《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 23: The Start of The Adventure 1


A member of the Assassin Guild was waiting at the entrance to the giant forest. 'It's already more than a month since the newbie entered the forest. Now it should be the time he will return.'

When he still deep in thought, a shadowy figure walked to him. But strangely even he could not feel the presence from that shadowy figure. When that figure close enough, the figure raised the arm and then tapped at that member and said, "Are you looking for me?"

That tapped surprised him! 'How in the world I can't detect his presence. Just who is he?'

Then he turned to look at the culprit who did this. Surprised covered his face because, in front of him, Luki waved his hand to greet him and said, "My mission had been accomplished. You can check my bag if you don't believe me."

"Alright." he didn't understand how in the world that newbie could have such a skill at concealing his presence. Even he himself was an assassin who already had more sense to presence. After checking Luki's bag, he continued "You really done it! Come, we will go to the guild."


"You really great. I don't feel your presence at all." one of the members said to Luki. "He really will become the best from our branch!" another boasted about Luki's ability.

"Thank you, everyone. You all flattering me." Luki replied them with a smile.

"So, can he start to participate in our mission?" someone asked the guild president. "Yes, of course. It's also to help humanity to defend against that beast so we need every help we can get." said the president.

"But Ferum, what mission can he take right now? If we follow the previous procedure, he needs to take the escorting mission." suggested one of them. Ferum was the middle-aged man that Luki met in his interview. He also the president of the branch guild in Nemasu town.

"Well, there is this letter that requests our assistance to liberate a town in the northwest from Knight Order. How about we make this his first mission. Hey, Luki, what's your opinion on this?" asked Ferum.

'Liberation?' Luki thought that this is a good chance to learn more about Outsiders Beast.


"But, it's too dangerous for a talented newbie like him."

"Right, please reconsider it president."

But to everyone surprise, Luki accepted the request with, "I'll do it!". Everyone stared at Luki didn't know what to say. "Just give me the location and I will head there immediately."

Ferum stared directly at Luki's eyes. 'Confidence? I want to see how good your confidence is.'

"Alright. To the northwest from here, there's a town that already filled with those beasts. The Knight Order wanted to liberate that town so they send their troops over there. Your mission is to assist them in liberating that town. Additionally, gather some intel regarding those beasts too. We really lacking information about them."

"Yes, sir!" Luki then saluted and left at once.

But after one hour since that, a member ran toward Ferum with a panic expression. "President! Bad, bad news," he said with heavy breathing. "What bad news?"

Now everyone focused on the news that he delivered. "The town that The Knight Order wanted to liberate, it was the nest of Mothers!"

The latest report about Mother came from the soldiers from the Regal Kingdom. Actually, this was the first beast that came from the meteor that spread chaos during the war of the north field. Ferum then took out the report of the beast regarding about Mother.

After reading the content, Ferum could not help but cursed out loud. "Fuck! We send that newbie right to their fucking nest! We need to save him now!"

"But we cannot do that president. Currently, our hands are tight with so much work. I' afraid we cannot help him at any moment from now on."

And that was the reason why Ferum kept cursing out loud for an entire day.


Luki returned to the forest. There was a reason for it. Right now, he went toward the place where he found the thing that has the metallic surface. That place now was mist free due to the help from the ant king.

"I can't believe that this thing was here in this world." Luki felt happy but also confused about this. He could not believe that after he came to this world, he still had a chance to see this. The thing in front of him had spread wings that were flat. Its head was pointy at its front and there was a thick transparent layer that covered its top head.


At the back, there was a twin strange looking tail. "Hey, can you tell me what this thing is? I-I give up, alright!" said Vera. Luki who clearly saw how hard she tried to guess what object this thing laughed loud.

"Just tell me already! You...really..." she started to get angry so Luki quickly answered. "You maybe don't know but this thing is a vehicle. Ah, how nostalgic. Long time no see, A-99 Arthur."

A-99 Arthur was in fact, the latest space fighter that was designed as a multi-purpose fighter. It's VTOL system made it easier to land it in a hard and unstable terrain. Not only that but this fighter was already used solar energy to operate it.

"What kind of vehicle is this? It doesn't look like it can move to the ground well and what purpose this vehicle has?"

Even though Vera was angry, but she still wondered what function this vehicle had so she kept asking Luki. "This vehicle actually used to fly in the sky. But the problem is I don't know how to operate it. And its purpose was to attack, to fight the enemies in the sky or if possible in the land."

He had a hope that this little craft could help him in a way. Luki then pressed the button at the cockpit and the glass that covered it opened to the side. The system that Luki saw was rather complicated for him. 'Oh good. Now that there is this fighter, I have an easier travel method. But I really.....don't know anything!'

'Hmm.' Luki then saw a certain button. But Vera already landed on Luki, to be exact on Luki's head. "Ouch!"

"Hey, .hey. Tell me what are you doing here?" Vera asked with a smile that not really a smile. "Look, there also a seat at my back. This fighter is two seated so two people can enter. Just go there instead."

Luki said those words because Vera was sitting in his lap. It was so annoying because he wanted to press that certain button. Because he saw that button that he had a happy feeling inside his heart.

"Can you get away from me now? I need to try something no," said Luki. "Just tell me and I'll do it. I really want to see how this thing works," said Vera rejected his request.

Luki only sighed and then said, "Can you push that button? That button with the purple color."

But to his surprise, Vera pushed the slightly purple button besides the one that Luki wanted to push. "Fuck! Not that button."

That button was actually the button for...

"WAAA!" suddenly, the cockpit was separated from the fighter's body. IT was the button for eject system. Because of that, they flew hundreds of meter height before falling down to the ground.

"Hold on to me! I will make this landing softer for you!" said Luki then he hugged Vera. He positioned himself to be the first to hit the ground. Luki clicked his tongue because of that. 'This will be a pain in the ass!'

"Release me! I can take care of myself!" Vera kept struggling in Luki's embrace but it was futile. Luki already swears to himself that the instant Vera leaves him, he would not meet her again. 'This troublesome young woman really ruined my plan.'


Luki was the first to hit the ground. He coughed out blood and could not move. His spine was broken but Vera only lightly injured. "Ah, good. Now you made me a cripple." realized that even his body could not move, Luki could only use his mouth to say.

Vera broke free from Luki's embrace and then stood up. She glared at him with fury. "You...really.."

But the second she saw his condition, she could not help but nervous. "Hey, do you want to lay here for all day? Get up now!"

Even though Luki already had Immortal Fleshly Body but he didn't know how to activate that. 'Why is it that my immortal body doesn't recover my body?' this also made Luki confused.

"Well, maybe I really wanted to lay here all day. Look, just return to your place. No need to following me."

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