《Sky World》Chapter 3


When a VR pod is used the machine scans the users brainwaves and registers it to the main server so that users can use other pods. Then the pod checks the users vitals the pod checks if the user is physically fit and will not allow users to play if there are health issues.

When Leon went in the pod everything went white after a few seconds the main theme song of the sky world was playing and a brief explanation of the world of thera.

After the explanation the screen went white again then after a few seconds Leon saw a little floating human silhouette coming closer.

Upon close inspection the silhouette is a beautiful woman with blond hair and green eyes she was wearing tightfitting sundress that showed the woman’s assets, the most striking thing about the woman is that she was small and she had little dragon fly like wings on her back she looked like a fairy.

The fairy suddenly started to speak saying

“Welcome new user to sky world I will be your guide in your character creation process please choose whether you would use the default creator or use the system generated keep in mind that when using the system generated the user will not be able to choose anything aside from the name of the character”

‘hmmm this stuff is pretty advanced the site said that the system will try to find the appropriate match based on the users brainwaves, I read up on this game last night they said that 50% of the time you’d get a normal race 35% you’d get a crappy pure production type race 15% are the uncommon races and 5% of the users get the rare races that could only be unlocked late in the game’

“It’s a gamble but I choose the system generated I’m playing for fun anyway”

“Alright please wait for 10 minutes for your character to be generated, while waiting I suggest you get a feel for the movement in virtual reality”


After he said that Leon started exercising running around trying to get a feel for how to move in the game.

‘It’s just like in real life though my body feels weaker’

What Leon didn’t know was that most users would have the opposite conclusion, since the virtual bodies abilities were based on the average physical ability of the soldiers that participated in VR program 10 years ago.



The little fairy suddenly appeared in front of Leon and said

“System generated character creation complete please check your character and give it a name”

After the fairy said that a person suddenly appeared in front of Leon

The person was a guy that was a bit taller than Leon looking at the guys blood red eyes you can see that the guy was lifeless like a dead person standing. The guy had dark red hair and tanned skin the appearance of the guy was handsome and upon close inspection the guy seemed to look a lot like Leon.

After a few seconds of being shocked Leon finally understood that the guy in front of him was his system generated character.

“To check the characters status the user must say “status” and information about the character will appear in a blue screen”

After hearing that Leon immediately said “Status”

A blue box suddenly appeared in front of Leon

NameRace: DraconianGuild: NoneJob: NoneLevel: 1Fame: 0Title:

Last of its kindHP: 110MP: 10SP: 79STR: 14DEX: 12AGI: 12INT: 1VIT: 11LUK: 19

After a minute the little fairy suddenly spoke

“You can press any of the displayed texts for more information”

After hearing that Leon pressed on the race text as he was curious since the character was not 1 of the 5 beginner races which are human, high elf, dwarf, Hobbit, and Beastmen(Dog, Cat, and fox)

Draconian (unique)

A race thought to be extinct a hundred years ago due to the battle of Mt. Dragos where the whole race single handedly destroyed an army of hundreds of rampaging dragons at the cost of their lives.

The draconians were originally banished high elves forced to live on Mt. Dragos with their magic bound, but due to the harsh environment and constant intake of dragons the elves after thousands of years the constitution of the elves became less elf and more of a dragon. The draconians are born warriors with strength that surpasses that of orcs, speed equaling the fastest primal beastmen, and skin that is hard as scales. They would have been the perfect warriors if not for the fact that they are weak to magical attacks specially mental attacks and curses, also due to their ancestors magic being bound the draconians have almost zero magical abilities.

Race Traits (not yet in effect)


All physical stats +15%

Melee physical damage +10%

Physical defense +5%

Health regeneration +15%

Fire resistance +50

Magical resistance -25%

Curse resistance -40%

Mind resistance -30%

After seeing his character stats and information Leon thought that he got lucky and got 1 of the rare ones what he didn’t know was that his race isn’t even one of the 20 playable races of Sky World. Suddenly the little fairy asked

“Would you like to name your character?”


“To name character simply press the name text and a key board will appear”


Leon then pressed the name text and a blue keyboard appeared. After thinking for a few minutes Leon typed the name ‘Redd’ thinking to himself that the name is simple and describes his character perfectly. After the name was submitted the fairy immediately spoke.

“Redd which continent would you like your adventure to start in”

The a blue display box appeared in front of Leon

Gaia Continent

Home of the Free Nations a group of nations under a single banner during times of war. Gaia Continents majority race are human totaling 35% of the total population followed by the beastmen totaling 20% of the population the 3rd highest population are the peace loving hobbits that total 15% both the high elves and dwarves total 10% of the population each and the last 10% are for the other races. The continent is filled by vast planes and lush forests with some mountainous areas which are mostly inhabited by the dwarves. Out of the 5 continents it is said that this continent is the best place to live in due to the great weather and abundance in food.

Novus Continent

Home of the Stonebreaker Empire an empire run by the dwarven royal family the Stonebreaker’s. The current emperor is Angus V Stonebreaker, the Stonebreaker Empire cover roughly 60% of the whole continent oddly enough though the dwarves are the ruling race the most population are still human which encompass 30% of the entire population while dwarves are only 25% of the entire population. The elves and the beastmen both encompase roughly 15% of the continents population while the other 15% are other races there are no known hobbit settlements in Novus since the continents ecology is unhospitable for their race. Novus is rich with precious gems and metals, which the empire use as the cornerstone for their wealth. The terrain of Novus is filled with mountains and hills making it hard to explore the main sours of water in the continent is the great river of nile which run across the continent.

“I choose novus”

“ok, which city would you like to start in”


The city of shire is located above a small hill near the river of nile, due to this location the city has more food supplies than other cities.


Situated at the side of Hamerfell Mountain this city’s main income is mining dwarven steel, this makes hamerfell one of the defendable cities in the whole continent second only to the capital.

“I choose hamerfell city”

“alright you will be first teleported in one of the villages near hamerfell city after you reach lvl 10 you may head to the city”

After saying that the little fairy disappeared and everything around Redd became white. After a minute passed Redd opened his eyes and he saw that he was in front of a church and an old man was walking to him.

“Welcome young traveler to beginner village #2369640 (I’m to lazy to think of a village name), here you will learn the basics in order for you to survive in the world of thera”

“alright let the fun begin”

POV Dr. Hardwood

While Dr. Hardwood was pleasuring himself....

"oh yeah! just a little more you like that don't you baby Grhhhmphhhhughhh(orgasm sounds)"


"oh shit!"

Dr. Hardwood immediately pulled up his pants and zipped it up unfortunately a little foreskin was caught


After a few minute of cursing and checking his bestfriend for damages Dr. Hardwood calmed himself

"whoooo now visible damages thank god! alright what the hell made that sound"

After looking at his computer Dr. Hardwood was pleasantly suprised

"OH! someone actually got that race what kind of monster is he. i mean the minimum requirements of that race is physical ability higher than the best soldier of the VR program and a near perfectly healthy mind not prone to gowing over the edge"

After thinking for a few minutes Dr. Hardwood decided to monitor the anomaly


"yes Dr. Hardwood"

"please monitor this player ID. Redd deliver me weekly reports on his progress"

"as you wish Dr. Hardwood"

"I look forward to knowing this Redd person"

Anyone know how to make those blue boxes?

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