《Sky World》Chapter 4


“Young traveler please take these items and put them in your inventory, to open your inventory just say the word inventory and it will appear to put the items in just put them inside the screen and it will automatically be saved in the inventory”

The old man then proceeds to give a bag of coins and a loaf of bread. Then Redd immediately put the items inside his inventory and it appears that the bag of coins are actually 50 copper coins.

“here in thera the money are gold, silver, and copper. 100 copper is equal to 1 silver while 100 silver equals to 1 gold. Also you need to eat food keep your satiety up because when it go down to certain levels you will experience status ailments and when satiety reaches zero it will be instant death”

“alright old man where do I get weapons”

“you must first go to the village chiefs house opposite the church and tell them I sent you”

After the old man said that a blue screen suddenly appeared

Meet the village chief Quest Difficulty: none

Quest Objective

Go to the village chief’s house and talk to him

Reward: 100xp 50 copper

Accept Quest Y/N


When Redd found the house he saw a middle aged brown bearded man. The man was short at most 4ft tall but he was

wide with bulging muscles that even Redd could swear that the mans arms were as big as his thigh. Redd approached the man and asked

“Old man are you the village chief?”

“Who ya callin old!! I’m just 70 years old I’m still in me prime”

“Yeah, yeah so are you the village chief?”

“The one and only, so what’d you want brat? Can’t you see I’m busy?!”

“Busy doing what?”

“Mindin my DAMN business! So hurry up and speak what’d you want?”


“The old man by the church wanted me to talk to you”

“OH! ya one of em traveler ey, should’ve known from the fact that you an elf. We don’t get a lot of you knife eared pansies

around here, though them chompers ya got dun look to elfy more like beastmen. Well whatever here brat take this. Then use the money to buy potions from ol Agatha’s apothecary down the road”


Meet the village chief Quest difficulty: none


Reward: 100xp 50 copper

Buy health potions Quest difficulty: none

Quest Objective

Go to the apothecary to buy health potions worth 50 copper

Reward: 100xp 150 copper

Accept quest Y/N

“Alright old man I’ll be back”

“God damn it boy stop calling me old man”

Redd ignored the dwarf and tried to look for the apothecary, after few minutes of searching Redd found a store that has

a signboard with a leaf, mortar and pestle bellow it was the name Agatha. Deciding that it should be the apothecary he went inside and saw an old woman wearing a red robe carrying a box filled with bottles with different colored liquid inside.

“Do you need help with that ma’am?”

Redd then took the box from the old woman’s hands

“ohhh, thank you deary. Just put them above the shelf”

After Redd put the box above the shelf the old woman asked him

“So, young man what can I do for you today?”

“the village chief told me to buy health potions from you”

“oh so your one of the travelers huh. So did the old dwarf give you a hard time? Dwarves and elves don’t usually get along. I hope he didn’t offend you or anything”

“Its alright ma’am it wasn’t really a big deal”

“oh you’re really nice, here this is what you need”

Redd immediately took out 50 copper from his inventory and gave them to Agatha then he took the potion and put it in his inventory

“oh I almost forgot here’s another one on the house and if you come back then I’ll give you discount on my wares”

“thank you”

“be safe deary, its not every day I get to see a handsome young man in these parts”

After getting back to the village chief Redd showed him the potion and said

“I got what you said old man”

“stop calling me that you knife eared brat! Keep the potion you’ll need it. Now since you know how to buy potions take this money and buy yourself a decent weapon just go to the smithy and tell em that I sent ya, don’t worry the smithy sells those magicy sticks your people like to wave around”


Buy Health Potions Quest Difficulty: none

Completed Quest objective

Reward: 100xp 150 copper

Buy a weapon Quest difficulty: none

Go to the smithy and buy a weapon

Reward: 200xp

Accept Quest Y/N

“ok I’ll be back”


After a few minutes of going around the village Redd spotted a sign saying smithy with a sword and shield in front of an

anvil. Redd went inside the smithy and saw a black bearded dwarf hammering a sword. Redd then said

“the chief sent me”

“so your one of them travelers huh. Just pick what suits your fancy knife ear”

Then a blue screen appeared listing the weapons available for sail. Looking at the Redd thought

‘Hmm, rusty iron long sword for 1 silver and a wooden plank as a shield for 50 copper theres also a wand for a silver and 50 copper. The wands useless so no go but the sword I think I’ll buy it plus a dagger worth 50 copper’

After buying the sword and dagger Redd closed the screen, then the blacksmith said

“bought what you want? Good now get out of here knife ear I don’t like your kind hanging around my shop

Not caring about what the smithy said Redd went straight to the chief’s house thinking

‘this is kind of boring its like im just running around buying stuff if I don’t get to fight in the next few minutes I might quit

this game’

When he reached the chiefs house the chief said

“ya finish buyin brat? To equip the weapons you bought just say equip and press where you would like to equip the item or you could do it manually and take the stuff from your inventory and wear them yourself your choice”

Then the quest marker for the buy a weapon quest appeared and rewarded Redd 200xp


Redd immediately equipped the long sword on his right hand and the knife in the left

“good ya ain’t one of em sissy boys that like standin behind their allies attackin from a safe distance”

“so kid I got a real task for you, some wild muts are hurting some kids playing outside the village I want you to thin their numbers”

Kill the dogs Quest difficulty: F

Quest Description

Kill 20 Wild Dogs

Reward: 500xp 2 silver

“finally!! I get to fight something”

“alright old man where do I find these dogs?”

“damn it brat I told ya I’m not old yet!”


“them muts be just around the outskirts of town”

“see you later old man”

“damn knife eared brat don’t know how ta respect his elders *grumble*”

Ignoring the old dwarfs grumbling Redd immediately went outside the village and looked for a wild dog after a few seconds of walking around he saw some wild dogs fighting people. Rather than rushing in and attacking the dogs Redd decided to sit down and watch the fight. After five minutes the people or probably players won the fight and proceeded to find other wild dogs. After watching Redd learned that the dogs don’t attack with a pattern unlike most games it seems like the dogs are real animals fighting to survive, he also noted that the players are beginners and have no combat experience they leave a lot of openings and are not cohesive as a unit. Learning what he wanted to know Redd stood up and looked for a wild dog. When he found one Redd took out his weapons and said.

“lets see what you got doggy”

He then kicked the ground and dashed towards the wild dog then he swung his sword at the dogs legs then a blue screen showed up


Due to an injury an injury opponent’s agility is decreased by 25%

‘so you can cause status effects with just hitting the vitals’


The wild dog in a fit of rage tried to attack Redd with a tackle, but Redd easily dodged to the side and counter attacked by stabbing the knife at the dogs side then slashed the neck using his sword.

Critical x2 damage

‘oh so targeting the vitals also gives a higher chance at making critical hits’

After getting hit by a critical the dog hesitated to attack again and cautiously seized up Redd waiting for him to attack. Seeing that the dog won’t attack Redd immediately went in for the kill. First he did a sweeping slash that made the dog jump up to dodge then Redd slashed the dogs neck which caused a critical to appear then he stabbed the dog using the sword which ended the dogs life.

“whooh the combat in this game is interesting its like fighting for real”

"alright lets hunt for more of them

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