《One Who Questions》Chapter 5


I thought “Status Screen” might as well see what I’ve improved on

Jack Talbot Race: Human Level: 3 EXP: 74/347

Health: 302.10.50/302.10.50 Stamina: 262.20/262.20 GP Unallocated: 5 QI: 216.43/216.43

QI Efficiency 11% Stats Base Total Modifier GP Unallocation Strength 13 14.82




Constitution 20 22.80




Agility 13 11




Intelligence 13 13




Wisdom 7 11.33




Health regen 18.81 Per Min 18.81 Per Min




Stamina regen 18.81 Per Min 18.81 Per Min




Qi Regen: 15.94 Per Min 15.94 Per Min




New Skills Acquired Skills Level Description Effect {Grappling Mastery} 1


5% Increase in all grappling techniques

(1% increase per level)

{Deception} 1 N/A

5% Increase ability to lie

(1% increase per level)

1% increase in a lie to be perceived as truth

(.2 increase per level)

New Title Acquired Skills Description Effect {Newcomer}

One who earned their right to survival, you have proven your worth to Atherion.

Conflict is Existence.

Survive youngling.

+1 to any stat of your choosing

[Growth Points allow {Jack Tabelot} to increase the natural gain of any stat, with a growth point modifier higher than 0. After each level, the corresponding stat will increase according to the number of growth points invested in the said stat. With 5 points awarded at level 1 and another at 10 and increments of 10 from there with the same adjusted award]

[Awards after level 1 will be suspended until previous awards are assigned]

The increase in stats gave me joy; higher numbers meant a higher chance of survival, and that's all that mattered now. Growth points are unique; it definitely is not like the usually stat point system I was expecting. You can increase any stat, but you have to work for it, no freebies, just a more comfortable ride.

My current strengths when it comes to skills clearly leans to my STR, AGI, CON but when it comes to traits, mainly my 3 original {Questioner},{Human Adaptability},{One who learns} lean towards INT WIS based builds probably more scholarly. Which does fit with my past life of k-12 then some community college. Right now, I need to maximize my current survivability, and that doesn't mean picking sides. Pick the best from each and go from there,

After going through the math and using the dirt on the ground to keep track of it all. I decided to put 1 point into STR, AGI, CON because of the bonus from {Corrupted Qi manipulation} I shouldn't have to worry about lagging in the early game. Still, I definitely need to learn a better Qi manipulation technique; maybe Emila can help; she seemed pretty adept, and she didn't seem like a fighter to me, but she's a tuff one, I can say that. The remainder growth points are going towards INT with the bonus from {Newcomer} giving me a temp +3, but permanent +2 after level bonus is awarded if I read the message correctly. That'll also give me a free +1 in Wisdom right off the bat. With every 2 levels, I'll gain at minimum a reliable 1.33 in Wisdom. For now, that seems low, but that's the best I can do.


Even though I don't know what INT WIS effects. From every war documentary I've watched throughout my life, I learned that a dumb fighter is dead one indeed. Even a berserker isn't some brain dead idiot who goes willy neely in a fight. They follow the flow, adjusting the pace to meet their needs, forcing the opponent to play on their tune—the Wisdom of combat and intelligence to plan for the future. Planning I can do but the experience of combat, I have no chance of getting without having a near-death experience. So what's the next best thing? Analyze every fight I will ever have from now on, look at my flaws and what I could have done better and improved from there.

"Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." - Sun Tzu

For a civilization to exist in this world, there must be non-combat oriented people who deal with the essential duties of life. Merchants to sell wares, blacksmiths to craft armor and weapons, Alchemist to create potions, etc. Why should they care about how strong they can punch, their body flexibility when dogging, how much damage they can sustain from goddamn horned squirrels. The stats have values, but they are not objective but subjective it's how you apply them that matters.

With that thought process, I finally accepted all my changes.

Jack Talbot Race: Human Level: 3 EXP: 74/347

Health: 319.20/319.20 Stamina: 279.30/279.30 GP Unallocated: 5 QI: 232.83/232.83

QI Efficiency 11% Stats Base Total Modifier GP Allocated Strength 14 15.96




Constitution 21 23.93




Agility 14 15.96




Intelligence 16 16




Wisdom 8 13.33




Health regen

19.95 Per Min

19.95 Per Min



Stamina regen 19.95 Per Min 19.95 Per Min



Qi Regen: 17.30 Per Min 17.30 Per Min



+1 to Wisdom, for uncovering a secret of this world.

[Stats do not dictate you, they are you.]

[Grow youngling]

With that, I gained +2 in wisdom for free, the system rewards for actually thinking things through. "Hell Yeah!" I screamed into the sky, for my joy had no bounds. All I can do is wait on Emilia now. With my current stats, I wonder how the[Horned Squirrel] and [Bark Viper] would match up now? Looking into my memories fading the outside world out, I got ready for Round 2.

As I left my dream-like state, guessing I could think around 2-3 hours passed. I really wonder what type of world this is. That first message saying strength and ingenuity were kings, and all else will fail. Sounds so damn somber; what kind of world introduces a new resident with something like that. The first day here, I ended up killing 2 monsters, losing control of my body, saving Emilia and Emily with 2 near-death experiences both time, and here I am with all my marbles counted, maybe a few lost.

