《Sky World》Chapter 8


When I reached the cave there was a small blood stain around the entrance of the cave. Seeing that I was on guard and pulled out my weapons and readied myself for any surprise attack.

I carefully went in the mine and it seems that there are people or at least something living inside the mine since the torches lighting the inside of the mine are newly lit.

After what seemed to be an eternity of boredom (around 10 minutes), walking and watching the same thing over and over I finally found something to kill.

It was a lesser goblin one that was like the ones I killed in the forest. I sneak up behind it then stabbed its throat with my new dagger and stabbed its back using a sword, the result an instant kill.

This was the fastest I’ve ever killed something in the game, because at most I can kill my opponent around a minute or so but this kill didn’t even take 5 seconds.

After I picked up the money dropped by the goblin I then walk further inside the cave. After a minute of walking I hear the sound of multiple enemies.

Hearing the sounds I immediately hid myself between 2 boulders. Just as I hid myself the enemies came looking at the enemies I can see that they are like the lesser goblins only they are 2 heads taller than them.

I looked at their status.

Goblin lvl 5Weak humanoid creatures that compensate there weakness with numbersHP: 750/750

The goblins are weaker than the wolves, but in this situation I can’t just rush in because they can easily surround me. So I waited for one goblin to come near then after a minute one goblin came near the boulders then I grabbed it and then slit its throat then continually stabbed it with my knife till its hp went zero.

I then continued the sneak attacks until the 4th goblin because the other goblins noticed that their comrades never returned when they came close to the area where I was hiding.

The goblins immediately came to the area where I was hiding then they sent one of their comrades to check what was happening I then killed the goblin and went out of the hiding place since there was no point in hiding anymore

When the goblins saw me come out from behind the boulders they screamed and ran up to attack me.


I did the same and charged at the remaining goblins. When I got close to a goblin I stabbed its left eye with my sword

then slashed its neck with my dagger and stabbed its stomach, all hits were criticals so the first goblin died.

The fighting continued for 20 minutes, after I killed the last goblin I was exhausted mentally the goblins did a number on me and I had to use 2 health potions luckily the goblins also dropped 4 potions so it wasn’t a loss.

After resting for 10 minutes I continued my journey inside the cave.

After 10 minutes of walking I saw a big room that had a lot of goblins and lesser goblins inside.

Looking further in I see a cage filled with people and there were human like figures guarding it.

When I got closer I saw that the ones guarding it were goblins but they were a head taller than the goblins inside the room, they were also wearing armor and were equipped with short spears.

Inside the cage were humans wearing leather armor and cloth armor, there were also robust men wearing mining clothes. Thinking that these people are the miners and the ones sent by the chief to investigate I formulated a plan to draw out the goblins in the large room since I can’t singlehandedly fight an army of goblins.

After 10 minutes of strategizing and planning, which I was never good at since I’m more of an improvise kind of guy. My plan was to use the 2 boulders from where I hid to block and make the pass smaller then taunt the goblins too attack me

like what the Spartans in the movie 300 did.

It took me 20 minutes to move the damn boulders then I blocked the entrance so that only 3 at most can get out of the room at once. Surprisingly the goblins didn’t hear me pushing a giant boulder twice. After setting up the pass I went in the room and taunted the hundreds of goblins residing inside.

When the goblins heard me they went to a frenzy and most of them immediately run up to where I was. I immediately go out the pass then I see the goblins clamoring to get out of the pass but unfortunately for them only 3 at a time can pass through.

As the first 3 goblins came at me I immediately killed them so that the next batch of goblins won’t catch up to the batch I’m currently fighting.


Fighting the goblins was extremely exhausting after the 30th goblin I was really mentally tired and my stamina was really low, good thing some goblins drop stamina potions if not I could have stopped moving a few minutes ago.

It took me almost 2 hours to kill every goblin that came through the pass. Luckily the goblins guarding the cage didn’t come out or else I would be screwed.

I rested for 30 minutes eating food and replenishing my status bars. After resting I went in the room and saw the 2 goblins and 1 goblin wearing a robe and is carrying what seems to be a wand.

I looked at their status.

Goblin Guard LVL 8A goblin that has recieved training and is now assigned as a guardHP: 1200/1200

Beginner Goblin Mage LVL 8A goblin that has recently unlocked its magical powerHP: 500/500

‘Well shit a magic type it seems I’m screwed’

Thinking that I pulled out my weapons and readied myself for battle. The first one to move was the goblin mage it started chanting gibberish then suddenly a ball of flame appeared in its hand then it immediately threw the fire ball at me, without thinking I dodged the fire ball and tried to run up to the mage but was blocked by the 2 goblin guards.

They thrust their spears at me trying to impale me. I quickly ducked and rolled to the side before I can get myself settled the goblin mage threw another fireball at me and almost hit luckily I dodged just in time. Seeing that I can’t seem to come close to them I retreated out of the goblin mage’s spell range. When they saw me retreat the 1 guard went to block my path of escape.

When the mage saw that I was trapped it laughed at me and threw another fireball but I was out of its range. Figuring that they can enclose me the 2 guards went closer.

Seeing their action I immediately run up to the guard protecting the mage. I then feint an attack that made the guard defend itself then I dash rolled forward leaving the guard behind. When I stood up I saw a fireball coming at me I tried to dodge but it was too late and the fireball hit me right on my shoulder.

I was thrown back a meter but managed to steady myself upon landing I looked at my hp bar and damn the attack took out almost a third of my hp. It seems that mages really are the bane of the existence of my race. Having no time to relax I run to the mage and it tried to hit me with another fireball but I was ready I rolled to dodge the incoming ball of fire and luckily the fireball hit the guard that was trying to catch up to me.

When I was close enough I threw my sword at the mage to interrupt another fireball. The sword hit its left shoulder and interrupted its chant, when the mage got hit it screamed in pain and tried to take out the sword lodged on its shoulder.

Not giving it time to recover I got close and stabbed it in eye blood gushed from the stabbed eye and then I pulled out my sword that was stuck on its shoulder then proceeded to kill it. I first slit its throat to stop its high pitched scream then I stabbed its remaining eye, seeing that it had only a few points of hp left I decapitated the poor little shit since I heard that it would give bonus xp if you decapitated an enemy though it decapitation is only chance but I still tried it.

After the mage got killed the 2 guards ran up to me and tried to impale me. I dodged and jumped back the bastards didn’t even let me get the loot from the mage, but since the mage was the only real threat to me I killed the 2 guards quickly.

The guards were easier to kill than the alpha because they were slower and they were humanoid so I knew how to fight them easier.

After the guards were dead I took the loot and got some potions and even got the wand the mage had. The keys to cage was dropped by one of the guards and I picked it up.

When I got closer to the cage I noticed that the people in armor were actually players since they had their name displayed on top of their head and it wasn’t the same as the npc characters.


Sorry guys for not updating so long exams were brutal.

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