《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 21: The Birth of Immortal


The blood that hovered suddenly received an attraction force that made it move toward Luki.

The blood then suddenly sank when it touched Luki's skin. Luki's body then trembled and blood started to come from the corner of his mouth. His Inner Power tried to stabilize the abnormality that produced by the blood.

'Such a strong effect from only the blood? Then how strong is this Ancient God?' Vera saw Luki and could only sigh.

After that, there was an azure flame that ematted from Luki's body. This flame shone the entire room. Seeing that made Vera shocked! 'He really is immortal! No doubt about that anymore since he releashed that azure flame.'


Luki was in fact only resided in one of trillion worlds that exist. In every world, there was a special realm that had been residing by the ruler of the world. Other than Realm of the God, this realm also had another name, Realm of the Ruler.

In this special realm, in the world that Luki resided there were two people there. "What a pity that your day ends here by my hand oh God or should I call you Nowel!" said the black robed middle-aged man to the old man.

This old man, Nowel was the one who Luki met before he came to another world. "Your plan, it was backed by some powerful sources I assume? Well, even if you looked for it, you will not easily find it," said Nowel.

"Shut up old man! You must be know where the hell is that unused [Immortal Decree], now you need to tell me so that your death will be less painful otherwise, I don't know what will happen to your world." said the middle-aged man with a devilish smile.


Nowel only shook his head. "You may be able to threaten me but to destroy my world will not be easy, especially with your current weak power. Noted that I already saw how powerful is The Messenger, your power is nothing but a joke!"

"Oh? Is that your last words? Well, even if I need to exterminate your world and interrogate every one of its inhabitant to search for that [Immortal Decree], I will not hesitate to do that!" said the middle-aged man.

"Well, I think I already knew your backer that you really aimed at that [Immortal Decree]. What is The One planned for this?" Nowel then thought about Luki. 'Young man, you may be finding the truth if you strong enough. But.....oh shit!'

Suddenly, a faint energy swept through the entire realm. Nowel expression turned really pale. 'From all the times, why now!' he really didn't expect that at this time, Luki would enter the Immortal Fleshly Body this soon.

Not only this was the good thing but also a bad thing as well. With that, a new Immortal had truly born but at the same time, everyone that exist knew that there was a new Immortal born from a trillion world.

"Hahahahah! To think that someone from your world actually holds [Immortal Decree]. Thanks for the talk! All my kinsmen, kill this God for me!" said the middle-aged man with his index finger pointed at Nowel.

A giant hole appeared in the front of the middle-aged man. From there, there were thousands of bipedal beast that got out from the hole, charged straight at Nowel.

He then left the Realm of the Ruler and went straight to the world where Luki was.


'Remember, Vera. The immortal once saved this world from destruction. That's why our family treasured the immortal's gift. Furthermore, if another immortal appeared, he asked our family to give a part of his gift to that person.' one of her mother's recommendation to Vera.


Vera now had a very complicated feeling. She doesn't like Luki, this newly born immortal but because he was an immortal that he needed to receive her families treasured gift.

At the same time, Luki's Power Source began to expand! Right now, he already reaches the first stage of Inner Power. The expansion meant that Luki wanted to breakthrough to the second stage.

'The expansion stage. I can't believe that this man just started to have his own Power Source.'

The azure flame then started to dim. From it, Luki could feel his body had changed. 'So this is the power of immortal body?' he said to himself. 'Not only I got my immortal body but also my Power Source was formed as well. I guess fate really work in a strange way.'

Luki then saw Vera stared at him with a confused look. "What's so surprising here?" asked him to Vera.

"N-No, it's not like there is another person who has such a low Inner Power than you." Vera instead said those words while twisting her tongue. She really could not ask Luki about his immortality and made him assist her in repelling those Outsiders Beast.

"Then, I will leave. And you still don't answer me but why do you come here alone?" Luki was wondering inside his head about this matter. "It's not your business, hmph!" Vera then snorted coldly. 'What's wrong with her? A second she will act tough but another second she changed to become soft. What a pain!'

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