《One Who Questions》Chapter 7


Rage fueled me. "You conniving bitch!" "We had a deal change the fucking contract now!" I roared with fire in my lungs, but she was unmoved, giving me no thought. I wasn't even a threat to her; my existence was of ant to a lion. Still not rattled in a fury, I spewed profanity from my mouth. She finally spoke

"What's done is done, welcome to [Deceived Gods]" she tapped her finger on the desk, and somehow both Hogard and Xavier knew precisely when to walk into the office.

"Yes, Captain," they said in unison.

"Take the boy to the barracks, make sure he gets a shower; he smells like shit" with a dismal of her hand, she waved.

I was a fucking mouse, and I got played. Fuck this bitch! Fuck the Green skinned brute and this fucking Black hair dog. Rage was all I felt; I jumped towards the blonde-haired bitch. I couldn't even move as the ground below my feet glued me in motion.

This time it was Hogard that spoke, "Jack, watch what you do from now on" as he talked, he walked to my front in slow, precise movements. The killing intent radiating off him made all the rage in me dissipate. For again, I must learn my place in this cruel world.

Then he spoke, "We are the Arshlan and you the olz," he raised his hand, and he flicked my forehead. My neck snapped, and I could feel every vertebra shatter one by one until all the feeling in my body left me. I was immobilized as my body awkwardly slumped over, still glued to the floor. No sense, no pain, no nothing, I desperately tried to move my body but nothing; I couldn't even hyperventilate even my mouth was frozen. Cold deep fear washed over me. I was going to die here. Then a feeling similar to [Purify] washed over me and the shattered vertebrae in my spinal cord repaired.

In a deep, menacing voice, Hoggard spoke, "Remember the sin you bear for the 5,000 lives you took from everyone here on this land we call home".

"Trash like you don't deserve our mercy."

He turned to the elven captain and bowed, "I'm sorry for my outburst, any punishment you deem appropriate, I will humbly accept."

"It's ok, Hogard, we all understand, go take a breather" Looking towards Xavier, "Can you take care of this? Tonight tab is on me".

With a joyous smile, rubbing his paws greedily, he accepted the request, "Yes, my dearest captain, don't have to worry."


My feet were unglued, and I followed Xavier; each step was empty, for this is my new world.




I could feel a spark of flame ignite within my newly unraveled soul, for even the great depths of my very being could not stop the warmth that coursed through my body.

4 hours have passed since I left the captain's office. I've showered, ate, and now have a place to stay all "free" of charge. My room is pretty basic, with a window, wooden bed, and a desk in the corner with a regular mirror on the wall next to it. While in those four hours, I learned how currency conversion works.

100 Bronze = 1 Silver

100 Silver = 1 Gold

100 Gold = 1 Platinum

I've been thinking of the quickest ways to earn money and continue to grow in strength. My basic needs are being taken care of, so the cost is zero. I've been wracking my brain over how to connect my broken selves into one part; nothing came to mind. I wanted to save my [One who questions] skill when I really need it, like before when I saved Emila and Emily. But fuck it increased cooldown. Here I come.

Activate [One who questions]

Use all of Qi, all of my Stamina, and ¾ of total health.

I know the amount given is insane, but I need this question to count. The answer needs to be perfect or close enough.

How can I gain access to Qi, Mana, PSY? Specifically, connect my three selves with my spirit?

Almost every one of my bars became empty in an instant. As I feel my strength fade, my body weakens, and my breaths shorten. I felt aches and pain that shouldn't exist; raspy breaths rattled my lungs. And the slow sensation of losing consciousness moved in and out of my mind. I just had to wait for the answer that would come. I shall listen, and I shall receive.

[All answers come from within]

{"Knowing others is intelligence;

knowing yourself is true wisdom.

Mastering others is strength;

mastering yourself is true power."]

