《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 20: End of Trial


Vera kept her eyes staring at Luki who was swinging his greatsword at the terracotta person. "Hey, can you hear me!?" shouted her at Luki.

Luki was so happy that he could kick those terracotta's ass for keep hitting him. Even he didn't care that someone shouted at him."Not a chance!"

One of the terracotta tried to escape but Luki's greatsword already slashed at its body. "And that's why you should not bully someone because he is poor!" and after that Luki charged at the other two.

In his eyes, there was sadness, rage, and hope! He kept his sword swinging around his body and stepped forward. There was only two terracotta remaining because the first one already crashed by Luki's strike and the second by his greatsword.

"Come on!" Luki moving faster to destroy another terracotta. But then the terracotta released its Inner Power differently. The Inner Power now enveloped their entire body and when Luki's greatsword hit the layer that enveloped their body, the sword suddenly vibrated.

"It's the defensive layer! Hey, use your Inner Power to your weapon, you stupid!" shouted Vera and then she stomped her feet. 'This idiot. He didn't even know how to do such a simple thing.'

Luki could hear her sound. He looked at her and said, "Eh~? What are you doing here, general? Aren't you supposed to guard the Kreig Kingdom's capital?"

But Vera could not say her true intention to come here. "Shut up! Quickly defeat them all or just go die!" she could not hold her emotion and instead showed him her clenched fist.

Luki then just ignored her. But he still used his Inner Power to his sword and the sword emitted a golden-colored layer. "Even though you are noisy but thanks for the advice." Luki then slashed at one of the terracotta again. Even if it tried to dodge, Luki could see its movement with the help from Inner Power.


'Well, can't believe the difference of having these Inner Power is this large!'

BAM! Another terracotta had fallen to Luki's sword. And only the last one remaining so Luki without hesitation charged toward it.

"Hah, hah. Satisfying victory." Luki panted while kneeling. After the four terracotta crashed, eight more appear and luckily that was the last. After spending some time Luki could defeat them all.

After that, the barrier that covered the trial's place was gone so Vera could enter. "You...."

Luki had a plan for this. "Well, I can't explain everything. But the only thing I will do is to defeat the Evil God. After that, even if you find me annoying you will not see me again."

To defeat the Evil God, Luki had to prepare everything that he needed to fight. But he didn't expect that the Evil God was a step faster than him, sending Outsiders Beast to invade the world.

Thus, the only thing he could do at this moment was to activate his ability as a holder of [Immortal Decree].

Then the circular door started to open. Luki walked toward it to enter when suddenly Vera rushed toward him and tapped his shoulder. "Wait a second. Do you......."

But before that, Luki already walked away. Luki didn't want to intervene with this world too much. 'After this, I need to ask God to remove this [Immortal Decree] because it's annoying as fuck!'

The problem was, this [Immortal Decree] prevented him from truly die. It was more like a cheat than a gift or blessing. "What are you doing here, general? Are you also after the Ancient God blood?" asked Luki in a flat tone.

But Vera who was being ignored said, "You even don't hear me but instead asking me a question? Are you disrespecting me?"


What she didn't know was, Luki was from another world so he didn't care much about most people in this world.

"Oh, disrespecting? Sorry to disappoint you but my schedule is tight and there's Evil God to defeat so goodbye." Luki hastened his pace to enter the room behind the door.

Vera kept following him until both of them entered the room. In the end of the room, a sphere of red-colored ball hovering there. 'Is that the blood?' Luki felt his Inner Power and Power Source were reacting toward the blood.

'Master Sima.....'

He regretted it when he deliberately told his master about part of his plan. Regret always came late! "I'm afraid only me can accept the blood," said Luki to Vera. It was already obvious in Luki's eyes when he stared back at Vera.

"Let's see the effect of the blood!"

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