《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 3: The Prolog Before The Battle


Three hours later, The Kreig Kingdom's army arrived at the northern border. Luki was one of those soldiers who unfortunately got dragged into this war that was none of his business.

"Hey, are you fine Luki?" asked Raket with a guilt and worried face. It could be seen that Luki and Raket were now friends. "Thanks for the concern but I am fine" replied Luki.

The sky was so colorful Luki could not help but stare at those colorful screens. But then his peace suddenly disturbed by the captain that previously brought him to this situation.

"Hey, newbie! Do you know anything about discipline? It's as if you really don't know any." said the captain. "Captain Marco, I just taught him some basic and now he needed time to digest it," answered Raket. Marco then just snorted and said, "Okay, but in five minutes you need to gather at the hillside."

Marco then left. "Looks like trouble finds us all," said Raket. Then he continued, "Luki, prepare your weapon and sword! We will go!"

Luki then answered in high spirit with "Yes, sir!"


"What's the situation on the enemies side?" asked the general. She already calculated the place that supposed to be the main battlefield but some things made her instincts screaming like crazy told her to go away from this place.

In the tent, there were two more people talked with her. "General, the scout reported that enemies soldier are retreating to the north field, which will be advantageous to us. What is your opinion about this?" the one who said that was an old man with silver armor and a giant axe leaned on his shoulder.

The north field placed further after the hill they saw when they arrived.

"This is something that normally very suspicious but because the enemy had 'The sly fox' Serene, we cannot act like normally we do. Any suggestion?" the general only looked at the map which spread across the large table.


"How about this, first we will normally do usually. Only, we need to send archers to the hill which have higher ground and vantage point. With this, we at least can see every detail of the battlefield perfectly. How is that?"

This time, the young girl suggested it with a cheerful tone. "But this plan actually has a big flaw in it. What if the archers we stationed there go down because something happened?" the general furrowed and asked.

"This is the thing I need to confirm. I shall make the order to them not to go down the hill 'No matter what' !"

But in the general's heart, the feeling of danger became stronger than ever. "General, General Vera! What happened to you? Are you feeling something unpleasant?" said the old man with silver armor.

General Vera only blankly replied with " I'm fine", which made the two more worried about her condition.

"Are you feeling something bad regarding this battle?" said the young girl. She was in fact General Vera's best friend, Shiho. She understood what Vera felt right now and tried to comfort her. Vera could only nod.

"If you want to believe it you can hear and if you don't then no problem either. I felt this war is just the beginning of several disaster, calamity, and tribulation that every single person in this world will face." Vera said with a gloomy face.

"Hmm, alright. I believe in you," said Shiho. "Me too, general." the old man said with a determined expression.


"We stationed in the archer's group?" Luki tried to confirm this how many times already but asked Raket anyway since he wasn't sure himself. Forced to go to another world, Luki had zero experience in military affairs especially the ancient ones.

"Yes. And to make thing worse, we need to keep our position at the hill right before the north field. Maybe this tactic can make us win the war." said Raket.


The archers, including Raket and Luki now standing above the hill. This hill was five hundred meters height. Although it was tall as a hill, as a vantage point it was a bit short.

"Such a good place for us archers. This place is very easy to defend but rather hard to attack." said one of those archers.

"Yes, as long as we stand still here little chance the enemy can drive us out from here." another soldier said with confidence.

"Raket, why the soldiers have such confidence? In life, there are many unexpected things can happen but they believe the general's order. What's the reason?" asked Luki with curiosity.

"Where should I explain? General Vera was known as the main forces in the Kreig Kingdom. She could, for example, use martial arts technique to split the mountain or divide the ocean. That is her strength. Another factor is, she can feel something like a bad omen. This is just a rumor as the truth is unconfirmed. The last, she is really worthy of her position."

Luki's mouth could only open wide. "Wait, I understand the last but martial arts that can split the mountain or divide the ocean? Is there such a thing?" asked Luki. 'Can martial arts really affect the tide of battle?'

"Luki, where are you from really? You don't know that every martial artist that reached a certain level can have the power to defy the heavens. This is a common thing you know!" Raket said those words with a little curiosity.

'Defy the heavens? What is the meaning about this? As far as I know, martial arts is used as a show of strength.'

Luki really didn't know anything regarding this world so the only reply he can do was nodding his head. "Because your eyes show that someone of disbelieving, I can only show you directly."

Raket then stands face to face with Luki. After that, he started to move his hands above his hand. Later on, he clasped and made a straight fist that aimed at something besides Luki. Luki could only stiff in his sat position.

'Shit! What was that?' Luki cursed inside his heart. He didn't expect such a thing from martial arts. Luki felt a strong energy rushed toward him. He felt as if he was a leaf in a river, helpless with so much water pushed him.

"This is the basic martial arts for every soldier in the Krieg Kingdom called . The fist in this martial arts are like chains, continuous and everlasting. Come, let me teach you some basic!"

Then Luki saw it more from Raket how this martial arts could be used to attack, defense and movement at the same time. 'Those are versatile arts.'

Then Luki asked, "Can I try it myself?"

"Sure, you will participate in the battle so it is recommended to train in his martial arts," replied Raket. 'But I don't think he can learn the first move of technique in a short time.'

Fortunately, Luki had been dragged by Raket to the part of the hill that only a few soldiers see. Here is where Luki could train."Because you are training, I will ask permission from Captain Marco to let you train for a full day. Good luck!"

Then after Raket left Luki, he stared at the sky. "What am I supposed to do?"

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