《One Who Questions》Chapter 6


Walking into town, I saw many races, from the animal humanoids like Xavier to orcs like Hogard. Some of the newer ones like elves and dwarves didn't surprise me particularly. With the tall, slender frames, the elves walked with a natural grace bestowed to there beauty with the few outliers looked more like hogard. I wonder how much do stats influence your body, or are these [Racial Traits] similar mine?

With the dwarves, being no taller than 5'5 with a stocky frame, but my god, were they jack and I mean easily 10% or lower body fat, I noticed they all had on some form of jewelry, pendants rings to bracelets. How in the hell could they fight, wearing any of this was my guess? Even with the city's hustle and bustle and the apparent lack of personal space from the residents. I never lost focus of Hogard or Xavier; more likely, they never allowed me to. With Hogard in the front directing the flow of travel and Xavier in the rear, what felt like whispering into my ear directing me if he ever noticed me about to walk astray from the given path. It was fucking creepy the first time he did it; I almost shat myself. I could even hear the fucker laugh when he saw me jump out of surprise.

After a while of walking, we finally arrived at what I could only say was a guild building or the best word to describe it. There were adventures of all types, taking monster parts out of spatial rings, accepting quests from what looked like computerized quest boards. Being a crystal clear glass suspended in mid-air. Every person I saw looking at the panel was doing similar hand movements, Emilia was doing when she looked at the stars. Are they using there [Status Screen]?

Hogard spoke in a tone, fitting a disciplinary father, "Stop daydreaming! Come upstairs already" I need to stop spacing out. One of these days I'm gonna get hurt, I rushed upstairs, falling behind the orcish brute. As I approached what I could only expect to be the guild masters office. It had no unique lettering above the door, but the doorframe and everything connected to it was extraordinary quality. Compared to some of the visible dust in the surroundings. Xavier snuck up and with one of his claws fully extended into the midpoint of my neck. This time he whispered into my ear, and instead of the friendliness I heard earlier when he laughed every time, he surprised me. He was different, a total shift in demeanor just as before took him over.

"Jack, No games, No Tricks, No Foul play. "Just walk through that door and listen to our captain. Here on out you're playing by our rules and no matter how unfair you believe them to be. Remember this. We're letting you live. As those last words touched my ear, he pushed his claw in deeper, and I could feel skin break and blood flow down my neck


"That's enough Xavier!, you don't have to scare the damn boy to the deaf." He almost shouted the words but restrained himself. Hogard was visibly pissed from the display of "dominance," Xavier was exhibiting. "Yeah, yeah, big guy, I get it. With that exchange of words, Hogard opened the door and guided me in with his eyes.

An elven female was sitting behind the desk. Her facial features were that of a war hero, rugged and tired. On the right side of her face, she had a deep scar running from her eye to chin. Around the eyes, you could tell she faced or saw atrocities in her lifetime. Her age was hard to pinpoint again like Emilia, the aura was that of someone in their elder years, but physical appearance showed someone younger. I couldn't identify the cause, but I knew the system had some part in it.

She spoke. For some reason, my body naturally went into attention, "Jack Talbot, you've met my Intelligence Officer Xavier and Battle Specialist Hogard, I hope they both treated you well." She spoke with a grace that reminded me of the politicians back home. Talking just enough to get the message across and nothing more. I responded with a simple "Yes," looking for an extra chair for me to sit in. I couldn't find one, for again, I was at her attention equal we were not and equals I shall not be treated.

"Good" as she spoke, she organized the piles of papers on her desk onto a neat array of rows. She picked up one and slid it across the table. "This is the contract you will be signing, placing a blood oath on you and with an additional contract of time and space." You should be able to read this since it's inscribed in the [universal language]" "Look this over."

[Jack Talbot] will owe Algasta Guild 75k Platinum with a 1% interest per year and from now until the debt is repaid

5:5 split on all non-sentient based loot, with the loot initial currency value as payment toward original debt.

5:5 split on all sentient-based loot, with the loots initial currency value as payment toward original debt.

Any loot that can not fit into the spatial ring gifted to [Jack Talbot] will be sent to the Guilds Interdimensional Vault. Which at a later point, will be split into 5:5 or any later predetermined splits

Any self-crafted equipment may be kept by [Jack Talbot] at no cost, but if sold to any merchant or private party, half of the total sell value will be transferred to Guild Interdimensional Vault

Algasta Guild will grant [Jack Talbot] full access to all guild facilities while under serfdom

[Jack Talbot] will be treated as a citizen of Algasta and be given all rights afforded to him while under contract

[Time and Space Addition]

Allows for instantaneous transmission of all proceeds of the given type to the given party at any given time or place connected in the omniverse.