As those thoughts crossed my mind, I started looking towards the town. I could vaguely see two men coming my way and at incredible speeds. One of them was fucking flying while the other seemed to be gliding on the ground with frictionless speed. I activated {Corrupted Qi Augmentation}, not believing the sights I was seeing. A green Orc male on a bastard sword was riding the waves of the air around him. Like a surfer but instead of going with the flow, he was the flow, and the air moved to his command, with the second figure below him being a humanoid Wolf with Jet black fur covering his entire body. It wasn't until they got closer did I finally figure out his means of movement. He was using the ground to move his body; with each stride of his leg, the earth moved and propelled him forward. I could feel the slight tremors in the ground enter from my feet then travel up my spine. It was then {Corrupted Qi Augmentation} turned off, and I was emptied out. Empty with two compelling strangers coming my way. I was fucked.


As they closed in, the Orc screamed, "Are you, Jack!" still hovering motionless in the air. I stammered my reply, "Ye-Yeah, I am why?" trying my best to convey some ounce of confidence. Then the Wolf-Man screamed at the Orc, "Stop being an ass Hogard, get down from up there" he then looked my way and spoke again "Our Captain sent us to retrieve you, from our report, you saved Mrs. Emila and her daughter Emily from an [Bark Viper], is that correct?". I just looked for a second, stunned by the wolf-man appearance, being a clean 6 feet tall with a maw that could easily crush my head. I came back to my senses and answered, "Yes, that's right. I helped Emila and Emily, their village was attacked by a pack of elemental hounds, and that's what led to them fleeing here", pointing towards the city behind them, but they didn't turn to look but instead kept constant eye contact with me.

"Ok Great" in a swift shift of demeanor, the Wolf-Man eyes became daggers, and I could literally feel my heart skip a beat and a dull pain radiant front that spot outwards. He then spoke, "Why are you here, specifically Atherion? What brought you to this town? And finally, am I going to have to kill you today Jack Talbot" Each question was laced with killing intent for the first time in my life. I could feel what it meant when another "person" really wanted you dead and had the means and will to do it. How the fuck did they know I wasn't from atherion? I couldn't fight these guys even if I tried a damn snake, and the squirrel almost killed me, and these fuckers were bending the elements. I felt inept fucking useless, some badass hero I am.

"I don't know," the words barely escaped my glued lips. "I died in my bed alone, and next thing I know, I was being thrown into this world to carry {Huaminities Torch}" My body started to involuntarily shake, but my eyes didn't waver. I wouldn't let them win; this was all I had, and I wouldn't throw it away. "I'm an innocent man and have no ill intent to you or anyone here."

Hogard, while leaning against his bastard sword planted into the ground, spoke, "So is he telling the truth, Xavier?"

"Yeah, we're all good; the kid might be a wuss, but he's not lying even the last part" the wolf started laughing to himself; guess my little speel was corny as fuck. He spoke again, "Go ahead, give him the clothes and equipment."

Hogard started to walk toward me, and my god was this man, a beast in humans form. He walked toward me, him being a comfortable 6'9 in height and a pair of thick protruding tusks. I could only imagine his body was chiseled from the neck down with the amount of steel armor he was wearing, only proving his physical prowess to the naked eye. The strangest thing was that as he moved, one would think he would be loud with all the heavy armor, but no, it was absent. It was as if the very sound wasn't being deafened but disappearing into the air as he walked. {Air Mastery} came into my mind as I saw his hand extended toward me. I raised my hand, and a ring was dropped into my hand. Confused, I looked at the two men.

Xavier spoke, seeing the confusion on my face "That ring your holding is a spatial ring, infuse your Qi into it and bring out the clothes.

Doing as he said, I tried to direct my Qi into the small metallic ring. Having to control my Qi flow was difficult. I've always just let it out for skills, but now it's like trying to ride a bike with a flat tire while missing the entire front wheel. Did I mention I was on backward? I finally got it in there, but when I was done, I was sweating profusely. Embarrassed, I kept my mouth shut; inside the ring was a clear 10m cube—plenty of space for basic necessities. I pulled out the clothes, which consisted of a full set of leather gear and two copper bracelets. No weapons, though, that sucks.

Getting dressed and ready, I turned towards the two men, and Xavier spoke, "Now let's go, our captain is waiting and us bringing back a [Reborn], what a blessed day indeed."

With that, Hogard pushed his bastard sword before it could touch the ground; it started levitating. He stood upon the sword and told me to sit. I did as told, then in 2 seconds, we went 0-60. At first, I almost flew off, then by some literal magical force, my butt became glued to the seat with my legs dangling off the sword's side. The wind passed my face like a cool breeze, not matching our proper speed. In 10 mins we arrived at Algasta town gates, looking more like an encampment slowly expanded outward. Some places were extra fortified and expanded upon while specific land plots are more patches rushed in to secure ground. The city was alive and bustling as I peered below. As I hopped off the sword and my feet reached the ground. Three questions popped into my mind.

How did he know my full name?

What exactly is a [Reborn]?

Did I just walk into a BIG ASS Trap?

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