《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 12: The Ant King and A Tales


Luki, who wore a simple clothes were trying to get the energy that contained inside the herb. "So hard! What is wrong with this method?" Luki complained every time the method to extract the energy inside the herb failed.

'Human? Can you hear me?'

"Eh? Who!?" Luki tried to spread his Sense Domain to the limit but found only some ants that walked near him. He only thought that the one speaking to him was someone. But then the sound came again.

'You already sensed me and yet you still looking for me? Notice me already you slow-witted!'

Luki didn't want to believe what he had just heard but his instinct told him that the one who speaks to him right now was an ant! "Hello, little guy. How can you speak?" was the first question Luki asked.

"How? Actually, the language that had been used by your ancestor and every living being was the one and the same. With the passage of time, the people started to make their own language in their territory. I just need to know the basic and I can understand it. What's wrong?"

The ant that speaking to Luki was so big that Luki stared at it for a second. "I just...don't expect that animal can speak."

"Really? You are really an interesting guy. Since you can come to this place, His Majesty wanted to see you." the ant said with his antennae rubbed at Luki's body.

"HIs Majesty? Don't tell me that there is an ant king here," said Luki with a surprised. "Yes, indeed. That's why I was sent here, to retrieve you. Follow me and try not to get lost!" said the ant that started to walking toward the tunnel.

Luki then followed behind. He followed the ant so close because in this tunnel there are hundred thousands of ants! Also, he didn't want to get lost in this sea of ants. After multiple times of turns, Luki arrived at the main chamber.


The other ants were lining in a row. They moved their front leg so harmonically and made a stance that like saluting. For Luki, this was a new and a first time for him to see ants close up. "There is His Majesty. Come!" the ant told Luki to keep following him.

The ant king, with a size five times bigger than those normal ants. But in Luki's world, the ants were as big as a dust and almost nonexistent. "Greetings, Your Majesty. This is the person you are looking for. This subject already fulfilled his duty successfully."

"Very well. I am the king of this ant's colony greet you, the representative from the race that shouldered the Heaven's Will to become the leader of the world until the judgment day." said the ant king with his six legs moved majestically.

"Leader of the world? Wait, what is the meaning of this?" asked Luki. His mind was completely blank when the ant king speaking about ' the leader of the world' part.

"Oh, yes. Most of you even don't know what is the meaning behind those words. Sorry if you feel confused. Can anyone here explain to him?"

The ant king was speaking very polite but had an aura of a leader. But then an ant came forward and said, "Human, let me explain to you on behalf of His Majesty. In the era where there is no life, The One created many living being, both natural creatures and supernatural creatures."

"But one day The One made an entirely new natural creature based on black soil. This black soil that formed by The One's direct hand then became alive. This new creature called 'human'."

Luki then understood why his left hand could reform after touching the soil around him that time. 'So this is true.'


"Human was different. They had intelligent, lust and the most important part was the kindness. There's no living being that created with those three together before. And then the second thing was The One wanted to make human the Leader of The World. But a race refused to accept this."

"Those that refuse to let Human Race become the Leader of The World were Demon Race that created from fire. They thought that their position as a supreme being under the Heaven because they were created from fire while Human created from soil. This then became the conflict that will drag on until the arrival of the judgment day."

Luki listened to the explanation and understood to some degree about it. "Thank you for explaining this thing to me. I really ashamed not to know such a thing happened in the past."

"It's alright. This is written in the ancient records and with the passage of time some will lost. Your Majesty, please continue your speech." then the ant returned to the line.

"What I want to talk to you, Human was a negotiation. Recently, there is Outsider's beast that appears in this world. My kinsmen found out that this beast sent by Evil God! That little traitor wanted to interfere directly into this world's affair but we cannot act without the permission from the Leader of the World."

Luki accidentally had the same objective, to defeat the Evil God. So he accepts it and said, "Of course I accept your request. But, if your colony moved it will cause a commotion. Do you have a solution?"

"This entire nest was actually a treasure called - Mobile Nest -. Its size can be adjusted to be as small as a stone you usually found on the street. But before that, I'm really happy to work together with you. How about I give you something as a token?"

Luki who was hearing that became so happy. Not only this giant ant colony became his ally but also he would receive a gift. 'I feel like it's a beautiful day!'

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