《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 4: Chain Fist


Luki still stared at the nine-colored sky, didn't know what to do. At this time, his brain was filled with Raket's Chain Fist's movement technique.

This martial arts made the attack chained between attack, looked like a chain which restrains its enemies. Luki then tried to do it.

First, he gripped his hands. After that, he did some light straight fist to the front. 'How come my fist looks different than Raket's?'

But Luki kept his training attitude and made a series of a short-fist strike. 'Hey, it could work like that as well!' Luki felt really absorbed with his thought. He really didn't feel someone watched him from nearby.

He then did a short-fist strike continued with a straight-fist strike. This double combo made Luki felt that this two different strike can be chained. But after trying for the first time, he suddenly remembers something. 'Why am I learning this? I feel like I need this to defend someone I dear in my life but there's none. But I think just train it to the basic level is enough. I really should have died.'

What Luki wanted to achieve was to produce an energy attack in his every strike. But his training was interrupted by his thought, made him unable to train effectively. So Luki just laid on the ground.

'Isn't that too much for a newbie?' someone who watched Luki said with a snort. But if you carefully saw Luki's expression, you would also start to feel something. Luki always had a mental state when he was alone, he could unite himself with the environment.

Because of this, he didn't even notice how he died. But what Luki didn't realize was, his state of mind was an important factor to learning martial arts. To know yourself, know the nature.

'Wow, although I often feel it this is the first time I really thought I was a stone beside me or the soil below me." Luki pondered about it before he continued to train his fist again.


Luki now knew someone watched him but he didn't mind at all. Instead, he kept his training as long as possible and see what reaction the other side would have!

'No way! He even developed Domain Sense.'

Domain Sense. When someone reached a certain understanding of nature, they would be able to feel a living presence with their sense. It was said that this is the beginning of learning the true power contain in martial arts. But the only thing that became the weakness that was the range is limited depending on the person.

With this Domain Sense, Luki, at last, could see where his flaws. "So it's because I really lack the strength to launch the attack. I wonder if this is applicable to bow as well."

He always felt that the basic technique is the versatile ones. So it should be suitable for majority of the weapon that the soldiers used. Through the attack that Luki launch, some of it were starting to blur. Right now even the person who watched him had a surprised expression.

'This person is not a newbie at all! How can our intelligence never have a data about him? He likely is a master who secluded in the wildlife. This is bad! If the general doesn't realize it, I'm afraid he will start to make a ruckus somewhere.'

From the normal technique, Luki really didn't know the requirement to reach the basic level so he kept his training in his own favor. The good news was, Luki already surpassed the basic level. Bad news, someone already noticed his ability.

'What that person doing right there, still monitoring me. If you want to kill me then do it, I beg you! I hope that person is an assassin or that kind.' Luki tried to attract this person attention in hope that the person was from enemies side. But unfortunately that was Luki's misunderstanding.


The one who watched him from the start was Shiho. She wanted to see the newbie that recently join the army. But she also misunderstood a thing or two. She already sure herself that Luki was an expert who secluded from outer world's affair.

Then, Luki saw the position of the sun already changed from the first time he looked at it. "Must be already past two hours since my first training. Now I'm going to go to my position."

Luki then picked up his belonging and left the place. Shiho who stood still then regained her senses. 'What should I do?' she really in deep thought because what Luki had done.

'Though it is just my speculation, I need to know about him more. Yes, that's the key!'

Because she already had been marked by Luki and left with no other choice, Shiho would undercover her identities and accompanied him to keep an eye on Luki. After that, she also left.


Luki, who was already prepared with a bow and a quiver sweep his eyes to the view in front of him. The large field almost covered in green and brown spread across the horizon. "This is the advantage from higher ground."

Raket now sat beside Luki, checking his gear. "Indeed. And can you see the black dots across the north field? That is our enemies camp. I believe they already here since last month. The only thing I wonder is, what are they planning?"

Luki only had this uneasy feeling that his Domain Sense had been awakening without his knowledge. Everything around here seemed like normal but for some reason, there's more than this. "Raket, are you done?" asked Luki.

The only thing Luki could do was put this feeling aside and focus on the movement from the enemy.


"Captain Marco, you need to hide this fact from them especially the newbie!" said the young girl who covered herself with a veil.

'Why Vice-General Shiho wants to hide her identity and joined the tenth team which is my responsibility? Why me from all people?' cursed Marco from his heart. "Can you tell me the reason? I just need to make something clear. I don't have any intention to disrespect your decision but are you already have permission to do such thing?" asked Marco.

He already had a bad premonition about this but the next sentence from Vice-General confirmed it. "Did you think the permit can instantly appear? I already did that but it just needs time. I hope you will cooperate with me, Captain."

If she was not a vice-general, he would already refuse this request right away. Marco could only blame himself for being unlucky.

Then Marco and now undercovered Shiho walked toward the place where the tenth team was placed. The tenth team was the archer team that stationed on the hill to reconnaissance. "Hey, do you now where Raket go?" asked MArco to one of the soldiers.

"Yes, sir! Raket went to the supply depot. He said that after he collected enough, he would meet with that newbie."

Marco frowned and said, "Where will they meet?" but the soldiers only shook his head. "Sir, I think they are now watching enemies movement." another one replied.

Of course Marco knew where the good spot for watching was. "Captain, just follow me. I already know where they are." said Shiho while pointed her finger to a certain direction.

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