《Kingdom of Earthos》Interlude 2: Mona.


Ten years ago......."Congratulations Mona! You have won the battle royale championship. Step close to your animals", Principal Brown called a petite girl with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes out after a female T rex killed off a spinosaurus and a large bull mastodon.

"Thank you, Principal Brown".

"Call me Sarah. How many times have I told you to just address me by name. Enough with the formalities even in public". Sarah laughed.

Mona laughed along while her friends cheered on as she used her powers to command her animals to merge with her. She had always been a popular girl since she entered high school. Despite being a generally nice person, she had once been involved in bullying for a year when she first became a student in School of the Beast as she did not want her friends to turn on her. A year later her conscience got the better of her and she secretly reported the bullying to Principal Brown.

"Thank you for being honest with me. I will expel all who are involved in the bullying except you".

"Why? I am just as bad as they are?"

"Because you are a good person at heart but you are not getting off that easily. You will be made to do community service in the school and your assignment will be to befriend the girl you have helped the others picked on".

"Thank you, Principal Brown. I will do my best".

"Call me Sarah. From now on if you have any problems just come and see me. I will see to it that the rest are expelled. Don't you worry, I will not tell them anything. On your way".

Mona smiled and left the office and caught hold of the girl she had helped bully using her juvenile pranks. "I am sorry for what I have done for that one year. Will you forgive me?"

"Sure why not. I have hit you back many times now so we are pretty much event. Where are the rest?"


"Principal Brown is probably on her way expelling them. They will be gone from the school by tomorrow but you do not need to fear as from today as nobody will bully you anymore today. I am sorry I never asked you your name".

"Else Emmert but you can just call me Blue. I am from the cyan class ".

"My name is Mona Adams. Just call me Mona. I am from the orange class".

"You look like Dora".

"What a surprise, my mother's name is Dora and she is Spanish. Quick hide". Mona dragged Blue to hide behind the staircase as the people involved in the bullying were walking down the stairs with their things and out of the school grounds. Many of them are from the Violet and Cyan Class and one from the orange class were recognised by the t shirts they were wearing.

"Phew", they both said in unison.

"See you later suckers!" Blue called out just as the bullies reached the gate. They turn to glare at Blue but did nothing. "Don't worry, Mona. They didn't see you. We will compete fair and square but I know the animals I command will never beat yours. What will happen to the animals controlled by the bullies?"

"According to the school rules, you have the option to command them. If you leave them alone, they will become rogue. If you think that is too much feel free to request a battle royale".

"That is exactly what I will do". A battle royale was organised and Blue ended up moving to the orange class after she was able to control the Steppe green bear, spinosaurus, and Mastodon.

"Congratulations. We will now be classmates and best friends for life!" Mona exitedly screamed. Her popularity increased dramatically as Principal Brown called her out for doing the right thing by Blue but she did not tell the school that the former was involved in the gang although it was obvious. It is probably because Mona had a cutesy innocent looking persona which makes people forget her past once she did something good to redeem herself. Her popularity and friendship with Blue also made her best friend popular.


A week after, four students from the Red Class approached both Mona and Blue offering them a contract. "We consider you both worthwhile. So we are going to let you in on our secret.............................."

The popularity of Mona and Blue sky rocketed quickly, however, they refuse to become enemies as they valued each others friendship. Mona eventually dated a rugby player while Blue dated a boy who was expert in fixing computers.

Three years passed quickly and Mona became the champion while Blue became the second runner up. The petite brown haired and brown eyed girl broke up with her first boyfriend before the battle royale while Blue's boyfriend proposed to her. Mona shortly was accepted as a teacher in School of the Beast and she became the most popular teacher there. This was because of her qualifications as a champion in the battle royale and her mastery at communicating and directing her animals. She shortly dated a sports man her age for seven years before calling off the engagement after discovering he was not only cheating on her but he was also a student in the University of Thanatos. A while later she received saw news about the death of her best friend and her husband due to an accident on television and received a letter saying, "You refused to comply with us and now you will pay the price. Watch your back. We have discovered you are not ruthless enough".

Two years later, Principal Brown who had vouched for her to become a teacher in the school was fired and replaced by Pricipal King. Unlike the former, the latter was more ruthless and demanded everyone to call him by his title rather than by name. This situation caused Mona extreme stress which she managed to hide due to her cutesy personality.

This incident happened shortly before students like Eagle and Mads arrived in the school. Both of them were Mona's favourites mainly because Eagle reminded her of her former best friend during high school while Mads reminded Mona of her younger self. She was shortly fired after revealing her ability to turn into a Titanoboa to defend the former.

Mona decided to find a new job that involves travelling. For the past six years, she not only entered a string of relationships but also discovered that the Kingdom of Earthos was only a planet orbiting around a green sun and its citizens were originally from the overpopulated earth (with a similar pop culture) sent by the UN as a few million people mainly from the first world nations (USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Scandinavia, Britain, Neatherlands, Estonia, Finland, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland etc) volunteered to be teleported to the planet now known as the Kingdom of Earthos.

On the 6th year of her discovery while reading a book handed out to her by a citizen from the School of Parádeisos, Mona was attacked by many dark entities sent by Black Thanatos and the students from the Red Class she had made a contract with while in her comfortable home. She thought her life was over until a neon blue eagle arrived and chased them off with its neon blue breathe.

A tall handsome muscular man with blue hair arrived and used his sword to cut these dark entities to pieces. He approached a shivering Mona, offering out his hand after putting away his neon blue sword in a sheath and asked, "Are you alright?"

All Mona could do was nod. Norman took her back to the School of Paradeisos on the back of his eagle after instructing her to cling to him tightly. The neon blue eagle took off rather easily and landed on a field where Blue and her husband were waiting for her much to Mona’s delight.

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