What type of bogus new age answer is this. Is it always this vague in answering. One thing I can say is it has to be true. I ask a question, and it answers those rules. Looking back at the time I had an out of body experience, was I really out of my body. Inward out view is what I was thinking. I need to go in to fix what's out. So I closed my eyes and did as such. I cleared my mind and slowed my breath. The inner stillness was what I achieved, as my mind became quiet, body loosened, and breathing fluid. The world and I became one.


I entered my inner world, and as I opened my astral eyes. I saw a world with almost no color and a void of form, of depth or distance. But even then, a tiny black ball so far down it was nothing more than a speck floating on a greyish water pool caught my eye. From the collection of water, small particles of light emerged from who knows what. Trying it's best to rise into its surroundings and expand but did nothing more than fall deeper into the endless abyss that was my body. I didn't know what that was, but I knew that I needed to be there emotionally. With no conscious decision on my own, my body decided the fastest way to get there was to drop straight down. As I fell towards the abyss, the anxiety that carved itself into my body faded. Peace was what held me, and security is what I crave. I was an infant longing for his mother to come and pick it up. I could feel a connection from inside me, something I should have always had. The closer I was to the grey pool, the slower my descent became as my head was mere feet away from the pool's surface. The world flipped, or maybe I did; nevertheless, I was now standing on the liquid as if it was dead or as if my very presence wasn't enough to disturb it's resting. No ripples were insight. As I caught sight of the black ball, my heart raced, and my legs quickened for each step. I was so close to my goal. As I grasped the ball in my hands, I cried for a wave of emotions I could not face. I regret leaving behind my old world, the hurt I couldn't face, so instead, I ran. Hoping for the next day to be better instead of fixing what was happening now. This time it will be different, no, I promise it will. This place has given me another chance. You are me, I let down, and you have supported me even now and back then.

I grabbed the small black ball and used the small amounts of Qi it was producing. I channeled it to my astral like body's legs and pushed up with all my force. Grabbing for nothing, looking for nothing, I just wanted to escape this abyss of nothingness. I needed to expand its light; as I moved through the dark abyss, I screamed for nothing more than the power to continue. I felt the rush of energy enter my body, and again I pushed up. I grabbed for a ledge that shouldn't exist, but out of sheer dumb luck or the orb's help, one came into being. I climbed using everything I had at my disposal. The physical pain I experienced outside was nothing compared to this now. The astral body I had was being forced down by some unknown force to STOP to ACCEPT what I was dealt with in life. All the hardships, all the pain, and misery that comes with it is what I deserve, is what I need. I felt disgusted from the pits of my stomach rise and rage to use it as fuel. Whoever, Whatever was telling me I deserved this. That we deserve this! was fucking wrong; I need better WE DESERVE BETTER, and I won't stop even it means having to carve it into my very existence. Now I see what that answer from before meant what my skill description was mentioning. This is the will of existence in its truest colors!

All the Qi being produced from the small orb I pushed towards my body, utilizing my knowledge and experience, maximize my usage. A blue light stream was coming down from somewhere even higher than where I originally came from. I knew that was my goal. I dispersed the rest of the Qi into our legs, and with no hope or faith in our hearts but an unbreaking will, we grabbed with a free hand the blue stream coming from above and connected the two. With that wave of energy expanded, filling in the void, and my astral form was knocked out of the world of my creation.

Status Screen New Skills Acquired Skills Level Description Effect {Meditation 1

Harmonizing one’s internal world allows one to delve deeper into the truth of your very being,

Increase all Regens by 10%

(.5% increase per level)

{Corrupted Qi Manipulation}

Changed to

{Corrupted Dantain Manipulation}


Expanding into the realm of gods, you have attained the first step towards the divine.

A gods fate is there own and no others

Increase Str, Agi, Con by 10%

Increase Qi Efficiency by 10%

Increase Qi Regen by 10%

(1.5% increase per level)

New Established Foundations Foundation Effect Low-Stage Root Realm Foundation Establish

Increase Qi Storage by 40%

Increase Str, Agi, Con by 20%

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