《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 14: Tomb of The Ancient God 1


A little habit Luki got during his stay at the giant ant colony was he used smell to know where he was and where he would go. His vision became accustomed to the darker place due to his indoor training.

Luki moved stealthily, making sure there was no trace of him and silently marked a tunnel wall by his dagger. He felt that his [Immortal Decree] started to resonate with the blood from the Ancient Blood.

When Luki saw the end of the tunnel, he could only enjoy the view. There were several waterfalls that circled around a large hole below him. Above him, there were several gemstones that shined brightly.

'Ancient God. It is said that the name itself referred to the martial artist that reached the pinnacle. But of course, the highest title for someone with the greatest combat power was called Martial God. But sadly, there was no record about someone who was called Martial God.'

Luki kept following his [Immortal Decree] resonance to locate the place that has the Ancient God blood. But to his surprise, the place was at the bottom of the hole.

"Is there any way up?" if there was none, Luki could not return and even become a new corpse that will fill this place.

Then Luki saw some vine grew at the side of the wall. This vine grew so long that maybe it would reach the bottom of the hole. "Alright, let's go down!"

Along the way down, Luki had some trouble at grabbing the vines. He sometimes almost fell because of this. After numerous trial and error, Luki could grab the vines firmly. But it was at the cost of his injured hands.

When the pain has reached the limit where Luki could not bear it any longer, he must release his hand. "Ouch! My hands feel like burning."


The pain was as strong as when his left hand was cut off but this time it was both of them. Luki did not know that the vine actually very dangerous to be used as a substitute for a robe. It's because the sap the vines produced were dangerous to the skin.

"Why is it hurt so much!?" Luki screamed due to the pain he felt. But he failed to see that there was a coffin approaching him at high speed!

The pain made Luki always move, never stayed in a place. This made him able to evade the coffin.


Almost hit by the coffin made Luki realized something strange about this coffin. "My [Immortal Decree] is showing such a strong reaction." Luki really felt it clearly this time.

Suddenly, the coffin was opened. Luki gulped his saliva and felt his scalp went numb. But what he was seeing just a rusty big sword covered in dust. "But why my [Immortal Decree] showed so much reaction toward this sword?"

The rusty sword gave an aura that was intimidating to the surrounding, even to Luki. He hesitated whether he takes the sword or not. "But if I didn't take it, it's the same as I lose it!"

With that, Luki grabbed the hilt of the sword. When his hand touched the hilt, there was a lightning jumped toward him. Luki hadn't enough time to properly reacted so he only used his arm to blocked it. The lightning then hit him and it drilled through his flesh, his bone and was stopped when it reached the bone marrow!

It was so fast and so painful that the instant it finished, Luki was unconscious.


"Uhuk!" when Luki woke up, everything was still the same. The coffin that contained the rusty sword still standing in front of him. "Strange, my body seems fine even after the lightning hit me."


Even his hand that holding the hilt of the sword remained the same! "Let's get you out from there!"

Then he tried to lift the sword. When he did that, the sword started to move from its place. "Heavy! This sword is heavy enough even though it is already covered in rust!" with the help of his strengthened arms, Luki could lift the sword.

But when successfully lifted it, the sword's size started to shrink! It shrank until the size was comparable to a stick.

"Hmm, there is definitely something more about this sword. Since I got this for free, I should cherish it for now." Luki had already been satisfied by getting his hand on this sword. But he also felt a tingling sensation from his instinct. It was because the coffin suddenly came to him.

"I need to find out why the coffin suddenly come to me. Or where this coffin come from."

After he put the stick in his bag, Luki then continued his search for the blood. Luki could hear faintly the sound of water. "Don't tell me that I need to cross the underground river."

His prediction was correct. In front of him, there was a large underground river flowed. "Good. Now what?"

But suddenly from the depth of the river, something bright started to appear. The first time it was only one small light but then the second, the third and until those light illuminated the entire place where Luki was. When he saw his surrounding, he was stupefied.

In the wall, there were many ancient writings that Luki could not understand. "This is only a tomb and yet there are so many mysteries in it," he said those words with astonishment. His eyes were not stopping stare at the writings that carved in the wall.

Suddenly, a part of the memories that contained within [Immortal Decree] opened itself. In the memories, the person was learning and understanding the ancient language. "So it's like that. The location of the tomb is hard to reach but with the writings on the wall, anyone that understand it could use a certain route to go to the tomb."

After that, he left the side of the river and when he did that the light that illuminated the place started to dim. Luki was going to go to the alternative route.

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