《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 15: Tomb of The Ancient God 2


"This is really the route isn't it?" Luki asked himself to make sure he was in the right direction.

Even the route itself was like a huge tunnel. This was the largest tunnel he had ever seen, including the tunnel in the giant ant's nest. In the route that he wanted to take, there were several small scorpions crawling over the place!

The problem was, this Scorpion had a neurotoxic venom. "How should I make them out?" Luki had checked the surrounding and only found some plants that would be useful to drive them away.

"Well, combine this with the flash powder I should get the effect I wanted." Luki then combined the material he got with the flash powder. It was to make something that this scorpion hate so much they were willing to move from there.

After an hour of combining, he had finally succeeded. "Well, let me see your desperate reaction."

With a grin, Luki threw the new flash powder to the scorpions. At first, there was only brightness but the next few second, the neurotoxic scorpions started to run away. But unfortunately, they were escaping toward the direction where Luki was.

"Why this is happening just as I expected?" Luki then ran to the most left side of the tunnel to avoid being detected by them. 'Hope that my training here won't be a waste!'


'Do you know why most of the smaller ants than the giant ants are not easily found out despite the fact that they're also living beings with presence?' the ant king asked Luki.

'Well, I also have the same question in my mind about that. The most important thing for an assassin is to conceal their presence but it cannot be done completely. But, mostly I ignore the presence of those ants.....wait for a second, Ignore?' Luki then started to understand something.


'Yes, that is true. Even though smaller ants are small, weak and almost nonexistent in the eyes of the bigger animals but that is also our specialty, to not let anyone feel our little presence. You almost ignore the presence of a single or two ants but if they started to form a bigger group, you would notice their presence.'

Then the ant king continued, 'So what makes ants different from another living being regardless of their size?'

Luki thought about it for a while. He almost grasped the essence of that discussion. 'Because they realized that they are small that they worked effectively as a group. And if they worked alone, no one would care about their presence, right?'

'That's it Luki. You already got your answer. It is to make sure that your presence is worth noting or not. This is the knowledge that will be useful to you as an assassin. Add the fact that you also can conceal your presence make this a useful enlightenment to you.'


'Conceal my presence. Make my presence not worthy to notice.'

Luki kept his position in that side of the tunnel. The neurotoxic scorpion walked toward him! They then walked past him one by one. This made Luki nervous to the bones. 'You can't feel me! You can't feel me!'

Luki spelled those words like it was a chant to some kind of amazing magic. But one of the Scorpions suddenly turned to him, closing their position. It was until Luki had to see the Scorpion's pincer one-centimeter gap to his eyes that he felt all his hair on his body was standing!

'Damn! Damn it all! I still not developed my skills and already had to pay the price? Never!' Luki cursed himself in his heart and closed his eyes.


But after he cursed himself for not skilled enough, the scorpion had left already. After that Luki opened his eyes and felt that the danger was long gone.

He breathed a cold air and sighed. "I really did it! I need to give my thanks to the ant king to give me some pointer."


After that little incident, Luki's path toward the tomb was as smooth as a wet floor. He started to feel a certain aura that contained in this tomb. "This is an incredible aura. As expected from Ancient God's Tomb."

He could use this aura to locate the tomb. It was after some time that he arrived at the circular-shaped door.

There was a writing above the door. 'Prove your worth as a martial artist to obtain my blood essence. I made this tomb to give an opportunity to anyone that finds it first to obtain my blood essence!'

Luki then also noticed a circular-shaped floor below him. And right now he was standing in the most center of that circular-shaped floor!

He felt a premonition and that also became true as he heard a sound that said, "Let the trial, begin!"

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