《Spirit Mage》End First Arc - Chapter 9: The Conclusion


Vaan begins his move by using one of his magic in order to test out his opponent ability and also to create an opening to strike back. But the Oni guy manages to avoid Vaan’s fireball magic and then rush to the front and close the gaps between him and Vaan, Vaan has realized that his opponent only using bare hand combat but also at the same time is enhanced using some sort of magic to increase the damage that dealing. Vaan can only defend himself from that combination attack, and he has been pushed to the end of the stage when he realizes the Oni guy tries to corner him at the end of the stage Vaan quickly use another magic that he learns which is the flame enhancement on his body and also the weapon. The Oni guy stops the combination attack because the fire defenses that Vaan creating around his body.

Learned Flame Armour

Seeing his enemy has stopped from attack, Vaan quickly escapes the corner and then take his time to regain his breath. He realizes that he has mastered a new fire magic, and he intended to use this skill to gain an advantage in battle, Vaan begins his attack and swing his sword and in the same time cast multiple fireball attacks. Vaan battle style seems reckless, but it began to show a good effect because his enemy can’t seem to read his movement and predicate what Vaan will do next, after an exchange of the blows and attack, Vaan finally manages to hit at the stomach of that guy. Vaan quickly tries to continue his attack but then his action being stopped by a kick to his face and send Vaan to fly few feet away from Oni guy, Vaan seems to be injured from that kick and his head become fuzzy due to that kick.

Vaan try to focus but he can’t because of the impact to his head, now Vaan is in great disadvantage to fight and his enemy doesn’t seem to willingly let Vaan recover from that stage and Oni guy attack Vaan direct to Vaan’s stomach with hard hit and full strength. The princess who seeing that match begging to the king to stop the match but Vaan’s father said that is no big deal to Vaan and Vaan can handle that kind of situation. Listen to Gaia word, Virtie prays for Vaan victorious and protection.

On the arena, Vaan began to stand again on his foot, the crowd cheer for the spirit Vaan show in the match. Vaan is almost out of energy in his body and mind so he decides that he will finish this battle with the final attack using all of his might. Vaan is focusing all his power to his sword and then take a stance to use Iai skill, knowing what will come to the Oni guy charge up his hand with the lightning element and the ground is starting to shake because the amount of mana that being gather around his hand is quite large. People who watched the fight know this will be the last moment to decide the winner, because of the all of them keep silent and wait for the result.


In flash Vaan and the Oni man disappear from crowd eyes then appear again after a short moment, did not know what happen they try to check if something changes during that clash between those two people. They can see Vaan’s sword is broken in the middle and his mouth is bleeding and on the other hand the Oni man seem to be uninjured after the clash, Vaan seem has lost his conscious and fall down after few second and the Oni man fall to his knees and seem to be taking damage from Vaan attack. The king has stopped the match after knowing the result of the battle, on his order the medic team coming into the arena and brings all the fallen contested to get aid and treatment. The king has declared that the winner will be presented tomorrow at the end of the day of the festival, the princess rush toward the treatment room to see Vaan because she scares if something happens to her lover.

At the treatment room, the doctor explains to the princess that Vaan condition is not in danger because this is not a match to dead. Her face began to show some smile and glad that nothing bad happens to Vaan. When Vaan open his eyes, he can see the smile of the princess as the first thing to be seen.

“Sorry, I made you worry about me,” says Vaan.

“It fines, as long as nothing happens to you.”

“So what is the outcome of that match, did I lose?”

“Yes, the man with a mask is strong, but you manage to give him a good fight and that is cool.”

“Really, I hope to win but it can’t help.”

Vaan closes his eye and starts to sleep because of strain from that match hit his body, the princess leaves Vaan alone and returns to her father and mother side. The end of the battle is the end of the second day of the festival. Gaia goes to the treatment room and takes Vaan back to the house with him, during the walk Vaan’s father praise him to put a good match in the tournament. At home, the king and his family have returned to the castle because they have something to do and Vaan can’t even say goodbye to the princess but he knows that they will meet again in other days in future. Back to his room, Vaan starts thinking that he still can improve his strength and skill and today match has taught him that outside of the city there are many strong and skillful people that can match with his father. That match has to make Vaan feel eager to become stronger in the future and will not be defeated to the same person again before he sleeps, Vaan took a sneak peep into his status and it seems that he has become quite stronger from the last time he checks his status.


Vaan Aluster (11)




Str – 100

Vit – 82

Int – 60

Agi – 71

Lck – 20

Hp - 230 Mp – 140


Fire Magic Lv1

Light Swordsman Lv3

Spirit Bond Lv2

*Last day of festival*

Today is the day to celebrate the end of the festival in town; the entire winner will be granted a present and also money for their effort during the contest. But the winner of the tournament is nowhere to be found in the town, according to old townsfolk that mysterious guy also doing the same thing during the last tournament come and join then gone when it’s time to receive the gift. Vaan wanted to meet again with that Oni man, but it seems he can’t do it as he wishes but he knows that someday they will meet again in someplace other than here.

Few days after the festival ends, Vaan head to the forest in order to train his body and also improve his battle skill and so on. First, he is doing the magic practice, based on his status he only needs one more spell in order to level up the fire magic of him. After few hours of thinking and experimenting with how to learn and create a new magic suddenly a voice from Varias sound inside Vaan’s head.

“It seems you have a problem with magic.”

“Yeah, it hard for me to learn or make a new spell, do you have any idea?”

“Well, how about you copy other magic but change it into your specialty.”

“Copy other magic, umm I can think of several examples of magic from other.”

“How about the mask guy magic you just fight, he looks like using magic to improve his bare hand punch.”

“Magic at hand thanks, Varias. You have helped me once again.”

“It is my pleasure to grant you any wish you desire.”

Slowly focus his magic into his palm, and Vaan slowly imagines the technique that Oni man use during his battle. After the amount of magic is reach the max output, Vaan quickly punches a big tree in front of him and without feeling any resistance from the tree it not only spilled in half but also has burn effect inside the tree. It was a successful experiment using magic Vaan’s face quickly change to big smiley face after realize that his new spell is a successful one and can give a great effect and also damage to the target. But he also realizes that the amount of mana requires using that new spell is very high demand so he can’t repeat using that spell as per wish.

Learned Flame Impact

You have learned 5 spells

Fire Magic has reach Lv2

Relationship with Varias has increase

Effectiveness of combined power is increased

Vaan takes a short rest in order to let his body adjust to the new spell and level up he got, but he still has many unanswered questions in his mind. Vaan falls to sleep because of tiredness after practice and learns spells. Vaan knows that his new life and adventure just begin and after this, he will experience and also found a new companion and also new story. But for now, he just takes a break and will enjoy his second life in the fantasy world like this, and this kind of world has been the old self-dream that he most wanted.

Return to his house, Vaan is greeting by his father who seems to be waiting for Vaan to return home.

“Come here son; let’s have a talk with me first before dinner.”

“Yes, father, what you have today?”

“Well not long after this we will have your 15th birthday celebration and I have invited many important people to come. The main event of that day is you will give a speech.”

“What, how come I will give a speech to those guests, father you must be joking.”

“Just imagine them as a vegetable then you will be fine my son. Before I forgot, after that your mother and I will send you to the city of Vismuld and you will live there until the graduation from a certain place.”

Vaan can’t find a word to express what he has in his mind because all of this news has suddenly come to him like a waterfall and he can’t seem to adapt to the situation now. Vaan looks at his mother, but she only waves her hand to show that she can’t oppose Vaan’s father decision this time. Knowing that his father is serious about this talk, Vaan bows his head and just agree with his father decision this time.

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