《The Big Red Button》Chapter 9: Hand Me Downs


My apology for there being no chapter last week!

Author’s Note: Writing this directly after posting chapter 8, so I have less creativity than I usually do. Apologies in advance. I’m also using a new keyboard, so there might be mistakes caused by the difference, please point them out. Please rate this story so I can improve it.


“So what should I name you?”, Azad said to the rabbit sitting on his head.

Azad wanted to name it something cute but cool at the same time, but he wasn’t sure he knew any names that fit that description. Maybe something like Snow, to match the color of its fur. No, that’d be too lazy. He needed something better. Maybe the rabbit had an opinion it could share.

“You got any ideas on what I should call you? If not, I might just be lazy and call you thumper.”

The rabbits only reply was to sniffle at him in a confused manner.

“Guess not.”

Azad was stumped for some time before he just decided to stick with a random name he thought of.

“Fuck it, I’ll call you Blair. Short and easy to say, while also sounding kinda cool.”

Azad thought it was good enough and the rabbit didn’t seem to care so he figured it was decided.

“Well Blair, good to have you!”

Blair replied by thumping Azad’s head lightly with one of its feet.

It was getting dark so Azad re-heated the water and went back to sleep. When he awoke Blair was still on his head, asleep. It was close to day so he decided to set out early. He woke Blair, who was upset at their early rise, and reluctantly stepped out of his little natural bath.

“I really will miss this pond, maybe I’ll come across it again sometime?”


With these words, Azad started walking once again with his new companion. At least for a few hours before he came across a wonderful sight for someone stranded in the middle of nowhere for weeks; A road!

“Oh sweet mercy of George, thank you! Please don’t let this be an abandoned mountain trail or something! I know were in the middle of a field, but knowing my luck, anything’s possible.”

Azad hesitated for a brief moment to decide which way he should go, but made his decision and started walking down the right path, as he was right handed.

The dirt road didn’t look recently used, but that didn’t damper Azad’s excitement. He walked the road for hours before coming across what looked to be an old cart. It was beat up and broken, but it didn’t look old.

“Well this spells trouble”, Azad said checking his surroundings for clues of people. “Oh, what’s this?”

What Azad had found was what looked to be a blood trail, leading down the way he was going along the road.

“Well I guess I’ll run across something interesting later. Before we go chasing after possibly injured people, let’s check the cart for anything useful.”

Azad began rummaging through the broken cart, but all he found was a sack and a pair of old pants. While most would consider this garbage, Azad found it t be a life saver. He had been naked for the entirety of this journey and was losing his shame, something he didn’t want to lose if he was going to live near people once again.

“It’s a bit big for me, but if I get a belt, it’ll work just fine. Well, that’s all there was in the cart, let’s go.”

With this Azad began following the trail of blood, in hopes of finding someone.

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