《Kingdom of Earthos》Chapter 11: Two years time skip.


Two years went by quickly, Eagle now 16 had settled for a life as a loser. No girl wanted to go out with him although half the class by that time already had partners. He had, however, gained better control over his internal energy and is able to take command of his three animal friends much better. Jake and Tomi seems to be unseperable and so do Bart and Mads. Ann and her boyfriend were still going strong in their relationship as well and have planned their wedding in two years time. In other words, they both tied the knot early in life. The only thing that had not change was Bob's bad sleeping habits. He would stay up in the wee hours of the night playing video games and sleep the whole morning missing the assembly and lessons.

How did Eagle know all this? He is Bob's flat mate that is basically how he knows it. From time to time, Eagle would wake up in the middle of the knight to drink a cup of water or to go to the toilet only to catch Bob on his video games on his X box which would most likely be a versus game like Takken or Street Fighter as his computer games will be played in his personal room. Eagle had only been in Bob's room once and saw him play World of Warcraft, he eventually got bored and left his flatmate to his own devices. "Would you like to join me for a game of Street Fighter?" This would be Bob's question everytime Eagle came out briefly to do his business. "No thanks, its too late now".

Eagle knew that Bob would play his video games at night because Ann usually took over the tv during the day. It is a wonder that Bob's video games did not wake up the two of them. This is probably because Eagle is a deep sleeper. Ann on the other hand listens to her heavy metal on her i pad which is much louder while wearing ear phones and that drowns out the sound of Bob's video games.


"Hi Eagle, how is it going?" Eagle was once again greeted by Mads as he was came out of his unit at 9;00 a.m. ahead of Ann who was still in her room and Bob who had fallen asleep on the lounge for playing video games the whole night. Today it is the weekend and he had planned to go to the beach nearby as it was a sunny day only to bump into Mads who was already in her pink beachware.

"I can't seem to get away from you. Have you been stalking me as usual?"

"I your dreams but since it is a good weather, would you like to come with me to the beach?"

"That is exactly where I am heading. Where is Tomi?"

"She stayed over at Jake's unit and never came back that night". Mads walked a few steps closer before grabbing Eagle's right wrist with her left hand. "Let's get going".

The beach of Earthos which is the largest beach in the Kingdom of Earthos was only a hundred metres away was crowded and full of people. Therefore, it did not take the teenagers long to reach there. Eagle took off his shirt before taking his green towel out of his bag and laying on the ground using his bag as a pillow.

"I forgot my towel. Can I share yours?" asked Mads.

"Is that a pick up line?" Eagle tried to be sacarstic.

"You are so lame as usual". Mads pushed Eagle aside to make room for herself to share his towel. They were both actually lying under the sun like a couple. Mads lying on Eagle's chest probably stroked his ego at that moment. Eagle placed his left arm around Mads. "No touchy feely, I am dating Bart remember".


"Yeah right", Eagle thought to himself, "I feel like this nice guy who finishes last".

A memory came back to mind. "Don't think that Mads likes you just because she is being good to you. She is just using you either to make Bart jealouse or she just pities you. Not like Bart even cares as he has a life of his own. There is no way a loser like you could steal his girlfriend from him anytime soon".

"If that is the case why do you get so stirred up everytime I attempt to get close to Tomi?" Eagle smirked.

These words were what made him earn a beating from Jake and his friends which gave him bruises for two weeks. This incident happened exactly one year ago. "I never thought I had such a photographic memory".

"Are you alright, Eagle?" Mads who had fallen asleep woke up.

"Did I wake you up?"

"You certainly did, honey" Mads was playing with the strings of Eagle's heart which she had been doing for the past two years. "The upcoming dance party is coming. Hope you are ready. We really need to find you a girlfriend". She was still laying down on his chest and snuggling up to him. "Anyway, lets go to the sea, the waves are coming now. I forgot you don't know how to surf. It works out well for me. In that case you can just continue to enjoy the sun while looking after my stuff".

Mads took her surf board and ran ahead of Eagle to the waters. "What kind of guy am I?" he asked himself watching while his schoolmate was enjoying herself. "She is certainly fun and good company regardless". Eagle pulled Mads stuff closer to himself before falling asleep on with his head on his bag once more. That was when he had a dream once again. A huge neon blue eagle, the size of the legendary roc was flying above him fighting with some dark entities. That eagle was shinning bright blue and riding the back of the eagle was a tall blue haired and blue eyed man with a neon blue sword which could cut through the toughest metal.

"Wake up, Eagle. You are a really deep sleeper aren't you. I have been pushing you for the past ten minutes". He woke up only to see Mads sitting by his side.

"It is like I have been put in a deep sleep before meeting Eve", Eagle joked.

"Yeah right! You moron! Ha ha ha!" Mads punched Eagle in the ribs.

"So what do you believe in?"

"Nothing. I am just a free thinking girl".

Eagle and Mads spent the rest of the day in the beach under the sun was almost down before heading back to their units.

"I had a good time today, Eagle. Thank you for coming with me to the beach. We should do it more often. Bart will be coming over soon. We are going on a date tonight so I have got to change. See you later". Mads who smells of the salty sea water gave Eagle a hug and a kissed on the cheek before heading into her unit without giving Eagle a chance to respond but thats probably the way she is.

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