《Sky World》Chapter 6


After I killed the 40th dog I finally had enough leather and I even leveled up. I started to look for the medicine ingredients. Martha said that there should be some near the forest and that I should be careful because there are stronger monsters in the forest.

When I reached the forest I spot one of the ingredients a yellow leaf and proceeded to pick it up.

Walking in the forest for a few minutes I’ve already collected half of the needed ingredients, but since there doesn’t seem to be more in the outer part I went deeper in the forest.

While walking for a few minutes I spot a human like shadow, moving closer I find an ugly green child. This child had a head twice as big as normal children with tiny fangs protruding on its lower jaw, it was wearing a rag around its groin and was carrying a large knife. While watching it I figured that this thing should be a goblin and suddenly a blue screen came out

Congratulations you have learned a new skill


Beginner lvl 1

Effects: able to see the status of monsters less than or equal to the players lvl

To activate active skills user needs to choose a target then say the skill name or the chant if there is one.

After seeing that I immediately looked at the goblin and said “inspect”. After saying that a status screen appeared in front of me

Lesser Goblin lvl 3Weakest of their kind, this goblins are at the bottom of the foodchainHP: 500/500

Seeing the status I decide to sneack up on it. Getting behind the goblin I held both my weapons in a reverse grip then stabbed the goblins back.

Critical Backstab x5 damage delt


Due to the bleeding opponent will lose 10HP/sec for 10 seconds


I then looked at the goblins hp which was 312/500 it seems that my first attack dealt a number on him.

After getting hit the goblin steadied itself getting ready for battle. Seeing that I attacked the goblin then raised it knife and tried to chop me, but I saw it coming and evaded the attack. The goblin kept attacking but it was full of openings and

I immediately stabbed my sword at its armpits then slashed its legs with my knife thinking I could maim it but I had no such luck.

After a minute of dodging, slashing, and stabbing the goblin finally went down and dropped a couple of copper coins picking them up I resumed my journey of finding the ingredients for Martha.

After my first encounter with a goblin, I met 20 more lesser goblins and killed them and leveling up in the process. After walking and killing for an hour I finally found all the ingredients and then I headed back to the village to complete my quest.

Going back I first visited the grumpy old man and gave him the fangs.

“Here old man I got your dog teeth”

“What took ya so long brat? Ya went sightseeing or somthin?”

“I had other errand to run old man”

“Is that so alright here’s your hard earned coins”

Collecting dog teeth Quest difficulty: F


Reward: 500xp 3 silver 50 copper

“So old man got any other work for me?”

“Yeah, south of here is a mine. That mine produces iron which is one of the main incomes of this village. A couple days

ago miners stopped coming back out of the mine, so we sent some people to investigate and the ones we sent never came back so we closed the mine until this can be resolved. I want you to go in the mine and find out what happened to the missing people.”


Trouble in the mines Quest difficulty: F

Find what happened to the missing people and find the reason for their disappearance

Reward: 5000xp 10 silver

Accept Quest Y/N

‘It seems that this is quite the important quest, and the reward is huge’

“Alright I’ll try to find the missing people and bring them back safely”

“I’m countin on ya brat”

After talking to the chief I then went to Martha’s shop to receive a reward. Talking to Martha for a bit I gave her the

ingredients and completed the quest, then I asked her for another quest.

“Martha do you need more help?”

“Yes, but its still to dangerous for you deary come back when you’re a bit stronger ok?”

“Ok, then can I buy some potions?”

“Of course deary and don’t forget I’ll give you a discounts so buy lots of potions”


After buying 5 silvers worth of potions I say goodbye to Martha and head towards the tailor’s shop to finish my quest.

When I finished the quest and got my reward I asked him for a new quest and he gave me one.

Collect wolf skin Quest difficulty: F

Collect 20 wolf skin for the tailor

Reward: 1000xp 7 silver

Accept Quest Y/N

After accepting the quest he said that the wolves are usually found near the mines which is lucky that I don’t have to go to another place to hunt them. Finishing our conversation I said my goodbye to the hunter and headed to the blacksmith to repair my weapons and get a quest if possible.

Going in the smithy I see the smith in the counter thinking about something.


“WHA!? what the oh its you what do you want knife ear”

“I want my weapons to be repaired”

“Alright give em to me I’ll be done in a minute”

I then gave the blacksmith my sword and knife. After a minute he gave them to me and I paid a 50 copper fee, then I asked the smithy.

“Do you need any help in something?”

“I need someone to go in the mines for me”

“I’m going in the mines. The chief tasked me of finding the missing miners”

“OH! then I need you to find my son I asked him a few days ago to collect some ore from the mine but he never came


Find the smithy’s son Quest difficulty: F

Look for the smithy’s son in the mine

Reward: 1000xp 5 silver smithing skill

“Alright, I’ll find your son and bring him back”

“If you do this for me I’ll teach you everything I know about smithing”

‘Nice I get a new skill and it’s a production one’

Then suddenly he hands me a pick axe and said

“Take this, I also need you to collect some iron ore since I’m lacking supplies”

Collect iron ore Quest difficulty: F

Collect 20 iron ore for the smithy

Reward: 500xp 5 silver


“Find my son before you start collecting ore”

“I know”

After talking to the smithy I got my things ready and headed out to the mines. On the way I killed a few dogs, and when I

was getting near the mine I saw a wolf and tried to inspect it.

Wolf lvl 5A normal wolf that hunt in packsHP: 800/800

While looking at its stat the wolf noticed me and started to growl while running to my direction. When it got close enough it lunged at me but I dodge and pull out my weapons from there sheaths.

We fought for 3 minutes and it finally died I received no damage. I noticed that the wolves are twice as fast as the dogs. After 20 minutes I’ve killed around 10 wolves and leveled up.

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