching zero then a warning appeared


If players stamina bar reaches zero player will be unable to run or do combat. To replenish stamina player can rest, drink

stamina potion, or eat food.

After I finished reading I quickly took out a piece of bread from my inventory and ate it. Looking at my stamina bar it got higher but not a lot though my satiety bar improved a lot.

‘It seems that food can only replenish stamina a little’

Thinking this I had to end this running soon or I would be killed, luckily I saw a crevice at the side of a hill that I can fit in then I immediately went inside. The crevice was large enough that 3 people can pass through without trouble and then it was around 5 meters deep. When the wolves reached the crevice they immediately tried to get all in but only 3-4 wolves can go in at a time so 3 wolves was first to reach me. We started to fight the 3 wolves started to try to scratch and bite me but it was futile the limited space made them easy targets since they can’t use their high agility to dodge my attacks.


After 5 minutes I killed all 3 of them and looted their corpse for skin and coins only 2 of them dropped wolf skin. After looting I took a piece of bread from my inventory and ate it to replenish my stamina. Then another group of wolves came in and this time it was 4 of them. I dispatched the 4 wolves faster than the 3 because I wasn’t afraid of their attacks reaching me.

After killing 15 wolves they stopped coming in and I used that time to rest and replenish my stamina, then after 2 minutes passed a wolf came inside the crevice it was the alpha it seems that it understood my strategy and decided to kill me himself. Since it’s alone even if it’s twice the size of the ordinary wolves the narrow space wasn’t going to affect it that much which means we are in equal footing.

The alpha started growling at me sizing me up then it launched itself to tackle me I immediately jumped to the right to dodge. I tried to counter attack with my sword but the alpha was too fast and was already on guard when I tried to slash it jumped back to dodge.

‘Shit this thing is fast it ain’t a field boss for nothing’

Thinking that I initiated an attack first I did a feint with my dagger which caught the alpha’s attention then I slashed it with my sword which caught it of guard then stabbed it again using my sword. The alpha growled in anger and tried to retaliate with a swipe using its right paw but I was too fast and flipped back to dodge the attack. Angry that its attack did not hit it rushed forward opening it mouth in an attempt to bite me. I used my sword to block its mouth and used my dagger to stab one of its eyes, but it dodged and swiped me with its claws I wasn’t fast enough to react and got hit. The attack was so strong that I got thrown in the air but I steadied myself in midair and landed on my feet to avoid more damage. I looked at my hp and it was lower my a quarter.

‘God damn this means if I get consecutively hit 4 times then I’m done for’


Seeing the damage I readied my stance and prepared for another attack. The alpha lunged at me thinking of doing more damage, but I had other plans and parried its attack using my dagger then I kicked the alpha’s head which surprised it. I then used my sword and dagger to land consecutive hits on the alpha’s side and legs hoping to get a maim or bleed, but it didn’t happen. After the last hit I retreated back so the wolf can’t perform another counter attack. The alpha was angry and started growling at me it then launched itself for another attack and the same thing happened I parried and hit it consecutively. This happened 2 more times and after the fourth time the alpha was growling louder at the same time its body seemed to get bigger.


Alpha wolf has activated rage its stat will increase by 50% and will start attacking without care for defense

Reading the message I immediately took a potion from my inventory and drank it to heal my hp to full. After the alpha

stopped growing it looked at me and dashed at me. It was too fast I barely had time to use my sword to block its mouth from ripping my head off. The alpha was pinning me on the ground using his right paw on my left shoulder and my shoulder was bleeding.


You are bleeding you lose 5 hp per/sec for 5 minutes

‘Well shit is this how it ends?’

While thinking I realized that the wolf didn’t finish me off with its left paw but was keen on trying rip my head off with its mouth. Seeing that I still had a chance I gripped my dagger and stabbed the alpha’s right eye. It got off me and howled in pain I didn’t have time to pull out my dagger so it was lodged in the alpha’s skull.

The alpha tried to take out the lodged dagger but ended up hurting itself so it ignored it and stared at me full of hate. The alpha had only 800 hp remaining since the strike to its eye was a fatal critical hit it dealt 10 times damage. Since the alpha lost its right eye the outcome was inevitable I kept attacking its right side which was now a blind spot, but since I wasn’t careful I got hit twice. When the alpha’s hp was just 200 it tried to escape but I blocked it and forced it further in the crevice. Having no chance of survival the alpha decided to take me to hell with it and started attacking with reckless abandon. In the end I killed the alpha and I even leveled up. The alpha dropped a few items a dagger, wolf skin, 2 health potions, 1 potion stamina potion, and 1 silver coin. The dagger had a level cap of 7 but luckily after killing the wolf I just reached level 7. I equipped my dagger on my right hand and transferred my sword on the left it didn’t bother me since I was ambidextrous. After equipping the dagger I looked at my stats.

EQUIPMENTHead: NoneBody: Tattered leather chest piece

Defence +10Legs: Beginner PantsArms: Tattered leather gauntlets

Defense +3 Dex +1Feet: Tattered leather boots

Defense +2 Agi +1Accesories: NoneRight Hand: Wolf's Fang

Damage: 11-15

Dex +3Left Hand: Rusty iron sword

Damage: 2-4 (Reduced Original Damage 4-7)

After looking at my equipment I checked my stats

NameRace: DraconianGuild: NoneJob: NoneLevel: 7Fame: 0Title:

Last of its kindHP: 200MP: 10SP: 149STR: 32(+5)DEX: 30(+9)AGI: 30(+6)INT: 1VIT: 17(+3)LUK: 19Unused Stat Points: 0DMG: Right: 22-27

Left : 13-15DEF: 23EXP: 0/15000

‘It seems my damage took a leap I think I should just use my long sword for parrying because of the damage differential’

After resting for 5 minutes I went to look outside and saw the remaining wolves there were 15 of them then I used my old tactics of pulling them into the crevice then killing them. It took me around 25 minutes to kill them all and after killing them I finally finished the quest for wolf skin.

Then I headed straight to the mine to finish my other quests.

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