《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 22: A New Beginning


Luki then returned to the place he was climbed down. But someone made his mood dropped. "Please wait! How many times I tell you to wait for me and yet you still ignore me."

Yep, since that time Vera kept following Luki like a dog chasing its own tail. "Please return to the place you're coming from. I really have a business to do and you should not involve in this. I beg you."

Luki tried to do this the easy way. But Vera kept insisting in following him. "But, you are..." Vera wanted to say that he should help the world that already fell into crisis but of course who wanted to do such a thing for free?

"So, there's another reason. Why are you holding back with your words on your mind? Just said it!" Luki didn't want to involve too much with this world's inhabitant so he quickly asked her.

Then Vera puffed her cheeks, something that even she rarely had done in the past and said "You are immortal! You have a power that many people want but unable to use it properly. Just what are you want to do from now on?"

She couldn't really understand Luki at all. Luki only gave a long sigh as his anger started to build up. 'Why I always feel annoyed by her every time she talked?' he then snorted and climbed up.

When Luki remembered that the vines had a dangerous sap, he instantly hastened his climbing pace. 'How could I forget about this!?' this was the cause for his hands felt a tremendous burning pain.

After some time, Luki reached the first place where he could see that many waterfalls. But to his surprise, Vera already in front of him folded her arms and staring at him angrily. "You still don't answer my question? What will you do from now on?"


"Annoying! This is my business so don't interfere." Luk really felt his blood already reached his head, almost to the point of boiling. Hearing that made Vera reacted the same way. "So you won't allow me to follow you? What makes you brave enough to say that?"

She released the aura that made Luki feel pressured. "This is how you do things normally?" asked Luki.

He had already seen someone who used his might to make everything favorable in their favor. But he could deduce that her strength was high enough than him but no more than the Ancient God level.

"Might makes right! You may be immortal but your strength is still very weak I could do anything right now like...this." Vera then used her index finger to touch Luki's forehead. Even though he tried to evade, but that finger still touched his forehead.

He felt that his internal organ, even his Inner Power started to break apart. "What....the...hell are you trying to get from me?" Luki asked her with a loud sound.

"I said it earlier but you still ignoring me! Hmph, I said it again. I want to follow you. You will do that whether you like it or not." Vera said those words with domineering attitude. Luki lamented his own luck. 'I never even make a problem for you but suddenly you came and made a problem for me.'

Luki preferred to work alone or in a small group. "Why? Why are you want to follow me?" asked Luki.

Now he was laying, his face showed a gloomy expression. "You don't need to know my reason, at least for now. Now tell me where you are going," said Vera. "You will not find where my destination is because only me know the way back," replied Luki.



"So, that's how you ended up with her?" once Luki returned the ant king asked Luki about Vera. On the other side, Vera was already stared blankly at the sight in the nest. Luki could only nod and said, "This is already the worst scenario for our plan. We planned to help them from the shadow but now with her, the general from the Kreig Kingdom know about this we cannot proceed with the previous plan."

"Well, but in the end, we need to unite every kingdom the human race had left. It's time for you to return right?" the ant king reminded Luki about his guild task. "Of course. After this, I need to gather every intelligence regarding the Outsiders Beast."

"Wait!" Vera said that to Luki. "Where are you going again?"

"Out," replied Luki. Then he walked to the exit of the nest. The forest was still the same as before, full of mist and mystery. 'I hope I don't need to meet them again'

The ant king accompanied him too. Luki then asked him, "How to make your Mobile Nest change its size?"

"Leave it to me." said the ant king. Then from his body, a strange light appeared and at the same time, the nest also radiated the same light as the king. Luki and Vera then saw the nest started to emerge from the ground and started to shrink.

After some time passed, the Mobile Nest flew to the ant king. "Luki, can you give me a part of your body?" asked the ant king. "What will you do?" asked Luki with curiosity.

"I can't accompany you with this appearance right? Therefore I will use Body Transformation technique for changing my appearance." replied the ant king. "What is Body Transformation technique?" suddenly Vera asked.

Luki then stared at the ant king that also stared back at him. They stared at each other. "That.." at the same time, they speaking the same word. It was so awkward that they became silent again.

"That is the technique that was used to change the body appearance. But to use this technique, you need to take a part of the animal you are going to transform to," replied Luki as quick as possible.

Luki then grabbed his dagger and then use its tip to make a small wound on his finger. Then, he gave his blood to the ant king. "Thank you." the ant king then touched the blood. And then his appearance started to change.

Slow but steady, his appearance started to be more like a human. And when it completed, Luki cannot help but stare at him. His face was handsome if you compare it to some normal man. His clothes were a mixture of black and red color.

And the one who was the most astonished was Vera. In one day, she already saw many things that usually could compare to someone who had an adventure for a month.

"Let's go back!" said Luki happily. That day was the most refreshing day to him.

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