《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 13: Ant Muscle Strengthening Technique


"Human, come to me." said the ant king. Luki then took a step closer and finally in front of him. "Oh, after seeing you closer you also have [Immortal Decree]! Today really is a good day for my colony to meet you. As a gift, I want to give you this body strengthening technique to you."

The ant king then lifted his two front legs. His antennae rubbed Luki but each rub contained a portion of memory transfer!

"I transferred to you [Ant Muscle Strengthening Technique]. You must know that even an ant is small but their muscle strength made them able to lift hundred times heavier object than their body. This is my gift to you!"

After the transfer completed, Luki could comprehend the meaning of Ant Muscle! "Thank you so much! Originally, I come to the forest to look for a certain material. Can you help me find them?" asked Luki.

Because of this fortuitous event, Luki decided to change his plan to train in this new strengthening technique because this was the technique that focuses on physique strength.

"What is it? As long as we have it in the storage or can be found in the forest we can find it." said the ant king. Luki sighed because this was like him using the colony to do his job.

"Wood from a hundred year tree, a Geocentric Lotus, and an Octagonal Mushroom. Sorry, I think I grabbed some mushroom from your storage." Luki said with a wry smile.

"Then only a wood from a hundred year tree and a Geocentric Lotus remain right? You are lucky, every material you need is available in our storage. Let my workers lead you there!"

Then Luki was led to the storage and took those two. After that, he tried to practice the strengthening technique.



"Human, keep trying!"

"You can do this!"

Right now Luki tried to lift a stone weight around a hundred kilograms with his arms. "Ergggh!"

While the other worker ants were watching him a minutes before returning to their respective duty. This is already a hundred times Luki failed to lift the stone. "What was wrong? Do I need to work like ants to understand it?" pondered Luki.

Other than strengthening technique, Luki as an assassin also trained in stealth movement, fatal strike, vital points, and critical thinking with the aid of the ant king.

A month passed since that. "Urrgggggaaaahhh!" this time, Luki could barely lift two hundred kilograms stone.

"I did it! The first level of [Ant Muscle Strengthening Technique] has been reached." with a heavy breath, Luki felt very happy for his achievement. The first level required the muscle from the user to worked differently like normal. This point made Luki confused because he didn't know exactly what should be worked differently in his muscle.

After understanding that part, Luki tried his luck again. This happened many times until he was successful like today.

"Congratulations to you!" one of the worker greet Luki. "Thank you for your support!" although they were very busy, sometimes they would watch Luki tried to lift those stones. Even some of them giving Luki pointer!

But Luki felt this was not enough! He then tried to reach the second level. Not only he practices this strengthening technique but Luki also tried to activate his [Immortal Body].

"Do you have a furnace?" asked the ant king. Luki could only shake his head. "Most of the herbs that contained energy must first be refined so that it can be consumed." said the ant king.

"But there is also another method if you wanted to activate your [Immortal Body]. But that was rather dangerous so I will not suggest it to you." the ant king did not want Luki to hear that so he only left the conversation there. But Luki wanted to activate it no matter what!


It was because he already set his mind to defeat the Evil God. And also because he would achieve that without fail!


"Huh, shall I do it?" Luki asked the ant king to make sure everything was ready. "Well, you are the one who wanted this right?"

Luki was nervous because the requirement to activate his [Immortal Body] was to drink the blood of Ancient God. But as if Goddes of Luck blessing him, the place that had such a thing was close. In fact, the entire forest was a cover to hide the entrance to the place where the Ancient God rest.

"This is the entrance to the Tomb of The Ancient God. Are you sure you want to proceed?" asked the ant king with a heavy tone. "This is my choice. And my choice creates my own path. How is the condition outside the forest?"

"There is some weak Outsiders beast roaming around but since you release the seal, we can put up a fight and even drive them off from Nemasu." answered the king.

"I see. After this, I want to bring your colony to go adventure with me. Are you accept this or not?" asked Luki. He really hoped that the ant king would accept his offer because he was a good person from his way of speaking until his hospitality that he had given to Luki.

"But, my ancestor promised to protect this world from any outsider from invading the place. I'm afraid I can only help you to make them out of this world."

"It's alright. At least we will together until the Outsider beast were out from this world right?" Luki then entered the tunnel that led him to the Tomb of The Ancient God.

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