《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 16: Tomb of The Ancient God 3


Suddenly, one terracotta like-person appeared out of nowhere. Luki felt something similar terracotta and that was it had the same aura as the source of the aura that led Luki here.

"Trial, huh? Well, that was expected. But what is the intention? Is it just to make obtaining the blood harder or there is something more?"

The terracotta person then prepared its stance. Luki could tell that the stance was so firm that even Luki right now could not imitate it. "How should I deal with this?"

The terracotta person only standing with that stance. It didn't even move after that at all!

"Want to test me? Bring it on!" Luki then unleashed his first strike toward the terracotta person. martial art was used to see the reaction from the terracotta person. Its stance then changed as the fist came to its face.

Its arms stretched out, coiling Luki's arm at the same time and suddenly threw him. After that Luki returned to his position but the terracotta person just stood still. "So fast! I didn't even see its arm coiling around mine that time! Well, that's interesting!"

He then tried to fused the power from his muscle with martial art, increase its power several fold! Not only powr but its speed also increased as well. "!"

Luki's fist bombarded the terracotta person's every part. Even though its movement was past at coiling its arm, but Luki's arm now was like a blur. After several more fist hit its body, the terracotta person crumbled and fell.

"Well, your style is unique. But it was far from enough in front of me." suddenly a illussory figure standing in front of Luki. This person wore a yellow robe that already tattered. But from his eyes, Luki knew that this person was a real expert.


But what was surprising that the person's aura was the same as the source aura or to be exact he is the source of that aura. "This is not my body that you seeing right now. My body already became one with the soil and this is just my last part of martial power."

The man then waved his hand and said, "Young man, it seems like you do not produce even martial aura and yet you already have a unique style for your martial arts. Tell me, what is your stage?"

"Sorry sir, but what are you talking about? And is this also a part of the trial?" Luki could not help but asked since he also didn't know what the man means. "Are you...."

Then the man released a powerful aura. This aura made Luki suffocate and forced him to kneel down. He had to endure this as long as possible but if this continue, Luki ay not hold much longer.

"Hmm, you even don't stepped on the first stage of the Inner Power. How can you used the blood's power to the max if you still like this?" the man talked with a disdain and pity in his tone. "Well, your body had already been strengthened so I at least understand how you were able to defeat that terracotta soldier. But do you know how to reach the first stage?"

"No, I don't."

The man felt so much joy from this answer. 'This young man, already had a unique style and yet he didn't even reached the first stage of Inner Power. It also means that he has no master, oh what a good day after hundred of years.'

'Whatever since that's the case why I feel a sense of urge to take him as a disciple? Maybe......'


"Since that's the case, let me teach you something!" the man then stepped forward. Luki focused all of his attention to the man in yellow robes. Although he only made a single step, it was enough for Luki to felt that there's some power in it!

After that the man asked, "Do you understand?"

"No." answered Luki. He still didn't understand the meaning behind the first action. The only thing he noticed was that step was more powerful! And that was only a step. If this so called Inner Power was fused with every move from every matial arts, it could become more powerful.

"You must use your Inner Power to resist this move, otherwise your body will be hit directly by my Inner Power." the man already stomped his foot to the floor with his Inner Power. Luki still confused and still thought about how to unleash this Inner Power.

But Luki who had no Inner Power could not do anything against him. "Sir.....how should I unlock this power? I don't know anything about it."

Even with the memories that he got from [Immortal Decree] didn't have any knowledge regarding this Inner Power. The ant king also adviced Luki to find a master to learn from. This was what Luki lack the most, power!

Fortunately, the man stopped his power from reaching out to Luki.

Then the man only sighed. "You really don't know about Inner Power so I can't blame you. But to reached such a mastery in that martial art is rare even in my era." then the man sighed. "If you want to past the second trial, you need to develop your Inner Power or you will fail for sure."

"I will teach you how to develop that power......"

Luki knew what the man want. So he easily answered, "If you want to take me as a disciple, then I will not refuse. Coincidentally, I also looking for a master to teach me a thing or two."

The man had a confused but also delighted expression in his eyes. "Well, to develop that power you need to meditate first. It's because you can focus your mind to sense this kind of power inside you." he said that with a happy tone in it.

"Are you really going to be my disciple?" asked the man again. "It's because this place was my tomb and with my remaining strength, I can only accompany you for at most two more months. This will become my first and my last time accepting a disciple. Are you want to take this nearly died man as a master?"

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