《The Big Red Button》Chapter 10: Noble Steed


Author’s Note: So I got the week off from school so I had a bit more time on my hands to write chapters. I still had homework to do.


As Azad went down the road, the blood trail got harder to see, so he assumed that the injured person was getting better as they continued on. Eventually, the blood trail stopped all together, which left Azad confused on what to do. If the person had stopped bleeding and continued on the path, maybe they stopped for a break eventually? Or, fearing that whatever had harmed them was following, they might have gone off the road in hopes of losing it.

Azad doubted it was the latter, as it would be easy to track something in this open plain. Thinking this, Azad continued down the road. It wasn’t long until he ran across something once again, but it wasn’t what he thought it would be.

“What is that? Is it a horse or something? It looks too big to be a regular horse.”

What Laid on the side of the rode was what looked to be a massive horse. Kind of like those giant breeds that have a lot of hair near their hooves. Azad didn’t know any specifics on the breeds of horses though, so he wasn’t really sure. It looked like a big horse in Azad’s opinion though, so that’s what he was going to call it.

“Should I approach it? It looks injured, so it might be the thing I’ve been following. It might be too weak to try and defend itself, but that could also mean that it’s going to be super aggressive. An injured animal backed into a corner, was it?”

While Azad was pondering his situation, the horse had noticed his presence and lifted its head to look. While it did see him, it didn’t seem to care and laid its head back on the ground, as if excepting what was to come.


“Well, I guess it’s fine to approach. I hope at least”

Azad began to slowly approach the beast of a horse, and kneel down next to it. Once again it didn’t seem to try and threaten him in any way. Azad was still cautious, so he very slowly placed his hand on I’s head, trying to pet it.

“So your just fine with me petting you? Not gonna try and run or anything like that? If you let me do my thing, I can probably heal you. You fine with that?”

The horse turned to look at him and just stared for a few seconds before nodding. Azad was surprised, but not as much as when Blair had nodded at him.

‘What am I, an animal whisperer?’

Getting permission from the horse, he looked towards the wound. It looked to be a large slash across its side. It didn’t look like it was by a claw or bite, so Azad concluded that it was probably a sword that did it. It’s fantasy, so why wouldn’t there be swords?

“I’m gonna try and heal you, so just sit still, I haven’t done this on another living thing. I don’t want to give you tumors or something.”

Azad began to slowly pour his mana into the wound. It took a bit of force because of the horse’s mana resisting his mana a bit but it quickly gave in to his mana and allowed him to heal the wound. Azad took the healing slow just to be safe, and spent about 10 minutes healing the horse before the wound had closed, leaving a bald spot on the side of the horse.

“There, all done! Be careful though, while I have healed the wound you still lost a good amount of blood. Take it easy, okay?”


Not heeding Azad’s words, the horse got up and proceeded to run off the road and into the plains.

“hey, wait! Where are you going!? I told you t take it easy!”

The horse was fast, so Azad began to boost himself with magic so he could chase after it, but it was still a little faster than him.

“Wait! I don’t want to lose sight of the road! Wait god damn it!”

Azad’s shouting was useless, and the horse kept running. The chase lasted a few minutes longer before the horse stopped.

“Finally! Why did you run off like that!? What if you had tired yourself out and collapsed! I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it!”

The horse continued to ignore Azad and leaned over and began drinking from something. It was then Azad finally noticed that the horse had stopped at a pond to get a drink.

“How the fuck did you even know this was here? And did you really need to run here? Could you have not just walked here? Be more careful with your body, geez!”

Azad was annoyed at the horse, but not enough that he didn’t notice how weird it was for him to lecturing a horse about taking care of its body.

Eventually, the horse seemed satisfied with its liquid intake and stopped drinking.

“Are you done now? Good, let’s go back to the road so I can start actually getting somewhere.”

Azad turned towards the direction he remembered coming from and started walking, but was stopped by something tugging at his loose pants. He turned around to see the horse with his pants in its jaws, attempting to tug him back.

“What? What do you want?” Azad asked the horse.

The horse started tugging harder, then stopped and crouched down, tilting its head towards its back.

“Wha… You want me to ride you or something?”

The horse nodded.

“Okay, I’m tired of walking anyways”

With this said, Azad climbed on the horse’s back after he had gotten comfortable, the horse stood up and began walking back to the road. Once it reached the road it began trotting down the way it was originally headed.

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