《Sky World》Chapter 2


Leon POV

After a week I was saying my goodbyes to the twins and after the old man took me to an airport and told me.

“Kid when you reach LA theirs gunna be guy waiting for you he’s gunna bring you to our new home and tell you

everything you need to know”

“What’s the guy’s name old man?”

“I forgot, just look for the guy holding your name at the airport exit”


“Be good now don’t cause trouble and never do drugs, but weeds fine weed is good weed will always heal you!”

“Alright old man I’m going take care of the twins and don’t do that shitty test to them you might kill them!!”

“That test was specially made for you kid don’t worry the twins will have it much easier”

After the conversation I went to the airport said my final fair wells to the old man.

The flight was nice and one of the stewardess was hot I kept staring at her round ass thinking I’ll get to see a lot of that

when I get off the plain forgetting the fact that I don’t have experience with women and that I freeze up when talking to


After landing I got my bags and proceeded to get out the airport there I saw my name being carried by a executive looking guy complete with a suit and large glasses. When I got close he asked.

“Are you Mr. Leon Sanders?”

“Yeah, you the guy gramps told me about?”

“Yes you can call me Mr. Green, Mr. Cross has instructed me to First take you to your new house then inform you of the


“Alright let’s go”

When he led me out of the airport what greeted me was a Benz a fucking Benz I thought to myself.


‘WTF!! A fucking Benz I know the old man was rich but not this much!!’

Not caring about my shocked expression Mr. Green took my bags and put them in the trunk and lead me inside the car.

After 20 minutes of silence Mr. Green spoke.

“Your grandfather instructed me that your new house be situated along the beach”

“Oh, ok are we close?”

“Just a few minutes more and we will arrive at our destination”

After a few minutes the car stopped in front of a big ass gate. Then Mr. Green went out of the car and opened the gate, then he went back and drove the car inside the gate.

The thing inside the big ass gate was a bigger ass mansion that was 2 floors tall. The thing was like those big ass mansions that rich white guys on tv own.

Seing my shocked expression Mr. Green told me

“Your grandfather instructed me that he wanted a house with a lot of space and don’t worry half the mansion is a training ground. Your Grandfather said that he didn’t want your skills to get rusty.”

Closing my gaping mouth I asked Mr. Green

“Does this house come with a housekeeper cuz I don’t plan on cleaning this whole place by myself.”

“The housekeeper will be brought in tomorrow so you have the house all to yourself today, oh I almost forgot here is a

savings account with 1m in it and here is a phone my number is already in your contacts please call me if you have any more questions”

“I don’t want too many people maybe just 5 will do”

“Alright they will arrive tomorrow Mr. Sanders

With that said Mr. Green quickly opened the trunk gave me my bags and drove of leaving me along in front of the big ass mansion.


After exploring the place for a bit I discovered that this place is already furnished and has Wifi. After checking for hidden cameras (cuz the old man loves to monitor things) I stop at a room with a 30 inch flat screen tv that can be connected to the internet.

“Awwww yizzzz!!! time to release pent up stress for 2 fucking years I had to find a safe place to fap now its time to fap like there’s no tomorrow!!”

I turned on the tv and typed in youjizz found a video that I liked and played it then the sound came and sacred me to death shit was surround sound I felt like I was the one filming the damn thing and there was a 3d function to. After releasing my stress I slept the whole day.

I got woken up by a loud buzz that seemed to be a door bell. I got up and opened the door what I saw was 5 people 3 male 2 females of the 3 males 2 looked like Mexicans and they both looked to be about their late 30’s or early 40’s. the other guy was Caucasian and was fairly young about mid 20’s. the 2 girls looked around the same age as the other guy, of the girls 1 looked mexican while the other girl was African-American both of them were quite pretty. While analyzing the 5 people it seemed like they were staring at me with weird gazes then I looked down at myself and saw my little friend standing proudly in front of them.

Realizing my current condition I closed the door ran in to my room and dressed myself, then I went back to open the door for the 5 people and introduced myself and asked them what will be their duties in the mansion. The first 1 to introduce themselves were the 2 mexican looking men their names was Jose and Ernesto they are in charge of security of the house and keeping the grounds clean. The last guy was Mike he was my personal driver and security (not that I need it) since I can’t drive yet. The 2 girls are Dora and Latisha, Dora was in charge of cleaning the mansion and doing laundry while Latisha was our cook. After introducing themselves they quickly started their duties. Since I’m hungry I asked Latisha to whip something up.

After eating I asked Mike to take me on a tour of LA, the tour lasted 3 days and after that I just lazed around the house for 2 days. After lazing around I got so bored and shouted.

“Sooooooo Boooorrriiiiinggggg damn it why is there nothing to do!”

After trying to find anything to do I gave up and asked Mike what was popular these days and he said.

“Boss there’s this new fancy VR game it’s really popular this days though its expensive a lot of the rich kids are playing it”

“Oh! VR sounds interesting, all that training might actually be useful”

After that I ordered the game they said it will be delivered after 1 day.

A day later the game finally arrived it looked like a space pod it seems that you need to lie down inside the pod and sleep then it pulls you in the game.

After the set up was finished I quickly got in and tried it.

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