《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 17: The Master and The Disciple


Luki was sitting cross-legged to meditate. This was his first time doing this kind of thing. He still didn't feel any kind of power that was mentioned by Master Sima. Yes, that was the man's name.

After meditating for three days straight, Luki still didn't even feel anything from his body.

"Still don't feel anything? Strange, even someone with the worst attitude won't take too much time to feel their power. What's wrong with your body?"

Then Master Sima checked every place in Luki's body. "He has no Power Source! How is this possible? Everyone in this world at least has a Power Source in their body. But this young man in front of me doesn't have that."

Power Source was a place where Inner Power produced and gather. But most people had only so little Power Source that their Inner Power became so minuscule compared to the average martial artist.

And this is also the reason that Luki could not even compare with anyone in this world even with his great mastery over martial art.

Master Sima thought about it for a while but couldn't find an appropriate answer. But suddenly, Luki asked him something that made his mind almost blown.

"Master, do you know the method to have a Power Source if you don't have one?"

Master Sima's mind was blank for a second. But from Luki's expression, he could tell that Luki had this question in mind long ago. He knew the method but he really couldn't do that. He was unwilling to do such thing only to developing someone's Power Source.

"I don't want to use such an evil technique to do that! I won't allow you to use that no matter what!" said Master Sima angrily. "But Master, do you know God of this world? Because he gives me something that I need to do his request to defeat the Evil God. I know this sounds like crazy to you, who despite already reached the Ancient God level but even his strength could defeat most of the Ancient God in just a second." said Luki expressionless.


"I realize this after my meeting with the ant king. So I need to make myself stronger. As long as it doesn't have any negative or side effect to me, whatever the method I will try it. And.... cannot let myself stay weak forever!"

Luki already felt powerless in front of those invaders at those days on the hill near the north field. But now the urge to become stronger was bigger than before.

"So, can you tell me where is the remnant of your body? I will take the Power Source that still remains there." Luki started to ask a question. But this question incited the anger from Master Sima!

"You! You are really mad! Even I will not let you take it from my body, not a chance in this world kid!"

He really angry this time because his disciple mentioned this in front of him! "I already expected that, Master. Then forgive this unfilial disciple from saying such words, and forgive me for asking Master to immediately enter the second trial!"

"What!? What are you planning to go into the second trial? Are you planning to awaken your Power Source? The chance for that to happen is less than ten percent! I, I have a technique that will work if you give enough time." said Master Sima with a pleading tone.

But contrary to Luki's expectation that his Master will simply ignore him or just let him go, he instead pleaded him not to take the second trial. "I know Master don't want your Power Source to be taken away by someone, even by me so I tried the second fastest method possible to awaken my Power Source that is to battling someone who had an Inner Power!"

"I won't allow you to do it! I don't want my last two months to become a waste by letting you enter the second trial. And...."

But before Master Sima told Luki his next work, Luki already in the center of the circular-shaped floor, thus activated the trigger. "No!"

Luki felt his heart ache when he heard his Master saying that. He predicted that eighty percent his Master will prevent him from entering the second trial. Then he could only sigh when seeing two terracotta with Inner Power started to come toward him.

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