5,000 in Platinum for damages to personal property

5,000 in Platinum for damages to government property

20,000 in Platinum reparations to family and friends of the 5,000 deceased.

20,000 in Platinum payment towards guild for protection of town citizens and public services

Do you accept



Reading the contract, I was fucking dumbfounded; this was the most one-sided contract in my life. I don't even know how much 75k Platinum is, but I know damn well it's a lot. I tried to speak, but the Captain interrupted me, "Jack, I hope you remembered what Xavier said to you," It was a vague threat, more of a promise towards me. I steeled my nerves and spoke, "How is all this my fault? Why do I owe you or anyone in this damn town anything? I just came into this world 2 days ago." in my mind, I couldn't understand how I did anything wrong. My mind was racing, trying to figure out how I killed 5,000 people.

"When a [Reborn] is recreated, extremely elevated Qi Mana and PSY levels are gathered in one area, leading to an increase in danger rating for that given zone and any adjacent region."

"The hounds that attack Mr's Emilia and her daughter village came from the Seathra Forest mutated from the storm that created you."

Stunned silence was all I could muster. I stood their lips glued, and eyes locked on to the Captain. As I emptied my mind, she continued to speak.

"Jack, let me tell you something time is a constant no matter when or where you are." her voice started to gain fire as she spoke, and the coldness in her eyes deepened as even the surrounding area began to chill from her presence. "1 month was the duration of your creation, in that period, the town was attacked, citizens were afraid of leaving their homes for fear of the next monster wave to come. "Children without the [Ritual of Maturity] became ill from the extreme waves of Qi, Mana, and PSY rampaging inside and out their body." 8 out of 10 kids would die with the parents following them shortly after because of the grief to overcome them. Thousands of orphans and homeless because with each wave to attack the town, parents, friends, the family would have to sacrifice themselves to protect the one thing they loved.

I wanted to open my mouth and explain my side, but it stayed glued for shame overtook me, for the birth's sin caused the death of thousands. Brother Sisters, Mothers, Fathers, people with hopes, dreams, wishes to come true. All that I swallowed in the Storm of my creation. Even in my death, I create misery. I couldn't even do that right.

A sadness rivaled by the depths of the ocean floor washed over me, irrationally I wept. My soul came unraveled, and it cried to the heavens feeling the pain and grief that was forever engraved into these blood-soaked lands below my feet. Again I saw my body in a 3rd position, kicked from my own body made to be an observer to myself. I stood there shaking with deep sobs escaping my whimpering lips, repeating the same phrase over "I'm sorry, please forgive me." What was I experiencing? Is this me? A part of me? Or something just taking me over? Just as quickly as those questions left my mind, I regained control of my body, and whatever otherworldly power left or more like, receded into me.

"Back to normal, Jacky boy?" rubbing the tears away and letting the last of the shivers go through my body. Responding, "Yeah, just fucking peachy."

"Good, this the 2nd reason you need us" she used her finger, and a chair appeared out of nowhere. "Sit," and so I did. She didn't give a fuck before, but now she did, and so I listened.

"To put it simply, you're broken, The parts that connect you to reality. Mind, Body, and Soul are all disconnected. The only reason you're technically conscious and considered sentient is because of your Spirit holding everything together by the grace of the [System]". Raising her finger before I could interject, "that moment you just had is because of the internal disconnection." We can help you fix it only if you agree to the contract. You probably have 1 month before you go rabid like a crazed cooshee".

My choice was taken, my option to decline null and void. Xavier told me I was playing by their rules. Here I am, a mouse caught by a playful cat. But even a mouse can fight back for only in death should the struggle stop. Or at least that's what I thought...

"I want a 1-year hold on debt repayment changing the loot split to 7:3, the contract states I'll gain access to all guild facilities. I want to be trained in martial arts, taught Qi, Mana, Psy based skills, and, most importantly, how to thrive in this fucked up world." "Right now, a blind, deaf girl could outlive me as I am now."

A minute passed before she spoke, "2-month hold with a 6:4 split, and I can agree to have you trained, but only up to D rank skills; anything further would require compensation."

Inwardly I sneered that the bitch was stingy. She doesn't want me getting comfortable around here; the longer I stay, the more they make off me. I spoke, "Ok… deal," I reached out with my right hand for a handshake with hesitation in my voice. Instead, she extended her right index fighter and poked the tip of mine. In a flash, I felt my finger be cut, and blood dropped onto the document below. Fuck this bitch! Was all I could think as the notification popped in front of my eyes.



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